Why 'I Prayed for You' Is One of the Most Powerful Things You Can Say to Someone

“I prayed for you.” Have you spoken those words to someone? Have you looked at someone and thought about how you have prayed for them? You may have heard the statement in church, during a family conversation, sharing time with strangers, and in everyday moments of life. Have you ever said “I prayed for you.” to a friend, a family member, or perhaps even to a stranger? Has anyone told you they have prayed for you? How did you feel when you heard those words or read that note saying you had been prayed for? Were you surprised? Comforted? Relieved? Shocked? Uncertain of how to react?
One of the most special ways we can find relationship with God and with each other is through prayer. Whether spoken out loud, whispered, or thought, prayer is a mighty tool.
In prayer, we are sharing conversation with God in profound and glorious ways. We are opening our hearts and soul and asking God to come in and bring peace and comfort to those people we are praying for. When we pray, we are not alone. We can rest assured God is listening and hearing our prayers.
I Prayed for You Meaning
When someone says, “I prayed for you.”, this is letting another person know they have gone to God in conversation. Whether you have asked for prayer or not, there may be someone who is lifting you up to God, asking Him to guide and protect you. There may be someone praying for you right now. You can be ready to pray for others at any moment. Remember not to “put off” prayer until another time. When you feel the need to pray, PRAY.
Specific requests may be made known in the prayer. Perhaps there is an illness, a decision to be made, protection needed. Perhaps there is rejoicing in healing from illness. Perhaps a life found new in Christ is cause for rejoicing and thanksgiving.
We can go to God at any moment. We can rejoice, cry out in sadness, ask for help or sit still, and know He is with us, even in the quiet (Ephesians 6:18).
Our prayers are not always “asking” God for something. Prayers can also be words of thanksgiving and praise. Thank God for healing, good news, and His everlasting love. While we often pray for a certain outcome in a situation, we can find joy in giving Him the glory in our prayers.
Give thanks to God in all circumstances.
When you pray for someone, God hears your prayers.
When someone prays for you, God hears their prayers.
What the Bible Says About Praying for Others
Praying for others allows us to share the love of Christ. Our own relationship with Christ grows deeper as we lift up others up to our Heavenly Father. Confessing our sins and praying for each other is powerful (James 5:16).
We are offered the opportunity to pray for our loved ones and also, for our enemies (Matthew 5:44). Scripture shares how we are to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. At times, we may find difficulty in praying for our enemies. Scripture tells us to pray for everyone, not just the ones we love. Share with God any concern about praying for your enemies.
What about those times when we don’t know what to pray? We wonder how the words will form. There is no need for worry (Romans 8:26). The Holy Spirit will intercede when we don’t know what to pray. Our groans will be heard. Pray often. Pray out loud. Pray quietly. Pray when you rise in the morning and before you sleep at night. Pray for others. Give thanks for God’s blessings and love and the ability to pray for others.
How We Can Pray for Others?
Each time we have a conversation with God, we can rest assured He is listening. Whether we are on our knees on the floor or standing with arms raised in praise and thanksgiving, we have the opportunity to pray for others. Whether we are alone or in a group, we can go to our Heavenly Father and share.
Prayer groups and prayer partners are found all over the world. From praying for people in our local community to praying for people in places we’ve never traveled, we are given the opportunity to share concerns and joys with God.
Some churches have specific groups of people who volunteer to pray. Day or night, they are contacted via phone, email, or in-person when prayer is needed. Privacy may be vital in some situations. God knows. We may be asked to pray privately, remembering God will hear us.
Think of times you have paused to pray during the day or night. Have you been in your vehicle, stopped at a traffic light, only to witness an “almost” accident? Did you pray and give thanksgiving that everyone was safe?
What about a sickness that lingered too long? Then, the day arrived when you felt better.
A phone call from a friend asking for prayers about a decision they want to make.
Perhaps a prodigal child has ventured away, and the family is asking for guidance.
In every situation, we can offer prayer. A friend may request prayer. Circumstances may lead us to a place where prayer is needed and we don’t know the people involved.
Going to God in prayer reminds us that He is in control, not us. We pray for family, friends, and strangers. We pray for animals, the world, things happening all around us. We pray for the unknown.
Each time we go to God, we can find His comfort and peace. (Psalm 23)
Reasons Why “I Prayed for You” is So Powerful
Letting someone know that you prayed for them brings both you and the person to a closer relationship with God.
Through prayer, we know God is listening and providing comfort only He can provide.
Peace can be found when a person knows prayers are being said for them. Burdens are lifted and prayer reminds the person they are not alone.
Praying reminds us to rely on God, not on our human ability. When we share a conversation with God, our faith is strengthened as He surrounds us with His glory and peace. (John 8:32)
“I prayed for you.” is a powerful statement showing the love, faith, and trust in our Heavenly Father. We do not rely on the world for answers. The truth, the way, and the light is found in Him.
“I Prayed for You”
Praying and waiting for God’s answer involves faith, trust, patience, and love (Psalm 27:14). Lifting up another person in prayers brings us closer to God, and they can often find comfort when they find out someone has been praying for them. Whether we are asking for healing, guidance, protection, or something else, our prayers are important. As believers, we know God will answer according to His plan. Knowing He will work things out for His plan can help us understand when the answer is not one we desired.
When the opportunity arises for you to pray, know that you are not alone. God will guide you. God will hold you in His loving arms as you share with Him.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/ronnysison
Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. Her passions are helping in the community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister.
Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and at http://www.melissaghenderson.
This article is part of our Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
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Originally published January 15, 2021.