7 Prayers for the Nights When You Don’t Want to See Tomorrow

Life is hard. Not just hard but painful. Sometimes life is so painful that the opposite of life seems better – death. Suicide affects a surprising number of the population and, according to the AFSP, is the 12th leading cause of death.
Even in the church, there are people who struggle with suicidal ideations and, at times, suicide attempts. Casting stones at someone for being willing to take their life seems easy enough when we have a support network, healthy coping habits, and a will to live. Strip us of the first two, however, and our will may just crumble.
The tragedy of suicide goes beyond a lacking desire to live. Suicide is evidence of such intense loneliness and hopelessness to the point where the person sees no other option. No coping mechanism nor support person has been enough to alleviate their hardship.
Where is the solution then?
“Even when I go through the darkest valley, I fear no danger, for you are with me; your rod and your staff—they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)
For some, that darkest valley is the place where they doubt whether or not life is worth living. Yet, as evidenced in David’s words, as believers, we should turn to God when we don’t have the desire to carry on.
Healthy coping and a support network are helpful, but when all else seems to fail, know that God never will.
If the darkest valley is where you are right now, then take heart. God knows your struggles and wants to help (Isaiah 41:10). Know that He created each of us with purpose, and that includes you. Your life has meaning beyond what you can see right now. Take your burdens to the throne with these 7 prayers to end the night when you don’t want to see tomorrow.
1. A Prayer for Peace
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.” (2 Timothy 1:7)
Very few times in life have I been where I am right now. This dark place of misery. This pit. This blackhole. I feel like giving up, quitting, because there’s no point in tomorrow. Not when I’m forced to go about my days carrying all this hurt.
Where is my peace, God?
I’ve sought you, prayed, went to church, talked to people, and prayed some more. My life is still in shambles, and I feel so empty inside.
Don’t leave me here in my despair. Restore peace to my mind. Restore peace to my heart. Lord, give me the motivation to live again, knowing that this season won’t last forever. Knowing that one day this will all be behind me.
Help me, Lord. Help me to see you. Help me to find your peace.
In Jesus’ name, I pray to you. Amen.
2. A Prayer for Resolution
Where else is there to go? What else can I do? I’ve tried everything I know how, and my broken life remains the same. Peace escapes my grasp, and I feel powerless to change that. I don’t know how. Nothing I do works, not even my prayers.
But here I am once again, God, asking you for resolution. Asking you to change my circumstances. I seek your forgiveness for the wrong I’ve done in my life, but ask you, God, to see the wrongs committed against me too. See my suffering.
Lord, bring resolution to the troubles of my life. Help me to see an end to the turmoil.
I don’t know how, but I know you can change my life. And I don’t know when, but I want to believe you will.
Help me, Lord. Bring about resolution.
3. A Prayer for Help
“When I observe your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you set in place, what is a human being that you remember him, a son of man that you look after him?” (Psalm 8:3-4)
I come before you now with an urgent plea. I don’t know what you want from me. I’ve already prayed. I’ve tried talking to people. I’ve tried taking action, but my life isn’t changing. Things aren’t getting better.
Lord, I beg you for help. Please don’t cast me away. Remember me, Lord. Shine your light upon my face again. Help me see the morning once more.
I know that you love me, that you care, but that is becoming harder and harder to see. Harder and harder to believe.
This is my prayer for help. Lord, would you please help me today?
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4. A Prayer for Restoration
Heavenly Father,
This season of life has brought more loss and suffering than I can fathom. More than I could have ever predicted. Is this your plan for my life, that I would live without so much?
And for how long?
Do you desire for me to be so downcast, God?
You said that it was not good for man to be alone, yet alone is what I feel. Alone is all I feel.
Will you leave me like this forever? Restore brightness to my eyes. Restore relationships in my life. Restore my desire to see tomorrow so that I may count my blessings through both word and deed.
In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
5. A Prayer for Hope
I’m in that place, the place I hate to be. The place where I hate myself, hate my life, and don’t see a point in moving forward. Where is the hope that your Word promises?
Today, instead of hope, what I feel is despair. Life is meaningless, and my future hopeless.
This is how I feel, but not what I want to believe. Will you help me, God?
Will you help me to hope once again? Hope in my future, my life, my relationships, hope in you, my God.
Show me the way out of this pit of despair. Remind me that I am yours.
6. A Prayer for Belonging
“Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord cares for me.” (Psalm 27:10)
Where does my worth come from? Some days I think I know, then other days I forget. Maybe today I’ve forgotten, or maybe I never really knew. As much as I want to live a life in service to you and others, I can’t escape this sense that I don’t belong,
I’m haunted by the feeling, like a bad thought that won't go away.
Is it true? Do I belong anywhere, God? I can’t seem to fit in with people, so I’m left to wonder. And if I don’t fit in with them? Do I really fit in with you?
Why would you leave me to feel this way, God?
If there is a place where I belong, please show me. Help me to understand what true belonging is. Help me to see you at work in my life. Help me to know and understand just how much you care.
7. A Prayer to Overcome
Sometimes I feel defeated. Now’s another one of those times. I may want to stand strong and be hopeful, but that just doesn’t seem realistic right now. Not with all the suffering going on in my life.
How can I overcome the struggle when I don't even feel your presence?
Please help me. Please help me to see you again. Somewhere along the way, I’ve strayed from you, but I want to be with you again. I want to overcome the things plaguing my life right now.
Show me how, God. Show me how to live a life in honor of you no matter what I am going through. And by overcoming, help me to further glorify your name.
There’s Always Hope
The fact remains that life won’t always be happy, upbeat, and pretty. Relationships change, along with jobs, finances, and other circumstances. These changes are not always for the best, and even worse, they can catch us by surprise.
However, God is not shocked. He isn’t caught off guard by what happens to us. Just as he takes care of the people around us or the animals in nature, God loves us as well. He created us in our mother’s womb, showing a love for us before we knew the words ‘God’ or ‘love.’
Prayer doesn’t always change the situation immediately, but prayer does change us. As someone once said, “prayer doesn’t inform God, but rather conforms us,” to His Son’s image, that is. Prayer reminds us who is in control of our lives, and reminds us who loves us when others do not. God is always present, and God is always near. Seek Him today.
“Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s consent. But even the hairs of your head have all been counted. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” (Matthew 10:29-31)
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Get in touch with him at aarondanthony.com and check out his debut short story anthology Honey Dreams on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
This article is part of our Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
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Originally published August 01, 2022.