Displaying Strength and Taking Action
“If we are fully given to knowing Christ intimately, not only will we enjoy His presence, but also we will gain spiritual strength for whatever the future holds! The key, therefore, to living victoriously in the last days is not knowing timetables, but knowing God. Daniel foretold that, in the midst of worldwide distress, those who 'know their God will display strength and take action' (Daniel 11:32). From a position of knowing the heart and nature of God, in the midst of great difficulties we will 'display strength and take action.'" Francis Frangipane
Dear intercessors,
The King James Version of this verse says that God’s people will do great exploits. The definition of exploits in the Dictionary is: “a heroic act, a deed of renown, a great or noble achievement.” This is what we must pray for in the Church. The Church of Jesus Christ will take action, do noble achievements and heroic acts for God that shall be known worldwide! But it starts in prayer. The governmental center of the world is in the prayer room. God’s power is released through individual and corporate intercession. What a weapon for the Church! There are three realities mentioned here for the Church:
- Know God - We will know God in spiritual intimacy.
- Be strong - We will be strong in spirit to stand victoriously against evil.
- Do exploits - We will do great exploits and experience the power of God.
In looking at our spiritual foundation, one of the most important truths that we must individually know is that God loves us deeply. We must know our identity in Christ. We are lovers of God and are deeply loved by Him. This will keep us strong and stable during difficult times. This will give us the confidence we need to do great things for God. Although many believers do not have this knowledge in their heart because of past wounding, spending time in the presence of God can make it “real” personally. When we are alone in an atmosphere of praise, worship, and prayer, then we can hear from God more clearly.
Daniel needed to know God’s love personally. He sought the Lord in a 21-day fast (Daniel 10:2-3), got a vision from God (Daniel 10:5-6), lost strength because of the vision (Daniel 10:8-10), and then received a word from the angel Gabriel. He was told that he was greatly beloved and highly esteemed by God three times (Daniel 9:23; 10:11, 19).
Wouldn’t that dramatically affect your life if an angel told you that?
And yet, God wants to affirm each one of us as well. Many times I have gone into the secret place with God when I was struggling with a personal issue and have come out with the assurance of God’s love and concern for me. It is there, in that secret place dedicated to prayer, that we can hear the affirmation from our Father. We must know that God loves us because it will be our strength in hard times. Because Daniel knew in his heart that he was loved and highly esteemed by God, he was able to rise up in strength and do mighty things for Him. He stood up renewed in his spirit (Daniel 10:11).
We all feel the need to be loved and have a bigger purpose outside of ourselves. A visitation from heaven calling you beloved of God would change your life. It would give you an inner strength that would affect everything you do for God. You would become bold and fearless in knowing that God was on your side and highly esteemed you. You would have an inner peace that no storm could destroy.
Daniel had that kind of foundational strength.
It is time for us to align ourselves with God’s heart for us personally and corporately. As the Church of Jesus Christ, let’s build our foundational strength and receive the revelation that we are the “beloved” of God in our personal lives, our churches, and our city. When we truly have this revelation, we will praise Him from the depths of satisfied souls. We will want to be worshippers of God.
God desires that prayer and praise permeate every nation. We must align ourselves with heaven in order to see the powers of darkness broken over our cities and see revival break out. If all the Christians in a city knew their personal identity in Christ, they would be a powerful force in that area against the powers of darkness.
Through developing intimacy with God, we shall do mighty exploits for God’s Kingdom. Jesus is our model who continues to govern through prayer and reaches the nations through intercession (Hebrew 7:25). Let’s strengthen our foundation and align our lives with Him.
This is a free gift for you to help you live victoriously and display strength during times of difficulty: 7 DYNAMIC PRAYERS & 20 POWERFUL KEYS TO LIVE JOYFULLY IN DIFFICULT TIMES. You can access it HERE.
Join us in Athens, Greece in November, 2017 for 30 days of 24/7 Worship and Prayer in the Spirit of the Tabernacle of David. Come anytime during November. For information, see www.lighthouse247.org / helpfriends7@gmail.com.
“It is possible for Christ’s church to be so properly aligned with heaven that the Holy Spirit actually displaces the power of darkness over our cities. To the degree that the church is so joined to God, the Lord’s presence guards the city: crime and immorality proportionally decline; revival breaks out." Francis Frangipane
Together in the Harvest,
Debbie Przybylski
Intercessors Arise International
International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC)
Originally published August 23, 2017.