How To Pray the Lord's Prayer Over Your Loved Ones

One of the most beautiful prayers - the Lord's Prayer - may sound simple or traditional, but His prayer has a profound and lasting impact, which is fresh and new every day. For a fresh insight into the depth of this prayer and God's goodness you can pray the words of the Lord's Prayer, inserting your name or that of your spouse, friend, child, or parent. You are a mighty spiritual warrior in God's kingdom. The enemy would like nothing more than to keep you prayerless. Instead, pray this prayer for those you care about:
- Our Father in heaven, may Your name be honored in ______'s life. Desire for your loved one to be honored, made holy, and cherished through the power of honoring and fearing God. When theyhallow God's name in their life that attitude will spill over into their relations with others.
- May Your kingdom come soon in ______'s life.When a person seeks first the kingdom of God, then all else in life is placed in the right order. When God is in control of lives, children, careers, churches, then there will be direction in your prayers, thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and attitudes.
- May Your will be done in ______'s life on earth, just as it is in heaven.God's perfect will for your loved ones is their salvation in Christ Jesus. In saving us, God changes us, making us new creations (2 Cor. 5:17). Then He transforms us to live in His will on earth.
- Give ______ the food he/she needs for today.Daily bread for both spiritual and physical beings cannot be old, stale stuff from yesterday or a half-baked loaf from tomorrow that isn't ready yet. God's grace is sufficient to meet all our needs - one day at a time. When we come to Him in prayer He meets our needs daily. He feeds us the bread of His Word and He provides for all our physical needs as well.
- And forgive ______, just as he/she has forgiven those who have sinned against him/her. Forgiving one another opens you up to receive forgiveness. Forgiveness is not an option. Jesus states it plainly, If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins(Matt. 6:14-15).
- And don't let ______ yield to temptation, but deliver him/her from the evil one. Apply the blood of Jesus in prayer for protection over your loved ones. The blood protects us from the sin of building walls that hinder and even destroy relationships.
- For in ______'s life You will build Your kingdom and manifest Your glory forever and ever. Amen.The battle has already been won on the cross where Christ destroyed the works of the devil. Satan, sin, and death have been defeated. Your battle is prayer that claims, establishes, and overcomes the enemy as he seeks to rob, kill, and destroy the abundant life in Christ (John 10:10). Pray for that abundant life of God's kingdom in the lives of your loved ones.
From Lord, I Wish My Husband Would Pray With Me by Larry Keefauver, D.Min., copyright (c) 1998. Used by permission of Creation House, Lake Mary, Fla., pages 178-188.
Larry Keefauver, D.Min., is co-pastor of The Gathering Place, Lake Mary, Fla. He's written and edited for Gary Smalley, Neil Anderson, Patrick Morley, and a host of other Christian authors. Larry, his wife, Judi, and their children live in Florida.
Originally published July 30, 2001.