
Praying through the Most Beloved Psalms in 30 Days

Give yourself the gift of reading and praying through 30 of the most beloved psalms.
Updated Nov 11, 2019
Praying through the Most Beloved Psalms in 30 Days

The Book of Psalms is one of the most beloved books of the Bible and for good reason! The Psalms offer comfort in times of despair, strength in trials, and celebration in times of triumph. Jesus Himself quoted the Psalms when he spoke his last words on the Cross, saying, “Father, into Your hands I commend my spirit” (Luke 23:46; Psalm 31:5).

The Psalms make up the longest book of the Bible and are comprised of songs, prayers, and poetry in devotion to God. King David is attributed with writing 75 of the 150 Psalms. The remaining Psalms are attributed to various other authors including King Solomon and Moses, with about 50 of the Psalms not being attributed to any particular author.

For a powerful way to meditate on the themes of the 30 most popular Psalms, take a few minutes each day for the next month to read through the following short prayers based on the Book of Psalms. God bless!

Day 1 - Psalm 91

Lord, I find shelter and strength in Your Word. While the others may stumble around me, You protect me from the snares of this world. You send Your mighty angels to keep me from falling into the abyss, Your commandments shine a path for me to follow. What a merciful God You are—walking beside me when I’m discouraged, and carrying me when I’m defeated! I praise Your Holy Name! Amen.

Read Psalm 91

Day 2 - Psalm 23

Most loving Father, when I don't know where to turn or whom to trust, You’re there to take care of me. You guide me out of my gloom and fill my soul with renewed hope. You anoint me as Your beloved and bestow blessings upon me to show those who stand against me that I am a child of the Most High God. I will abide by Your Word forever. Amen.

Read Psalm 23

Day 3 - Psalm 27

God in Heaven, You are my beacon of hope, my salvation when trouble is near. When the storms of life sweep me up, You guide me back safely to shore. I devote my life to you, Lord, and seek Your goodness in everything I see, Your Holy Face in everyone I meet. I pray for Your continued blessings and protection. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Read Psalm 27

Day 4 - Psalm 139

You see my heart, O Lord. You know me better than anyone else. You’re the Creator and Ruler of the universe who defeats all darkness with His light. You crafted me in Your image, and I am fearfully and wonderfully made! You gave Your only Son so that whoever believed in Him would have eternal life. I give myself up to You, Lord. Show me anything in my life that offends You so that I may correct it and walk toward eternal salvation. Amen!

Read Psalm 139

Day 5 - Psalm 121

God Most High, help me to remember that my strength comes from You, who made the earth, sky, and sea. Help me to find rest in Your promise to watch over the faithful and keep us safe. With You as my stronghold, I will see victory through Your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Read Psalm 121

Day 6 - Psalm 51

Most just God, I’ve sinned against You. Cleanse me of my transgressions and restore me with Your mercy. My guilt weighs heavy on my conscience and You see what I keep hidden from others! Give me a clean heart so that I can turn my life around. Use me as an example of Your divine redemption so that I can lead other lost sheep back to You. In Jesus’ name! Amen.

Read Psalm 51

Day 7- Psalm 37

Father, help me not to envy those who have worldly success but who don’t honor You, for I know that all worldly things eventually turn to dust. Give me the strength to store up my treasures in Heaven, instead. Help me to be still and focus my efforts on humbly doing good in Your Name. Give me the good sense to stay away from the wrong crowd and stick to the straight and narrow path. Amen.

Read Psalm 37

Day 8 - Psalm 1

Almighty Father, I know that bad company corrupts good character. I know that You’ll bless those who seek You and that, on the day of Judgment, You’ll separate the wheat from the chaff. Grant me the discernment to avoid those who would lead me away from You. Help me to grow deep roots in Your Holy Word so that I may flourish in Your Light through Christ Jesus. Amen.

Read Psalm 1

Day 9 - Psalm 35

Save me, God, from despairing over the troublemaking and dishonest people around me. Place Your mighty hand between me and those who intend to do me harm. You are a loving Father and I am Your adoring child, eager to cling to You for help. Lord, shine Your Light of Truth on the corrupt, and comfort those who stay true to You! Hallelujah!

Read Psalm 35

Day 10 - Psalm 46

O Most High God, You offer me sanctuary and hope. As this fallen world moves farther away from you, I remain close and sing hymns in Your honor. Give me the courage to be still and find solace in Your holy promise of deliverance. I know the day will come when every tear will be wiped away, death will be defeated, and I’ll rejoice with You in Paradise. Amen!

Read Psalm 46

Day 11 - Psalm 34

God is good! All honor and glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! When my spirit was downcast and hungry, I tasted and saw the goodness of the Lord. I turned my back on sin and was made clean by the blood of the Lamb. I won’t let my heart be troubled but will let His peace wash over me as I spread the Good News to all who’ll listen. Thanks be to God! Amen.

Read Psalm 34

Day 12 - Psalm 119

May God’s Word always be on my mind, on my lips, and in my heart. I pray for the strength to walk in the Law of the Lord. Even when the distractions of life turn my eyes away from You, Father, don’t count me among the unbelievers! Deliver me from the faithless around me and welcome me back into the fold. Your Word is a lamp to my feet, Your sustenance the Bread of Life. Glory to You, O Lord. Amen.

Read Psalm 119

Day 13 - Psalm 103

I rejoice at Your goodness, Most Heavenly Father. Joyously, I sing, “Bless the Lord, O my soul!” Despite my flawed human nature, You wash me of my inequities, clothe me in white, and offer me salvation. Your steadfast love is my greatest blessing! I pray that all of Your creations, even the angels, worship Your Holy Name! Amen.

Read Psalm 103

Day 14 - Psalm 100

Glory to God in the highest! I sing Your praises, clap my hands, and stomp my feet to celebrate Your unwavering devotion and mercy, Father. I thank You for the blessings You’ve given me, and the lessons You’ve taught me to make me a better person. He is Good! He is Risen! All the world, make a joyful noise! Hosanna in the highest! Amen.

Read Psalm 100

Day 15 - Psalm 40

Thank You, Father, for never abandoning me. Even when I feel like You’ve closed a door in my life, You always open a window, pull me out of my misery, and set me down on greener pastures. I know You hear my prayers, Lord. I have faith that You’ll answer them according to Your will, not mine. I humbly ask that You guide my thoughts and actions all the days of my life. You are my Divine Deliverer! Amen.

Read Psalm 40

Day 16 - Psalm 19

I see Your glory all around me, God. In every sunrise and in every blade of glass, in every storm bearing down and in every rainbow thereafter, I see Your awesome dominion. Your Holy Word tells me everything I need to know to join You in Paradise. Now it’s up to me to follow Your instructions. Lord, give me the strength to be Your good and faithful servant. Amen!

Read Psalm 19

Day 17 - Psalm 42

I need You, Lord, now more than ever. I long for Your peace to quiet my soul and stop my tears from flowing. I need to feel Your embrace in my life again. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on You throughout my trials and tribulations. You’ll never abandon me, and I will keep my faith in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read Psalm 42

Day 18 - Psalm 22

I may not see a way out of the darkness right now, Father, but I know You’re there. I may not know who my friends are right now, but I know I can always count on You. You’re the Alpha and the Omega, there in the beginning and there in the end. Even when others mock me, I’ll sing Your praises and count my blessings so that all may know that You are the Lord! The day will come when at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow. I trust You, Lord! Amen.

Read Psalm 22

Day 19 - Psalm 18

Thank you, God, for being my sanctuary in this fallen world! When I’m worried, You calm my angst; when I’m afraid, You hold me close. You rescue me when I slip into low places and set me back on higher ground. You refresh my spirit and reward me for my devotion. I praise Your Holy Name! Amen.

Read Psalm 18

Day 20 - Psalm 3

When things aren’t going my way or someone I trust lets me down, You deliver me from my troubles, Father. You won’t desert Your children, You won’t disappoint. On days when I’m weighed down by discouragement, You’re there to lift my chin back up as long as I keep Your Word close to my heart. Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord Almighty! Amen.

Read Psalm 3

Day 21 - Psalm 118

Lord, thank You for loving me. Thank You for hearing my prayers. Even in dark times when my faith began to waver, You found ways to remind me that salvation is mine if only I’d keep You as the cornerstone of my life. Rain or shine, dark or light, this is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it for victory is mine through Christ our Lord! Hosanna in the highest! Amen.

Read Psalm 118

Day 22 - Psalm 16

Every moment of happiness is fleeting without You, God. If I find success or take great pleasure in anything, my joy is built on sand if serving You isn’t at the center of it. When I choose to obey You, my heart leaps with gladness because it knows that with You I’m safe and through Your Holy Son, I’m saved. Blessed be God forever. Amen!

Read Psalm 16

Day 23 - Psalm 24

Lord, help me to be a good steward of Your Earth, for the world and everything in it belongs to You. Open the eyes of those who take Your Creation for granted or deny You as the Creator Himself. Soften the hearts of those who reject You and enter their lives with the fullness of Your grace. Glory to You, O Lord! Amen.

Read Psalm 24

Day 24 - Psalm 25

I raise my eyes up to you, Heavenly Father, in search of Your wise counsel. I raise my soul up in gratitude that You are my Redeemer, my King! Remember my devotion to You when my human nature makes me falter. Keep me close to You in times of hardship, for I am Your devoted servant. Amen.

Read Psalm 25

Day 25 - Psalm 4

God is loving and compassionate, all-knowing and just. He hears the cries of His children and rescues the faithful from their distress. I am Your loyal child, Father. I repent of my sins and pray for the repentance of those who reject You. When I’m troubled, I meditate on Your Holy Word and my soul rests easy. Thanks be to God! Amen.

Read Psalm 4

Day 26 - Psalm 8

All praise be to God, the Divine Creator! You are Adonai, the Master of the universe. You are Abba, my loving Father. You are Yahweh, the Lord ever-present, the great I AM! You crafted me in Your image and entrusted me with the world, the work of Your divine hands. How great thou art! The whole Earth is full of Your glory! Amen.

Read Psalm 8

Day 27 - Psalm 90

Have mercy on me, Father, for I am weak when I want to be strong, doubtful when I want to have faith. You are the Lord of all Creation, all-seeing and all-knowing. Despite all of the chances you’ve already given me, I continue to implore You that You look not on my sins but on my faith in You. Grant me wisdom, God, strengthen my will so that I may live in Your way. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

Read Psalm 90

Day 28 - Psalm 31

When life knocks me down, I seek shelter in Your promise of salvation, God. When everyone seems against me, I seek comfort in Your peace. I put my life in Your hands and You give me a clean slate with the power of the Cross. If You are for me, who can be against me? Hosanna in the highest! Blessed be the Lord! Amen.

Read Psalm 31

Day 29 - Psalm 5

Let me start each day with a prayer of thanksgiving to You, Father. Let me start each day with a prayer for Your protection. Shield me from misfortune and from those who look to hurt me. Bless me for I am Your devoted child who finds purpose in serving You. Here I am, Lord! Ready to be made an instrument of Your peace if it is Your will to clear the way. Amen.

Read Psalm 5

Day 30 - Psalm 32

All the world celebrate—our Redeemer lives! Thank you, Jesus, for taking on my sins. Thank You for freeing me from death. Throughout my life, I’ll keep Your Word and confess my sins when I fall short of Your glory. Through Your most selfless sacrifice, Jesus, I am forgiven! A seat at the Heavenly Banquet is reserved for me. Hallelujah! I rejoice in the Lord! Amen.

Read Psalm 32

Congratulations on spending the last 30 days praying through the most popular Psalms! May you continue to take a few minutes each day to be still in His Word and find inspiration and comfort on your walk in faith.

headshot of author Dolores SmythDolores Smyth writes on faith and families. Her work has appeared in numerous print and online publications. You can read more of her work on Twitter @LolaWordSmyth.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/yacobchuk

Originally published November 08, 2019.