
The 10 Most Popular Prayers of 2023

See which prayers resonated the most with Christians in 2023. 
Published Dec 29, 2023
The 10 Most Popular Prayers of 2023

As the world grappled with the wars in Israel and Ukraine, wildfires in Maui and Canada, and tragedies at our borders and in our oceans, the Your Daily Prayer podcast emerged as a beacon of light, helping people find the words to express their concerns, recognize their blessings, and ask for God’s guidance.

In 2023, the Your Daily Prayer podcast was downloaded more than 9.5 million times and captivated the hearts and minds of more than 500,000 listeners around the globe!

This encouraging show, hosted by the dedicated and inspirational team from, offered a daily refuge for individuals seeking guidance, peace, and reflection. 

Here are the 10 most downloaded prayers of 2023. Listen now or bookmark this page and revisit it when you need inspiration! 

1. A Prayer for an Anxious Heart

"The next time something catches you by surprise, and you find those anxious feelings bubbling inside you, your thoughts going every which way, try this. Allow anxiety to prompt you to pray. Talk to God about your problems and trials. Remind yourself that He is all-knowing, so you don’t have to be." - Ashley Moore

Read the transcript of A Prayer for an Anxious Heart here. 

2. A Prayer for Courage

"We often don't think about the connection to prayer and courage. But prayer is how we remind ourselves of what God has done in the past and who he is. He is infinitely good, wise, strong, loving, and perfect. And that infinite wisdom, goodness, love and perfection is what he uses to care for us every day." - Dr. Ray Pritchard

Read the transcript of A Prayer for Courage here. 

3. A Prayer for a Fresh New Start

"Are you called to respond to a difficult client today? Ask God for His kindness. As a caretaker, are you struggling to meet endless needs? Ask God for His compassion. Are you fighting an illness? Ask God for His strength. The list goes on and on. We need the infinite measure of God’s might and power at work in us every single day, and He promises to give this in abundance." - Megan Evans

Read the transcript of A Prayer for A Fresh New Start.

4. A Prayer for When You Feel Forgotten

"Do you feel as though you have been left far, far behind? It seems like other people have moved on, and you’re left to flounder forward, lonely and feeling lost. Remember that God sees you. When you feel invisible, remember that his heart is tender toward you. He walks with you, guiding you, bringing you comfort and rest." - Jessica Van Roekel

Read the transcript of A Prayer for When You Feel Forgotten.Read the transcript of A Prayer for When You Feel Forgotten.

5. A Prayer for When Change Seems Impossible

"Our strength, grit, and sheer won’t be enough to make lasting changes. God has given us everything we need to live a changed life, a life that is pleasing to Him. And we received this by coming to know Him. By the power of the Holy Spirit, change, true change that brings glory to God, is possible." - Ashley Moore

Read the transcript of A Prayer for When Change Seems Impossible.

6. A Prayer for When You Don't Feel Good Enough

"There is so much out of our control. This fact, along with the overwhelming standards of beauty, performance, and success, produces a perfect storm of anxiety about not being good enough. I know so many people feel this way, which stems from a variety of reasons and causes, but, as Christians, we know that this is really a lie from the enemy." - Molly Law

Read the transcript of A Prayer for When You Don't Feel Good Enough.

7. A Prayer to Forgive as We Have Been Forgiven

"People intentionally choose to sin against us, and even more, to sin against God. They hurt us with their intentions, their words, their greed, and their selfishness. In the midst of this reality and the sting that it brings, we can take comfort in this truth: they will someday face God and He will deal with their sin against you." - Tiffany Thibault

Read the transcript of A Prayer to Forgive As We Have Been Forgiven.

8. A Prayer for Gratefulness

"Positive thinking is important, but without proper roots, we may force our view of what is good in front of what God proclaims “good.” Gratefulness intersects with positivity in a realistic way which allows us to see what we currently have and entrust God with what is to come." - Meg Bucher

Read the transcript of A Prayer for Gratefulness.

9. A Prayer to Trust God's Plan

"It can be hard to trust God’s plan when all we can see is our own. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a flowchart telling us exactly how to plan and prepare? Or quick footnotes to explain how difficulties will turn out for our good and His glory?" - Megan Evans

Read the transcript of A Prayer to Trust God's Plan.

10. A Prayer for Peace in Unstable Times

"For many of us, these last few years have felt a bit unstable. We have all experienced some form of worry, stress, and anxiety from the unknown future. From viruses, suddenly losing loved ones, empty store shelves, job losses, rising home prices, and hefty grocery bills week after week - we have all needed to find perfect peace. Our answer is found in fixing our gaze upon the Lord and anchoring our minds to His unwavering truth." - Emily Rose Massey

Read the transcript of A Prayer for Peace in Unstable Times.

Image Credit: Ben White Photography via Unsplash

Originally published January 01, 2024.