Spiritual Life

10 Bible Verses You Need to Know about Wisdom

Updated Jan 23, 2024
10 Bible Verses You Need to Know about Wisdom

If the Internet has given the world something, it is an abundance of the ridiculous. There is no shortage of grumpy cats, dancing babies, and fake news. Foolishness is glorified. Yet the world still longs for wisdom. Parenting tips. Marriage advice. Leadership principles. Personal growth. Life hacks. Fancy words describing one thing - wisdom.

The Bible says wisdom is more precious than rubies (Proverbs 8:11) and gold (Proverbs 16:16). So are we willing to pay? Talk is cheap. Wisdom costs. Wisdom is only words if not applied. Words become wisdom when they are internalized and the heart changes. And that is a sacrifice only a few are prepared to make. 

If you desire wisdom as the principal thing (Proverbs 4:7), or require wisdom for a specific situation you face, these Bible verses and Scripture quotes will set your feet on the path of wisdom:

hand holding page reading open Bible, bible verses about wisdom

1. 1 Corinthians 1:24

"But to those called by God to salvation, both Jews and Gentiles, Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God." (1 Corinthians 1:24)

Jesus is the wisdom of God. If wisdom is what you need, you must start with Him. All other wisdom flows from that. The wisest decision you can make is to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ, the wisdom of God. 1 Corinthians 2:16 tells us we have the mind of Christ, so if you call on Jesus, He will give you His wisdom for your situation.

To quote Charles Spurgeon, a life without Christ means that “there is no hope. Sitting wrecked upon this desert rock, the lone soul looks far away, but marks nothing that can give it joy. If, perchance, it fancies that a sail is in the distance, it is soon undeceived. The poor soul is thirsty, and around it flows only a sea of brine, soon to change to an ocean of fire. It looks upward, and there is an angry God-downward, and there are yawning gulfs-on the right hand, and there are accusing sounds-on the left hand, and there are tempting fiends. It is all lost! lost! lost! without Christ, utterly lost, and until Christ comes not a single beam of hope can make glad that anxious eye.e in this world. That Cross and resurrection at the core of the Gospel is the only hope for humanity. Wherever you go, ask God for wisdom on how to get that Gospel in, even in the toughest situations of life.”

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Praying hands, bible verses about wisdom

2. Proverbs 3:15

"Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her." - Proverbs 3:15

God appeared to Solomon and gave him the opportunity to ask for anything he desired. What did Solomon desire more than all else? Wisdom. Not gold or long life, wisdom. Wisdom is paramount. It is great to be smart and have knowledge, but more valuable to have the wisdom to apply it appropriately. If you aspire to anything in this life, I pray you desire wisdom.

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Woman thinking, bible verses about wisdom

3. Proverbs 4:6

"Don't turn your back on wisdom, for she will protect you. Love her, and she will guard you." - Proverbs 4:6

Want protection for business deals, holiday plans, the school run? Ask for and apply wisdom. Wisdom will protect you and your family from motor accidents, shady business deals and harmful relationships. The Holy Spirit will guide you and lead you in all things. Heed His warnings and look for His peace (Philippians 4:7).

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woman looking up at sky thinking, bible verses about wisdom

4. Proverbs 4:8

"If you prize wisdom, she will make you great. Embrace her, and she will honor you." - Proverbs 4:8

Wisdom will make you great. According to society, greatness is achieved through hard work, the right connections, or even a load of cash. While such devices may achieve a certain level of greatness, true greatness takes wisdom. The wisdom not to give up, the wisdom to develop discipline, the wisdom to ask others for help. Such behaviours are often not associated or thought of as wisdom, but are true wisdom in action.

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senior couple hiking, bible verses about wisdom

5. Proverbs 9:11-12

"Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life. If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit. If you score wisdom, you will be the one to suffer." - Proverbs 9:11-12

With conflicting health information appearing daily, it's good to know you don't need to rely on following the latest food fad for total wellness. Wisdom will adhere to advice of professionals, get a second opinion if necessary and stand on the promises of God. Wisdom will not be swayed by Dr. Google or hearsay. Such wisdom will multiply your days.

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small group Bible study, bible verses about wisdom

6. Proverbs 19:8

"To acquire wisdom is to love yourself; people who cherish understanding will prosper." - Proverbs 19:8

Acquire wisdom and you will prosper. Don't forget, prosperity is more than material wealth. It includes good relationships, thriving children, a happy marriage, good physical health and financial gain. You can only attain prosperity in every sense of the word when you apply wisdom. Wisdom will guide you toward healthy life balance which is the essence of prosperity.

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woman thinking on beach, bible verses about wisdom

7. Proverbs 11:2

"Pride leads to disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." - Proverbs 11:2

It takes humility to submit yourself to the wisdom of God above your own wisdom. As you will discover, the two are intricately linked. You can't be wise without being humble. On the same token, if you are humble, you will find yourself unwittingly wise.

Humility requires honesty. As Thomas Jefferson said, “Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom.” Be humble enough to honestly recognise areas where you still have much to learn.

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Cross with white fabric at sunset, bible verses about wisdom

8. Luke 2:52

"Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and all the people." - Luke 2:52

When it comes to wisdom, no one arrives. There is always more wisdom, more to learn. Remain teachable and be open to learn new things and you will be wise. Jesus, the wisdom of God, was not beyond growing in wisdom. If Jesus grew in wisdom, surely we too should continue to mature in wisdom.

In the play, As You Like It, William Shakespeare said, “The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.” In other words, be humble enough to know you really know nothing, and you've reached the beginning of wisdom.

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view down aisle of empty church and pews, bible verses about wisdom

9. James 1:5

"If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking." - James 1:5

The last few verses have demonstrated the link between wisdom and humility. It is again demonstrated here in the book of James saying, "If you need wisdom, ask." It is that simple. Humble yourself, ask for wisdom, have a teachable spirit, and God will give it to you. He is the ultimate source of wisdom.

Later in James, we find a definition of what wisdom looks like: honor, not selfish or jealous, truth, pure, peace-loving, gentle, merciful and good. A life of biblical wisdom cannot be achieved without God. Ask and He will provide not as the world does.

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woman praying outside, bible verses about wisdom

10. Ephesians 1:16-17

"I have not stopped thanking God for you. I pray for you constantly, asking God, the glorious Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, to give you spiritual wisdom and insight so that you might grow in your knowledge of God." - Ephesians 1:16-17

Like Paul prayed for the church in Ephesus, I pray Christ gives you spiritual wisdom that you may grown in your faith and knowledge of Him. I pray your heart remains humble and teachable and that you always look to Jesus as your wisdom.

*Sarah Coleman is an Australian wife, mother and Senior Pastor. Download her free eBook, Be Amazing: You Know You Want To and read more of her thoughts at sarahcoleman.com.au.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Layland Masuda

Originally published August 13, 2020.


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