6 Prayers for Father's Day

The role of a father in one's life is a sacred and holy position. On Father's Day, we celebrate the blessing of fatherhood. Be it by birth or by taking on the responsibility, the fathers and father figures in our lives deserve our admiration and our prayers. Here are prayers for Father's Day to help you encourage and inspire the men in your life. Let us join together in thanking God for these noble men and blessing them as we draw near to such a special holiday.
1. Prayer for a Father's Health
Father God, We pray today for the health and well-being of our fathers and father figures. We know that life on this side of heaven is quite fragile in truth, but we also know that You have precise and perfect timing set out for each day of our lives (Psalm 139:16). Please grant the men that hold such important roles in our lives good health.
May their bodies be strong, and may their spiritual hearts grow even stronger with each passing day as they grow closer to You. Please bless them with long and vivacious years, full of beautiful memories.
In Jesus' Name, Amen
2. Prayer for Wisdom
Father God, Please bless fathers with wisdom and discernment. In Proverbs 3:13-18, that wisdom is a gift far greater than gold, and we pray such a gift would be given to the fathers in our lives. Help them to grow in learning to know, understand, and discern Your voice and urgings.
Assist them in the decisions they make that affect not only their lives but the lives of those around them. Mature them in faith in order that they may encourage those around them to trust and come to know You more richly.
In Jesus' Name, Amen
3. Prayers for New Fathers and New Grandfathers
Father God, We come together to pray for new fathers and grandfathers. Children are a blessing to us and a heritage of Your kingdom (Psalm 127:3), and we thank You for such precious gifts in new life. Please bless the relationships these children will have with their father, grandfathers, and ultimately their relationship with You as their Father in heaven.
Give wisdom to the new dads as they step into this new role, for it is exciting but also a chance to learn and grow. Help grandfathers to step into the role of offering fatherly insight and advisement to their sons, and help them to foster meaningful connections with their grandkids early on. We thank You again for the miracle of life, and we pray that we may raise these children to know You.
In Jesus' Name, Amen
4. Prayers for Non-Blood Related Father
Father God, We come together to lift up the fathers and father figures in our lives. We know that blood alone is not the requirement for a man can to be a father in someone's life, and because of that, we pray for those who have chosen to step up in the roles of mentorship, adviser, and supporter in the lives of others.
Please bless their kindness and sacrifice, give them wisdom in their journey of care, and pour out Your Spirit upon them as they seek to help others in this world. It is a gallant effort to take on the role as a spiritual father; on this day, help us celebrate all the men we consider fathers by making them feel seen, appreciated, and commended.
In Jesus' Name, Amen
5. Prayers for Distant Fathers
Father God, We know that in this broken world, our relationships with our fathers, grandfathers, or father figures can grow distant or even become estranged due to disagreements. Father, we pray for healing for these relationships if it be Your will. Give all those involved discernment, change of heart, or perspective where necessary, and direction in how to foster unity once again.
We know this may not always be Your will, but if it is a possibility, we come before You to intercede for healing in these areas. May the new days ahead be ones of mending and the kind that only You can perform. We invite you into these tender places in our lives and hearts.
In Jesus' Name, Amen
6. Prayer of Gratitude for our Heavenly Father
Father God, Most of all, we seek to praise and worship You, our heavenly Father. We know that You are our creator, our redemption, and our first love. Thank You for each breath, for each gift, and for being there for us. Thank You for the wisdom You give and that You truly seek to have a relationship and bond with us.
Help us glean and understand what it means to be a good parent from watching how You teach, direct, and love us. We worship You, our father, today and every day.
In Jesus' Name, Amen
Fathers, be they blood-related or spiritually given, are a gift from above. Although our calendars typically only raise them up for celebration once a year, they deserve our love, respect, and prayers daily. Take the time to recognize the sacrifices, gifts, and authentic kindness they share with you every day. The role of a father is a position given by God and one that deserves our reverence and gratitude.
Related Resource: Author and speaker Kia Stephens has a mission to help women who grew up without the love and affirmation of their biological father. In her FREE podcast, Hope for Women with Father Wounds, Kia provides encouragement, healing and practical wisdom for these often-overlooked women. Listen to every episode for FREE on LifeAudio.com:
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/deiga ellaby
Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive," “Jesus Calling Blog,” and “Coffee and Bible Time,” among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging women to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomed, is available everywhere now. Connect with Cally: @CallyLogan Instagram CallyLogan.com
Originally published June 10, 2024.