4 Prayers for a Good Future Spouse

Companionship is something we all want, something we all need. When God made the first man, Adam, God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper corresponding to him” (Genesis 2:18). For better and for worse, Eve stayed by Adam’s side from beginning to end.
For most of us, we desire a helper too. Someone to talk to, cuddle with, love, be loved by, and complete us.
In truth, a companion will never satisfy our deepest longings. Our human nature is to always want more. However, the desire for companionship is genuine and should not be disregarded.
Wanting companionship is healthy, honorable, and holy. We know this because of Scripture. Adam and Eve were the first example, followed by various others. In our own lives, we witness the fruits of companionship. Together, people can accomplish more than they would as an individual.
Moreover, God’s Word makes clear that marriage is what God desires of couples. Romantic love fully blossomed, turns into marriage. Scripture even lays the groundwork for a how good marriage should function.
“Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives are to submit to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself for her to make her holy, cleansing her with the washing of water by the word.” (Ephesians 5:24-26)
Achieving this ideal is not easy, and in modern culture, we also have the process of dating to accommodate first. The Bible doesn’t speak explicitly about dating because the process was not a part of ancient Jewish culture. Arranged marriages were the norm, which is interesting to consider since they had less of a choice on who they married, but those relationships still lasted. Makes for an interesting contrast about today’s dating and marriage scene.
A lack of commitment, hook-up culture, high divorce rates, and having too many choices on dating apps has led to many relational problems. For those seeking the ideal, today’s prospects don’t seem too promising.
However, most of us will indeed find someone to love. With a combination of waiting on God and putting ourselves out in the world, we eventually happen upon someone. Then we choose to take a chance. Whether or not the marriage lasts is up to us.
Still, the interim between singleness and marriage comes with various challenges, some real, others imagined. What we can do to weather the storm is rely on God no matter where we are, single or dating.
But don’t just wait, take up hope, put on the “full armor of God,” and pray (Ephesians 6:11). Here are four prayers for a good spouse.
Prayer for a Good Wife
Heavenly Father,
I come before you now with a desire upon my heart, a desire that I have tried to control, ignore, and destroy. Yet here the desire remains.
I long for companionship, deeper connection, and meaningful touch, all from a woman to call my wife.
Am I meant to spend life alone, or do you yearn to bring me a friend?
Though prior experiences with family, friends, and lovers have not lasted, you are a God of infinite possibilities. Even when the future is uncertain, you remain certain forever.
Therefore, I bring to you this perpetual ache, asking you to help me endure, to bring a woman who will treat me better than all those who came before, someone who will draw me closer to you. Let her be a woman of godly character, whose heart strives to serve and love. I pray for someone who commits and communicates, someone dedicated to the faith.
Now, if this is not your will, then please help me to find contentment with the life you have given me. Help me to find satisfaction with other people and activities so that my longing is either fulfilled or forgotten.
Though I doubt, I want to hope. Though I fear, I want to trust. Today, I give my desire to you.
Here I am, Lord. Please hear this prayer.
Prayer for a Faithful Husband
Lord in Heaven,
I pray to you now with a humble request in my heart. There's a desire, deep within me for love, companionship, a husband to call my own. This prayer is for a husband that's faithful, faithful from the day we meet 'til the day death do us part.
Lord, I humbly ask for a man that wants to love me as his wife, one who seeks to honor me as Christ did the church. I ask for a man that will have eyes only for me. While he may notice other women, I pray that I would be the only one who captivates his eyes.
I pray that before we meet and after, you would strengthen him with all he needs to steer clear of all forms of lust, including pornography. May he never allow that to interfere with our relationship. Help him to recognize that porn kills love, that porn will leave him unsatisfied.
Instead, may he be a man full of devotion, full of faithfulness. First and foremost, to you, and secondly, to me and his family.
In Jesus' name, I pray this now. Amen.
Prayer for a Supportive Wife
I want to say thank you. Thank you for this longing in my heart. I'm grateful for the godly desire I have for companionship. May that desire bring you honor all the days of my life. And may that desire prosper into a beautiful marriage, something only you could ordain.
I ask that this marriage would consist of me uniting with a woman who is supportive of my endeavors. Please bless me with a companion that sees the good in my work, someone who wants me to succeed.
Such a woman is not easily found or to be taken for granted. I want to appreciate such a woman and ask for the chance. May she and I both serve one another with encouragement, support, and plenty of compassion.
Prayer for a Dutiful Husband
Lord, please hear this prayer.
I exist during a time and in a society when masculinity is being discouraged, ridiculed, abandoned. While I wish to be married, finding a godly man is ostensibly more difficult today.
I may search, God, but that doesn't mean I can find. Not on my own. I've tried, but where I have come up short doing things my way, turning my desires over to you is the next wisest choice.
Lord, I know that marriage is the ultimate union between man and woman. I know that you love marriage and want this for Christian couples. And I want what you want.
Only, I pray that my husband would be a man of duty and diligence. I ask that he would be someone willing and capable of leading me and our family. Whether in prayer or decision-making, may he be a servant leader. And may I serve to help him fulfill that role.
Thank you, Lord. Amen.
Related Resource: 4 Truths About Marriage Every Couple Needs to Remember
No matter how long you’ve been married, reminding yourself of fundamental marriage truths is helpful. In this episode of the Team Us Podcast, Ted and Ashleigh share four truths about marriage every couple needs to remember. If you enjoy this episode, be sure to subscribe to the show on Apple or Spotify so you never miss an episode - new episodes drop every Tuesday!
Photo Credit: Unsplash/Gift Habeshaw
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Originally published December 02, 2021.