You’ve finished the medical procedure. As you try getting oriented, you lay there. Now comes the hard part. Waiting for results. Or maybe you aren’t the one having the test; it’s someone you love. In that case, the waiting seems impossible. We know we’re not supposed to worry. We know God is sovereign, but what can we do as we wait?
Are you waiting for something you’ve been praying about for a very long time and the answer has not come? Do you sometimes feel stretched to the very limit of your endurance? I don’t think there is one of us who hasn’t felt like this at times. In the fast-paced society in which we live we often feel that waiting is a complete waste of time. We are often consumed with activism and a results-oriented lifestyle. We want immediate results and find it so difficult to wait.
Did you know that your waiting could actually be strategic for breakthrough in prayer? Many believers are presently facing the reality of delay. They are in a stage of waiting. It’s taking longer than expected. Could all of these delays possibly be engineered and designed by the Lord Himself? Could He be preparing His people for something really big, and only He knows how He must make them ready in the place of prayer and intimacy first?
A Breakthrough Prayer for Waiting for God's Timing
Lord, I thank You that You will answer my prayers in Your perfect timing. Reveal what is in my heart, and make me ready to handle the answer in the right way when it comes. Help me to pray by faith consistently and long-term, to believe, wait, and then move forward in Your timing. Help me to be patient in prayer, not give up, and trust You even during moments when I feel negative emotions. I don’t want to live by feelings but by faith. Help me not to take matters in my own hands. I choose to trust you, and I refuse to believe the lies of the enemy. I choose to be faithful in prayer (Colossians 4:2). Deepen my understanding, and give me a greater knowledge of what You are doing in my life. I choose to hold unswervingly to the hope that I profess (Hebrews 10:23). Stretch my faith in the midst of the wait, just as You did with Your disciples when encountering a storm at sea (Matthew 8:23-27). I thank You that You have all wisdom and will answer my prayers in the perfect way. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (Debbie Przybylski)
Here are 10 things to do while you’re waiting on God.
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1. Pray
Praying is important. But involving others in this process is helpful. Read
Sometimes things happen to us which stretch our faith. Enlisting others to pray is dually beneficial:
- Sharing your burdens lessens them.
- Others grow spiritually as they see God answer prayers they had a part in.
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2. Read Truth
All of us have certain things we read which give us courage when things are difficult. Maybe you have a favorite portion of Scripture. Maybe you like to memorize verses so you can meditate on them when you are experiencing hard times. Waiting is difficult. Concentrating on what is true helps us recognize when Satan starts lying to us.
He’ll tell us things like:
- God doesn’t care about you.
- He doesn’t hear you.
- You haven’t been reading the Bible lately; he’s not going to answer.
We need to read truth when we face a trial so we can be armed. Read Ephesians 6:10-20. In this section God describes why it is important to stand against the enemy of our soul. Satan loves to attack at our weakest points, so we need the power of God to fight this. We need the his armor. God’s own Son turned to God and his Word when tempted.
Read Matthew 4:1-11. Jesus started every sentence with “It is written.” He knew he could be strengthened by his Father, and he did just that. What a wonderful example he was in turning to God’s Word instead of thinking he had what it took to stand up to the enemy. We have to remember Satan is the father of lies. He’s sneaky and he knows our weak points. Thankfully, God is stronger than anyone, and he will be what we need in every situation. When you are waiting on God to move in a situation, get into Scripture and recall His promises.
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3. Sing
Sometimes we’re not in a place where we can easily process things. In that case, let me suggest that you get alone and sing to God. When I was at my sister’s murder trial waiting for my turn to testify, I remember quietly singing hymns. Some I hadn’t sung in years, and yet, when I needed those words, they were there, tucked away in my mind.
By the time the guard came back for me, I was totally peaceful. God had encouraged my heart with the truth that tucked inside those hymns. One of my favorite old hymns is Jesus Never Fails, by Arthur A. Luther. Those three words “Jesus Never Fails” have given me strength I did not have over and over in my life. And when I’m in a place with people all around and singing is not possible, just reciting the words still helps my fears to dispel as I lean with all my weight on God. Worship while you wait.
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4. Make a List of What God Has Done in Your Life
Sometimes our faith wavers; the longer we must wait for an answer, the harder it becomes. Listing other things God has done in my life has helped tremendously. We all need those reminders.
When David fought Goliath, even he reflected on what God had done in the past in his life. List things God has done for you in your life. You’ll be amazed how many you’ll come up with in such a small period of time.
You can go back as far as you’d like, and as you make this list, you’ll feel your confidence in God growing. Read Hebrews 13:8. Just meditating on the immutability of God will help you to trust in his unfailing love. We can trust that the one who helped us yesterday is able to help us again today.
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5. Go for a Walk
Sometimes we can get encouraged when we take a break from whatever we’re doing and we look around at God’s creation. Evidence of God working is everywhere we look. From the tiniest of creatures, to the vastness of the sky, we see God’s fingerprints.
Going for a walk helps us to clear our minds and to concentrate on the beauty that is all around us. Too often we get caught up in the way the world thinks. Read Romans 12:2. In this case, it is important to remember that if we’re not proactive we can conform to the world around us. And the only way we can be transformed is to fill ourselves with what is true.
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6. Meditate on God's Promises
Read Romans 8:28. We can have confidence as we are waiting, knowing that God will work our outcomes together for good. We have a caring, loving God who started a work in us when we first accepted his Son and the sacrifice Jesus made.
God started a work and we are promised he cares about us and will work all things together for good... Even that very thing you are hoping and praying for now. God's Word is filled with promises from our Creator to provide and deliver. The Bible is the ultimate source for truth and God is faithful to fulfill all His promises. For a full list of promises in Scripture read: God's Promises in the Bible
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7. Study God's Names
Learning God’s names can be very encouraging when we are going through trials. One of his names is Jehovah Jireh, which tells us that he is the Lord who will provide. God does not lie and if he says he is the God who provides, we can be assured that he will.
Another name of God is Jehovah Rapha which means the God who heals. With that name we can rest that no thing we can possibly face will be bigger than God. Knowing that gives us confidence, even when the waiting seems hard.
Additional reading:
- 10 Names of God and What They Mean
- 10 Old Testament Names of God You Need to Know
- 10 Powerful Names of God and What They Mean for Us Today
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8. Call a Friend
Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. God never meant for us to bear our own burdens. He tells us that two are better than one. Why? Because when one falls, the other can help him up. Community is important to God. He did not make us to be isolated. Find friends who will wait with you.
Often we will find that a friend will help us and then there will come a day when our friend will need a hand as well; we will be able to be that person. David had a close friendship with Jonathan. We can pray God provides us with our very own Jonathan.
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9. Talk to a Pastor
If you find you are struggling, maybe it is time to call on a pastor to help you sort things out. Not only do they know truth, but they are also trained to help you when you feel overwhelmed with your life.
A pastor may also have other ideas of what you can do to alleviate the anxiety you are feeling. I remember one time in particular when I was struggling with waiting on God. I found that the words my pastor had for me were very encouraging. The Bible says we are to encourage one another. Pastors are good at encouraging hearts that are bent low because of trials.
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10. Visit Someone Who is Homebound
We are in an age where people think everyone is plugged in. But the truth is not everyone is connected. There are people who are not computer literate. And while the rest of the world communicates regularly, they do not. We who know the Lord need to take care of those who are lonely. Read James 1:27. God tells us to look after the widows. Maybe you know someone who could really use a visit. You could be the bright spot to their day.
And before you think that you don’t have time, we make time for the things that are important to us. Someday you may be alone, and wouldn’t you welcome a visit from someone? Yes, the world is pretty connected, but not everyone. You can make a big difference with a small visit. And if you’re not sure who to visit, ask God. For the very person he puts on your heart may be the same one who’s just whispered a prayer to God.
God I bring the person who is waiting before you. I pray that you help him/her to rest. God, you are not surprised at what they are facing. You are sovereign. Father, give them a measure of grace so they can wait, though they feel the waiting is impossible. Surround them with your peace that passes all understanding. We pay this in your Son’s most precious and Holy name. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Anne Peterson is a speaker, poet, and published author who is a regular contributor to Crosswalk. Anne has published 14 books including her memoir, Broken: A story of abuse, survival and hope. Anne believes life is hard, so she writes words to make it softer. Find Anne on her website and Facebook page. You can also receive her free Ebook: Helping Someone in Grief: 17 Things You Need to Know.
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Originally published October 14, 2020.