Cover Your Family With This Prayer

Many of the most important lessons God will teach us will come out of the adversities of family life. During a battle with bullying, my daughter clung to Ecclesiastes 9:10, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.” (NIV) Through her trials, she chose to focus on working hard with the gifts God has blessed her with. Lessons from my 10-year-old. God is not a God of coincidence. We can learn the most about who God created us to be from the people He places in our families.
A pastor at my church recently preached, “You can’t really prove what’s there, but you can show it.” Esther 4:14 immediately came to mind. Watching my child get bullied was painful. I doubted my ability to guide her through it. But He was faithful to remind me, “For such a time as this.” As Esther was made queen, I was made “mom.” You were made “dad …brother …husband …grandpa …sister, aunt …and so on. Let’s take hold of these truths today and pray for the role each of our family members has been blessed by God to live.
A Prayer for Your Family
Praise You for placing us purposefully in our families. In the midst of this year’s seemingly endless winter, the skies seem permanently tainted gray. The leaves refuse to return to the trees, and the sweet sound of birds have been drowned out by the roaring North wind that has shifted the shoreline. Life can feel like this, Father. Especially, within our families. Friendship is somewhat of a choice, but the house we are born into is not.
We all enter the world screaming at our surroundings. Some babies are met with love and an immediate home, but others of Your precious children are abused, abandoned, or neglected. Gray skies linger longer. The wind roars life’s harsh realities straight into sweet faces that have no control over their circumstances. But Father, You are good, even when we don’t understand or see.
Amidst the raging winter that’s left us frozen and picking up the pieces, suddenly green grass is emerging regardless. Buds that have had no sunshine to reach for are breaking though the frozen soil. Birds are nesting in wreaths and mailboxes. Spring isn’t obvious this year, but it’s happening. Your goodness is not always obvious to us. Especially when injustice befalls the innocent. When our families succumb to the throws of bullying, addiction, abuse, and the plethora of temptation and sin that we are immersed in. Yet, through it all, You are there. Bringing life out of the darkness …hope from frozen earth. What seems impossible to us, is who You are. Always.
Thank You for reminding us of Your mercy, compassion, and love for us. Thank You for the family we embrace today, whether it be estranged or at peace. Thank You for the hearts that raised us, whether blood related or called to step in. Thank You for each day of life that we wake reminded of Your purpose, charge, and call to pass down the hope of Jesus.
Thank You for the deep peek we get into the hearts and souls of our family members. Being so close to their triumphs and trials allows us the opportunity to reach up in prayer for them so specifically. Our lives serve as a witness to those that live within our walls. Oh, Lord, may we never neglect the power of influence You have on our families through our lives.
Many of us embrace a family life that is broken, blended, duck taped together, or hanging on by a thread. Thank You for meeting us where we are in life and blessing us anyway. May Your just hand be over new or changing circumstances with peace and understanding. Bless our families to honor and glorify You, regardless of their make-up.
Allow us the perspective to see social media as a stage to applaud each other for the smiles we proudly display as small victories in a fight that we know, behind the scenes, does not look like so shiny on a daily basis. Enable us with compassion to cheer each other on and share our struggles in a way that builds each other up and makes us feel like a part of the much larger, family of believers we are a part of.
The world is astute to remind us of the injustice and unfairness that runs rampant in this world. For the parents struggling to say goodbye to their child, today, we pray especially for the comfort and hope that can come only from You, Father. For families that are bunkered down with her kids as the threat of violence wages outside, and still more that are hungry, alone, homeless, addicted. We pray that Your healing hand of comfort be on these situations, today and always.
Jesus, with Your healing hand and gift of grace, search our hearts and direct our steps. Give us the clarity to see with Your perspective, the work to be done in our families and beyond. Help us to be obedient, merciful, and encouraging. Bless our immediate families as well as those that brush up against, border, or cross our paths. Open our ears to hear You, and to see how we may be an extending hand of hope in Your glorious name.
In Jesus’ Name,
Meg Bucher (Megs) writes about everyday life within the love of Christ on her blog, Her passion is to encourage others to seek Him first. A stay-at-home mom, freelance writer and blogger, Bible study teacher, and children’s worship team leader, faith in action is an important priority. She resides in Ohio with her husband of ten years, two dancing daughters, and their Golden-doodle.
Photo Credit: Thinkstock
Originally published April 23, 2018.