What Does the Bible Say about Sex before Marriage? (Part 2)
Q. What does the Bible say about sex before marriage?
A. My last entry dealt with this very question, prompting lots of responses. (Thanks for writing, by the way!) Seems like people who contacted me were in one of two groups:
Group #1: Your article was very helpful - thanks!
Group #2: Your article wasn't clear - it didn't answer the question!
I do appreciate the feedback - especially if I'm not clear. And just so you know, my goal in writing is to give clear, biblical principles that address your specific questions. But instead of always saying, "Here's the answer - deal with it," I desire to prompt you to think about and wrestle with the question yourself. That's frustrating for some of you ... but the most helpful in terms of encouraging you to think through tough issues with a biblical perspective in the future. What am I talking about? Well, if you read my last column, I shared three Bible verses and asked some questions relating to each verse. The questions were designed to get you to interact with the verses a bit more.
So, if you like studying what the Bible says on your own, check the previous column. For those of you who prefer the straight scoop, here you go.
Does the Bible say sex before marriage is wrong? YES!
While you won't find that specific phrase used in the Bible, the Bible
repeatedly talks about "sexual immorality" or "sexual sins." These
references to sex are talking about any sexual activity outside of marriage, so if you're having sex (or thinking about having sex) without being married ... God wants you to stop. Some of the places you can find these verses are Hebrews 13:4 1 Thessalonians 4:3-4 1 Thessalonians 4:7 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 Colossians 3:5
A friend from the Netherlands shared some other great verses on this topic: In Song of Solomon 2:7 Song of Solomon 3:5 and Song of Solomon 8:4 there is a strong warning against premarital sex when it says, "Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires." In other words, save sex for marriage!
God is not down on sex. He designed it to be so intense, so exciting, so memorable, so fun (!) that He wants us to share it with one person: our future wife. So if you haven't had sex yet ... keep waiting - you'll be glad you did! If you've already had sex, talk to God about it. He wants to forgive you and give you a fresh start. You can start over today - right now! Talk to God - He's waiting and willing to forgive you. Why? Because He loves you!
Keep asking questions and looking to God for help - He has all the answers!
Photo credit: ©Unsplash/PabloHeimplatz
Originally published March 20, 2001.