7 Hopeful Prayers for Marriage Restoration

Marriage restoration is possible when a husband and wife are willing to work together with God on their relationship. Whether you’re dealing with communication problems, emotional issues like unforgiveness and pride, or an impasse of unsolved differences, here are three hopeful prayers that can help you with your marriage restoration.
Download your own personal copy of Prayers for Your Marriage HERE. Print these and keep them by your bedside and with you throughout the day to remember to pray for your relationship and spouse.
A Prayer to Save a Marriage from Divorce
Lord Jesus, we’re desperate for your help. Our marriage is crumbling, and we’re stumbling over the word, “divorce.” We’ve both been listening to other “voices,” telling us just to give up—it’s not worth the fight. We don’t want to destroy our relationship or break the promises we made to each other until death do us part. And we know Your desire is for healing too. But we don’t know what to do. Show us where to start to hedge up the gaps and exits we’ve created through selfishness, apathy, or pride. Reveal to us what we cannot see for ourselves. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We’ve abandoned our first love for each other, and we need help to find the way back again.
Restore in us a willing spirit, and help us not to point fingers or respond defensively. Teach us how to listen to each other and to really hear. The actions, attitudes, and emotions that have brought us to this place didn’t happen overnight. And we know it will take time to undo all the things that brought us here. You have promised to teach us in the way we should go. You are a wise Counselor, and You know exactly what we need. All our hopes and expectations are in You. If outside Christian counsel is necessary to lead us back and “start over,” then direct us to ones who truly can help. You are the answer, Lord. Divorce is not what we want. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
A Prayer for Restoration of a Marriage in Trouble
Lord Jesus, nothing seems to be going right in our marriage. Lately, we argue over so many things. Or we walk out in anger or silence, too upset to deal with any issues. Sometimes we fuss about little problems that don’t really matter or hide things that really are important. But in Your eyes, Lord, everything matters. Pebbles grow to mountains when they pile up, day after day. When did it all start? Did we retreat into our own worlds? Become too busy to care? Did we stop listening to You and to each other?
Teach us how to communicate—to simply talk to each other again with courtesy and kindness. Show us again what love and respect look like, and what it means to honor and mutually submit to the other as a man and woman in love with You, Lord. We’ve forgotten all the basics. And we sense that if we don’t deal with even small problems now, we’ll be facing a much greater roadblock later. Maybe we’ve forgotten what love is really like. Or maybe we never really knew. Regardless, Lord, our marriage is in trouble. We need you. No matter how difficult the circumstances, we want to face them together—with You on our side. You’ve told us we would experience troubles on this earth, but that You are the great Overcomer. With You, Lord, we can mend the tears and amend the errors. With You, we can build a successful marriage. In Your name, Amen.
A Spiritual Warfare Prayer for Relationship Restoration
Lord God, we can no longer remain stagnant in our marriage. Yet we can’t move forward, and we refuse to go backward. Our relationship feels broken like an old fashioned phonograph needle stuck on the same groove. So we are reaching out to You. Protect us from becoming another divorce statistic. In the name and through the blood of Jesus Christ, we resist our enemy who wants us to end this marriage. Lord, we ask You to rebuke the devour who is trying to rip apart the beautiful covenant began in us as a couple. We run to You, our Defender and Protector, our Refuge and Shelter in the time of trouble. We declare in the name of Jesus that our enemy, the devil, has no right to interfere in the sacred building of our relationship because You live in us and You are greater than the one who roams around looking for victims to destroy.
We know it is Your will to pray and believe for the healing of our marriage, and we are willing to work on it together. We stake our lives on Your promise, Lord, that when we trust in You with all our heart, You will direct our paths. You have connected our two spirits in oneness and cemented them with the bond of Your Holy Spirit. And what God has joined together, we give no room for our enemy to bring division. Your Word brings us truth, and wearing the spiritual armor You have given to us, we will fight for our marriage with You as our Supreme Warrior and Commander, and the third strand in our relationship together. In the precious and powerful name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we pray, Amen.
How to Pray for Your Marriage to Be Restored
1. Submit yourself to God and each other, confessing any wrong attitudes or actions that have caused or that might contribute to a troubling relationship.
2. Recommit your marriage to the Lord, inviting Him to take control daily.
3. Through prayer, use God’s Word and other spiritual warfare as weapons to protect your marriage, asking God to give you wisdom in building a successful marriage that stands against all odds.
4. Pray for God to show you creative ways to enhance and build a healthy spiritual, emotional, and physical love relationship in your marriage.
5. Pray often alone and together for your mate, and ask the Lord how you can bless your spouse daily.
Additional Prayers for Healing and Restoring Your Marriage
A Hopeful Prayer to Heal Broken Marriage
Search our hearts, Lord. Convict us and clear out all the hardness and ick that is clogging up the flow of Love in our lives. Reset our relationship with You. Restore our hope in Jesus Christ and open our minds and hearts to the healing truth that only He can rush into our lives in these moments of madness.
Give us the strength to be brave. Replace the fear of what might happen and what the future might hold with Christ-centered courage. We can’t be strong right now. We are broken and barely breathing. But You, the living God, in us, are our strength.
Through the Holy Spirit of the One True God, empower us with humility, gentleness, patience, peace, and unity (Ephesians 4:2-3). Curb our anger from morphing into bitterness and hatred. Forgive us for the times we lose our tempers and our sanity toward our spouse.
Take it all – our marriage and our lives. We have come to the end of ourselves and the ability to repair what has been broken in ourselves, our spouses, and our marriages. We are taking a backseat to Your sovereignty. Break it all if you must, in order to restore completely what has been lost. As we walk through the unknown state of our futures, we are believing You for who You say You are. (by Meg Bucher)
A Prayer for Forgiveness and a Healed Marriage
Lord, I know I have messed up in my marriage. Sin has gotten in the way of me being faithful to love my partner well through different seasons of our life together. I confess my sins before you and ask that you would forgive me.
Would you open the heart of my spouse so that they may also be able to truly forgive me. Jesus, by your grace, give us a fresh start in our marriage. I invite your healing and restorative powers into our relationship.
Heal the broken spaces that only you have the power to fix. I thank you that my prayers are heard by you and that there is great power in prayer.
Hear my cry for help and do a new work in our home that only you can do. I praise you for giving me the gift of marriage. Bless the commitment we made to one another and help us honor you through the way we love one another. Amen. (by Amanda Idleman, Prayers for a Troubled Marriage)
Prayer for Restored Connection in Marriage
God, would you help restore the lost connection and intimacy in my marriage? Give me the empathy for my spouse that I need to be able to share their burdens well. Remove the distractions, deadlines, obstacles, fatigue, selfishness, or pride that keeps us from remaining connected as a couple.
Help me to prioritize time spent with my partner and not let our responsibilities zap away every opportunity we have to converse during the day. Give me the ability to respond warmly to them when they need my attention. Restore trust between us so that we feel safe when confiding our cares and concerns.
Even when my spouse and I don’t see eye-to-eye help me to still be willing to hear them out. Let me words and actions show that they are loved, safe, and cherished by me.
Help me to keep my heart open to them even if I have felt hurt or disappointed in the past. Knit us back together in a way that only you can. Amen. (by Amanda Idleman, Prayers for a Troubled Marriage)
5 Bible Verses about Marriage
- Matthew 19:4-6 NLT, “Haven’t you read the Scriptures?” Jesus replied. “They record that from the beginning ‘God made them male and female.’ “And he said, ‘This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.’Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together.”
- Hebrews 13:4 TLB, Honor your marriage and its vows.
- Ecclesiastes 4:9, 12 NIV,Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor….A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
- Ephesians 5:32-33 MSG, What is clearest to me is the way Christ treats the church. And this provides a good picture of how each husband is to treat his wife, loving himself in loving her, and how each wife is to honor her husband.
- Proverbs 13:7 NLT, Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
No matter how difficult your situation or how troubled you may feel in your relationship, God cares about your marriage. If you are both willing to ask for God’s intervention and to pray for marriage restoration, He will give you the help and direction you need to build a loving, hope-filled marriage relationship.
Rebecca Barlow Jordan is an inspirational author, speaker, and passionate follower of Jesus who loves to encourage others heart to heart. She has written 11 books and over 1700 other articles, greeting cards, and other inspirational pieces. Her daily devotional Daily in Your Presence is available for delivery through Crosswalk.com. You can find out more about Rebecca at www.rebeccabarlowjordan.com.
This article is part of our Prayers resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
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Originally published January 29, 2019.