Pastors of churches need to lead their people boldly and rightly. They need to never water down the glorious Good News of Jesus Christ. They need to preach the love of God while not omitting the need for all to repent. We have all fallen short of the glory of God. We all need to repent. Our current world tends to run from sound teaching into their own desires and feelings. They want to hear what they want to hear, not necessarily what’s best for them. Pastors need conviction to lift up the truth instead of bowing down to people’s wants.
Dear Lord, strengthen our pastors in the USA. Bolster their resolve to preach the undiluted gospel. Give them words that are more than just a pep talk. Help them to speak the words of life and the freedom of repentance.
6. Pray for the USA to Have Unity among Its People
Weakness unites people more than common strengths do. We all have weaknesses and we all sin. None of us are perfect. We all need each other to live our best lives. When God is our Lord, joy helps people to understand and forgive others.
Dear God, help us to live in harmony with each other. Erase lines of division. Help us to think godly thoughts of love and forgiveness. Begin by bringing unity with believers in the Lord Jesus and then let that spread to all other people so that more and more people might become believers in You.
7. Pray for Social Media to Be More Positive Than Negative
People need to think before they post. You can post what you feel but just don’t be in a rush to do it. Haste can make many misunderstandings, but patience can bring much clarity to your words. Wise words are like deep waters, flowing like a bubbling brook (Proverbs 18:4). So, use your words carefully.
Dear Lord, help people to spread this kind of fruit on social media: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). When people mix this fruit into their words, love for our neighbors becomes contagious.