
25 Prayers for the Elderly

Updated Jul 25, 2023
25 Prayers for the Elderly

What age do you consider a person to be elderly? The word “elderly” may sometimes be offensive, especially when someone feels young at heart. How do you refer to people in their 60s, 70s, 80s, or older? My mother often said, “You’re not old until you reach 100 years of age.”. No matter the age, Scripture tells us prayer and a relationship with God are important. The longer we live, the more years of wisdom and experiences we have to share. When saying a prayer for the elderly, we share God’s love.

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helping the elderly

What Does the Bible Say about Caring for the Elderly?

Scripture shares about taking care of the elderly and widows and widowers. “Elderly” can refer to older people, senior citizens, and grandparents. You may have heard the quote, “Age is just a number.” The number of years a person has lived helps give the reminder that every year is important and serves as an opportunity to share the love of Christ. As children, we have the opportunity to learn from those who are older. When we are older, we have the opportunity to share wisdom with younger people.

We are called to take care of each other. Jesus loved people of all ages. The commandment is given in Scripture. “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another” (John 13:34 NIV).

This call to love includes the young and old. The Bible tells us to give honor to our parents. “Honor your father and mother” — which is the first commandment with a promise—“so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth” (Ephesians 6:2-3 NIV).

The Bible tells that wisdom can be found in older adults. 

While Jesus was dying on the cross, He asked John to take care of Mary, the mother of Jesus. In his last hours on earth, Jesus continued to care for His mother. “When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home” (John 19:26 NIV).

Jesus trusted John to take care of His mother. What an important gift to be trusted to care for the mother of the Savior.

At times, there may be a need for specialized assistance for the elderly. There may be a medical concern, and living with relatives may not be an option. Prayer is always vital. Whether an assisted living community or nursing home has to be chosen, praying to God for guidance and wisdom can aid and bring peace to everyone.

Other situations may involve having an older person living with a younger family. This can be an opportunity to draw closer to each other and God. Family relationships can have many emotions—good moments of laughter and bad moments of disagreements. In every situation, the love of God and love for family can be shown.

5 Scriptures about Older People

1. “Do not cast me away when I am old; do not forsake me when my strength is gone.” (Psalm 71:9 NIV)

2. “Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation, your mighty acts to all who are to come.” (Psalm 71:18 NIV)

3. “Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord.” (Leviticus 19:32 NIV)

4. “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27 NIV)

5. “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding..” (Proverbs 3:13 NIV)

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Elderly couple holding hands, prayers for the elderly

5 Prayers for Elderly People in Your Family

1. Dear God, help me to show compassion to the older people in my family. Guide me to remember ways to offer assistance when needed. Amen.

2. Father, give me patience as I care for the elderly in my family. Amen.

3. Lord, may I always remember to pause and listen when the older people in my family are speaking. They have years of wisdom. They need to be heard. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

4. Abba Father, please guide all decision-making for the elderly. Remind me to include those people in the conversation. Amen.

5. God, help me to show Your love in all circumstances. Thank You. Amen.

5 Prayers for Your Elderly Neighbors

1. Lord God, thank You for neighbors. Help me to offer assistance when needed. Give me the best words to speak. Amen.

2. Father, I pray for all elderly neighbors. May they know Your love and glory. Amen.

3. God, please bring peace and comfort to elderly neighbors. Help them to know they are loved by You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

4. Heavenly Father, may everyone remember the importance of listening before speaking. Amen.

5. Father, thank You for the ability to learn from the wisdom and grace of elderly neighbors. Amen.

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a young person and elderly person praying together, prayers for elderly

5 Prayers for Elderly People in Your Church

1. Father, cover the elderly people in the church with Your love and protection. Amen.

2. God, may we always remember to include elderly people in conversations and activities. They have wisdom and experiences to share. Amen.

3. God, I pray for the elderly who are homebound and unable to attend church in person. May they be able to worship through technology. Amen.

4. Abba Father, please be with the elderly who are sick. They need Your healing and comfort. Remind them of Your love. Amen.

5. Lord, help everyone to remember that older people were young, too. Each person is created by God. Amen.

5 Prayers for Elderly People Who Mentor You

1. Father, thank You for placing elderly people in my life. Those special people have brought wisdom and years of experience to share. Amen.

2. God, I give thanks for the elderly mentors who share their knowledge and life. Thank You for giving me special friendships. Amen.

3. Heavenly Father, I pray for the elderly mentors who take the time to listen and comfort. Amen.

4. God, thank You for mentors. Thank You for the teachings they provide. Amen.

5. Lord God, please remind all older mentors that they are loved and cherished by You. Amen.

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holding hand of elderly anointing of sick
5 Prayers for Elderly People Mourning a Loss

1. Father, please cover all older people mourning a loss. Life may be different for them now. Please help them feel the love and peace only You can provide. Thank You. Amen.

2. God, loss is hard. Losing a spouse or child can be devastating, even for a believer. Please remind us to check on the elderly now and in the future. Amen.

3. God, I pray for all people journeying through a loss. Please help others to know there is no time limit on mourning. Help us to be a comfort to those whose tears continue to fall. Amen.

4. Lord God, Your mercies are new every day. Please comfort those who are hurting from losing a loved one. Cover them with Your hedge of protection. Amen.

5. Abba, help me to know the right words and the best way to help those elderly people who are mourning a loss. Thank You. Amen.

May we always be alert and ready for ways to share the love of God with people of all ages.

In His Name,

Melissa Henderson

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Melissa HendersonAward-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages sometimes laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals, and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. 

Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. Her passions are helping in the community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister. 

Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and at

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Originally published September 30, 2022.


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