4 Reasons (and Ways) to Pray Specifically

One day I had a desire in my heart. It was a fleeting heart’s wish. I wanted a wooden dining room table. I didn’t dwell on it. We had priced them a few months prior, and they were completely too expensive and most of the ones in the stores I didn’t like. I didn’t think about it after that initial thought because it seemed selfish and completely out of reach.
I thought at the time, “One day...” I didn’t even say anything to anyone, not even my husband. Why complain or ask for something we couldn’t find or afford? I let the wish go. I didn’t even consider it a real wish. Just a thought. It felt so insignificant that I didn’t even pray about it.
Why pray for something when there was no way of getting it?
Six days later someone texted me. Someone she knew was selling her furniture after moving. Would I be interested in this dining room table” She shared the picture of it. My heart caught in my throat. It was for 8-10 people (we have seven family members). It was wooden. It was well-made with no scratches.
How could God answer a prayer that I didn’t even pray?
Why would God answer this prayer that I was too disbelieving to voice to Him?
Why would God show me such kindness?
Later that week we were able to purchase that wooden dining room table and a hutch to match. In just a few days I was standing in front of a gift from God that I didn’t even believe He would give me. Not only that, the table and hutch fit perfectly in the tiny space we had for the dining room. It was almost as if our room was built for that table.
Do you ever wonder if God hears your prayers? Let me tell you this: He not only hears, He cares. Every time I look at that table I see God’s kindness for me. He gifted me something I didn’t even have the faith to ask Him for. God commands us to pray, and God enjoys answering our prayers.
A Caution
Praying specifically might seem selfish or presumptuous. I think there should be a cautionary statement about praying specifically. God is not a genie in a bottle. We do not just ask for things, especially material possessions, expecting Him to give us whatever we want. The key is motive.
God will not answer a self-serving prayer that is focused on just what we want or desire. If we are praying prayers with no thought to God or others, those are selfish. Before we go further, we need to examine our own hearts and make sure we are approaching God with a humble heart.
“God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6b (ESV)
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Motortion
4 Reasons Why We Should Pray Specifically
After examining our hearts and asking God to keep us humble, we can now pray specifically. God wants us to come to Him and pray! You might not realize it, but God wants us to bring our requests to Him. Here are four reasons why:
1. God gives good gifts. James 1:17 says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.” Don’t be afraid to ask God for gifts. He will give us exactly what we need because He is our Father. What an amazing truth!?
2. God is always listening. The Bible is filled with these types of promises, but I love Psalm 116:1-2, “I love the Lord, because He has heard my voice and my supplications. Because He has inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.” These verses remind us that God is always listening. We can always cry out to Him because He hears us!
3. God is all-wise. What if we ask amiss? What if we are praying for something that isn’t good for us? We can trust that God is too good and too wise to let anything destroy us. God will keep us safe because He loves us and is always working, even if we pray amiss, for our good. Romans 8:28 reminds us that even our prayers God will work out for our God.
4. God tells us to pray. Philippians 4:6-7 is one of my favorite passages. In these verses, God (through the Apostle Paul) tells us to bring all things before Him in prayer. Are you anxious? Worried? The answer is prayer. Paul says to pray in all things. That means you can pray specifically because God commands it!
What Should We Pray for Specifically?
As we think about praying specifically, I can’t tell you to pray for a table, but I can tell you the Bible once again helps us figure out what to pray for.
I chose these four things because they are found in one of my favorite chapters of the Bible. So let’s take a very familiar passage, Psalm 23, and pray for these four things today! Beside each thing are the verses and a simple prayer you can use to pray to God.
Here are four ways to pray specifically:
1. Pray for Peace - “God, You promised to restore my soul. Today I lift up my voice and ask You to grant me peace. Bring peace to my heart. Maybe I need to turn away from sin, or confess something because it is keeping me from You. I do that now. Help bring Your peace into my heart. Peace is not a matter of my circumstances, but my gaze. Help me gaze on You and realize that you are the Prince of Peace and You desire peace in my heart. Please grant me this prayer. Amen.” Psalm 23:3
2. Pray for Provision - “O Lord, my Shepherd, I pray that You will give me what I need. Sometimes I get my needs and wants mixed up. Help me to know the difference. Help me to remember that You are the Good Shepherd who delights in giving me what I need. I pray that you will provide ______ for me today. Help me trust You as I wait on You to provide. Thank You for always providing for me. Amen.” Psalm 23:1-2
3. Pray for Protection - “Dear God, I pray for protection from enemies, but also from the darkness of this world. I feel weighed down with the burdens, the grief, and the heartache of everything in my life. Project me from the depression and anxiety, the ‘valley of the shadow of death.’ I pray that you will comfort me in my distress. Amen.” Psalm 23:4a
4. Pray for Presence - “O Heavenly Father, Great Shepherd, and Comforter, I pray that I will feel Your presence today. You are with me. Your presence is something I don’t have to seek out, but to just acknowledge is there. Help me feel You close today. Help me hear Your voice through the Bible. Give me a taste of Your presence with me. Amen.” Psalm 23:4b
God will answer each of those prayers, but He will answer even more. I hope this gives you the courage, the confidence, and the comfort to go to God in prayer!
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/fizkes
Originally published January 02, 2025.