Prayer Requests and Learning How to Pray

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Why pray?

  • Published Jul 05, 2001
Why pray?
One of the most effective tricks of Satan is to make us think that just a little talk with Jesus makes it right. It simply is not true. There must be some big talks with Jesus. Long talks and regular talks too. And He must talk with us if we are to become mature and strong.

Do you ever wonder if your prayers are doing any good? It's time to realize the power of prayer, the delight in a strong prayer life, and the benefits to you and to the Kingdom when you do pray. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, then you will ask for anything you wish and you shall have it (John 15:7).

Why Christians should pray:

  • Because prayer defeats Satan. There is a powerful, cunning, deceptive, determined, and vicious devil. He is after you personally. The first step in dealing with the devil is prayer. And lots of it.

  • Because prayer puts you at God's disposal. It makes you as clay in the hands of the potter. It enables you to say, Thy will be done. It brings you to the place of full surrender. Then, with Isaiah, you can say sincerely, Here am I, send me (Is. 6:8).

  • Because prayer puts God at your disposal. This is not blasphemy. It is a blessed truth. Of course, God is not an errand boy to jump every time you make a request in prayer. But He has yielded to us the keys of the Kingdom. The power He has is available to those He can trust with it. Notice what Jesus said: Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours (Mark 11:24). If you remain in me, and my words remain in you, then you will ask for anything you wish and you shall have it (John 15:7). And James declared, The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective (James 5:16). When you stay on your knees before God long enough and often enough, you will lay hold of the power of God.

  • Because of what prayer accomplished. Much gets done when much time is spent in prayer. There is growth in grace. There are blessings like showers upon the parched land. There is Christlikeness. And there are revivals in your life. Just spend enough time on your knees so that you may walk tall and strong for Him and through Him.

From A Simple Faith by Fletcher Spruce compiled by James R. Spruce. Copyright (c) 1997 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, Mo. Used by permission. To order copies call: 1-800-821-2890.

Fletcher Spruce was a pastor and church administrator for more than three decades. Before his death in 1974 he authored hundreds of articles and seven books. Following in his father's footsteps, Jim Spruce is a district superintendent for the Church of the Nazarene. He has authored several books, including Lord of the Valley.