Why Is Prayer Important for Christians?

Why is prayer important for Christians? Have you ever wondered why prayer is important, especially if we don’t receive the answer we are hoping for from God? Scripture shares that God calls us to pray (Colossians 4:2). Being obedient to God means we will pray. We give thanks along with sharing our concerns. In every prayer, we know God hears our prayers. There is never a time when He doesn’t hear. Whether the answer is yes, no, or not now, we are called to pray and we can be assured God will answer.
We don’t pray only when in need. Christians pray at all times (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).
A life filled with Christ means we will go to Him in joyful moments and in times of sorrow. We will pray for others. Family, friends, strangers, and enemies. Praying is an act of obedience.
Scripture shares how Jesus prayed (Matthew 14:23). Jesus spoke to His Father in prayer.
When we pray, we are opening a line of communication with God.
Find comfort knowing when you pray, God is there with you and He is listening.
Why Is Prayer so Powerful?
Maybe you have heard people say, “There is power in prayer.” Yes, there is power in praying in the name of Jesus. When we tell someone we will pray for them, we are offering to open the conversation with God. Comfort can be found and burdens lessened when we pray and give our concerns to God.
As humans, we can’t handle things on our own. Too often, we try to handle situations before going to God. That is not how God wants us to live. God invites us into a relationship with Him. Go to God first in prayer. Day or night, He is available.
What Does the Bible Say about Prayer?
The Bible is the Word of God. His Word tells us that we can be confident when we go to God in prayer (1John 5:14). We don’t have to hide our flaws or insecurities. God already knows our every thought and action. Scripture (Jeremiah 29:12) shares that if we go to God in prayer, He will listen.
Scripture shares how we are to pray for everyone, not just people we like. We are called to pray for family, friends, strangers, and enemies. Yes, pray for everyone. Do not judge. Do not try to decide how God should answer a prayer. He has a plan, and His plan is always best.
When we pray, we must have faith and trust in the Lord. We must lay our burdens at His feet and trust Him. Pray to God and let Him handle the situation according to His will.
Some Ways on How to Pray
Have you ever considered the many different ways of praying? In the Bible, we read about Jesus praying alone. We also read how people prayed together (Matthew 18:19-20). Think of the ways you have prayed. Have you prayed alone? Prayed in a group? Perhaps you have prayed with family and friends? A prayer before a meal? A prayer before bedtime?
Consider these ways of praying. Each one of these ways can strengthen your relationship with God and draw you closer to Him.
Praying alone: When you are alone, ask God to open your heart and mind for Him to come in and fill you with the Holy Spirit. Feel His presence as you relax and concentrate fully on the Lord.
Reading Scripture: The Bible is filled with prayers to read and learn more about God. Try reading the Word of God aloud. Read with your family. Take turns reading Scripture and pause to discuss questions. Choose a special time with no distractions to read Scripture.
ACTS- Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication: Some people prefer a method to prayer, while others choose to speak from the heart. Either way, rest assured God hears our prayers.
With the ACTS method, the prayer begins with adoration and praise. Thank God for His love and mercy. Thank God for His forgiveness (Matthew 6:9-13).
Confessing our sins and iniquities reminds us that we are flawed people. Salvation is found only through Jesus Christ. During this part of the prayer, ask God to forgive you for sinning, and thank Him for His forgiveness.
Thanksgiving is next in the ACTS prayer. Thank God for His love, mercy, glory, and blessings. Thank God for His forgiveness. Thank God for always being with you, in every moment. “Thank You, God.”
Supplication brings time to make your requests known to God. Yes, He knows your thoughts. Now, is the time during prayer to acknowledge your needs. God will answer in His way and in His timing. Be patient. Whatever His answer may be, know that answer is part of His plan for your life or the person you are praying for.
Using the ACTS method may take practice. Be patient. Try this method and feel the presence of God.
Reading prayers at the end of articles: With online and in print articles and devotions readily available, there is an opportunity to read prayers at the end of these writings. Some blog posts share prayers at the end of the message. The prayer may be used as a conclusion to the message and an invitation to walk closer in a relationship with God.
Starting a prayer journal: Having a place to note your prayers helps with remembering who you are praying for and allows us to rejoice when a prayer is answered. Note a date for each prayer. When the answer comes, record that in your journal. From time to time, look back at the prayers and rejoice in God’s answers.
10 Reasons Prayer is Important for Christians
Prayer is important for Christians because prayer opens communication with God.
Prayer strengthens our faith and trust in God.
Prayer has the ability to help bring other people closer to God.
Prayer is an act of obedience. God calls us to pray.
Prayer allows us to intercede on behalf of another person.
Prayer can show others the way to Christ.
Prayer brings comfort and peace.
Prayer gives us the opportunity to turn our concerns over to God.
Prayer provides a way to show others they are cared for and loved.
Prayer reminds us that we don’t need to worry. God is in control.
Whether you pray alone or in a group setting, those prayers are heard by God. If you are taking a walk and enjoying the beauty of God’s creations, pray. When you learn of someone in need of prayer, pause right then, and pray. As Christians, the world will know God’s love through our words and actions. May peace and comfort fill you as you go to Him in prayer.
Below, I’ve included an example of a prayer.
Father, Thank You for the many blessings You provide. Thank You for the ability to lift others up in prayer. Please forgive me for times I neglect to go to You in prayer. I am grateful for the love and forgiveness You give. Thank You for hearing the prayers of Your people. Help us to remember to love each other. Please allow me to show Your love to others through my words and actions. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Fizkes
Melissa is the author of Licky the Lizard and Grumpy the Gator. Her passions are helping in the community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister.
Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and at http://www.melissaghenderson.
This article is part of our Prayer resource meant to inspire and encourage your prayer life when you face uncertain times. Visit our most popular prayers if you are wondering how to pray or what to pray. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us, and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray.
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Originally published January 15, 2021.