4 Questions to Consider as You Think about the President

Editor's note: This article was originally written and published prior to Joe Biden withdrawing from the 2024 election. To read more about that, click here.
Every now and then we need to be reminded of the truth of Scripture, because it is so easy to get sucked into the thinking and patterns of the world. Should you find this happening to you, then you must take a step back to recalibrate and make sure you align your thinking with Scripture, and not with the world.
As Christians, we have a war going on inside us between what our flesh wants and what the Spirit wants. How you navigate this battle will make the difference between being conformed to the world and transformed into the image of Christ. If you desire to be like Christ, then this means you should strive to think and act like Christ. This pursuit must cut across every aspect of your life, and therein lies the challenge.
One area some may struggle with is the right way we should respond to those in authority. For the sake of this article, I am just going to speak about the Office of the President of the United States. I have had the privilege (I use this word loosely) to just listen to the things Christians say about the president, both past and present, so I am not just referring to our current president.
Sad to say, we have not approached this from a Biblical perspective. We have approached this more from a worldly perspective than a Christlike one. If we are going to represent Christ, then we must change this. I will admit what I am about to share may ruffle a few feathers, but remember, I am just the messenger sharing what is clearly God’s message from Scripture. Let me also say your political position has no bearing on this conversation, so let’s leave that out of it. The side of the aisle you land on has no relevance to what the Bible instructs us to do, and that is where I want you to focus.
4 Questions to Consider as You Think about and Respond to the President
Let me first give you an instruction from God’s word.
“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people — for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:1-3).
I want to ask you four very simple but poignant questions. Your answer to these questions will reveal a lot about what is in your mind and heart regarding this issue.
1. Are You Offering Petitions, Prayers, and Intercession for the President?
This is a challenging question, and I will admit that sometimes I wrestle with this. Here is a pattern I have noticed from Christians, and even Christian leaders. When there is a president in office you like, then the messaging is how we must pray for the president. If it is one you don’t like, that language becomes strangely silent.
Please notice, Paul gives this instruction without a qualifier. I have heard people say, but the president is this, or wants to do that, and I don’t like it. Please tell me where that fits into the instruction to pray for them.
This is when we must separate thinking Biblically about these things from thinking politically about them. If you refuse to pray, or you find a reason this instruction does not apply to you, then you are thinking like the world. I don’t say that to be critical; I say that to be reflective. Remember, we are accountable for how we behave. Wouldn’t you want to be found right in God’s sight on these matters?
2. Are You Giving Thanks for the President?
This is another ouch moment because Paul says to offer thanksgiving for kings and all those in authority. Again, there is no qualifier for this. This is something else I have wrestled with myself because this is a lot easier when the person you voted for is in office.
What happens when they are not? This is again where we have a choice to think and act like Jesus, or to think and act like the world. I want to give you a little exercise. I am going to list five names. All I want you to consider is what comes to your mind when I mention these names.
Bill Clinton
George W. Bush
Barack Obama
Donald Trump
Joe Biden
With each name, are you thinking prayers, intercession, thanksgiving, or is it something else? I am not trying to say this is easy. I am trying to say this is necessary. The objective is not to be in right standing politically, but to be in right standing before the Lord. Though some will try to make the case that these two things are the same, they are not.
3. Are You Concerned about Pleasing God?
Paul could not be any clearer. When we do these things, this is good and pleasing to God. That means when we don’t them, it is not good and not pleasing to him. Here is a simple question.
Do you want to please God?
This is not always going to be the popular decision, but let’s put a higher priority on pleasing God than anything else. When you do that, then the fourth question has greater impact on those around you.
4. Do You Want People to Be Saved and Come to the Knowledge of the Truth?
I think sometimes we forget as Christians that the world is watching. They are looking at how we engage with each other and how we engage with those who are not believers. It’s fascinating that this is exactly what Jesus said. Consider this verse.
“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35).
The thing that will set us apart from the world is how we love each other. Think of all the characteristics that define love and imagine if we simply displayed those – especially towards those in authority.
Instead of being easily frustrated and annoyed, and saying the first thing that comes to mind, how about responding with patience.
Instead of insulting and name calling, especially with those in your circle who agree with you politically, how about showing kindness to the person in office.
Instead of dishonoring the office, how about showing respect and honor to it.
Are these things easy? Not at all. But like I said earlier, they are necessary and here is why they are. Because we want people to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
Ask yourself, is it worth biting your tongue or holding your words if it could help bring someone to the knowledge of the truth? I would say a resounding yes, but you must come to that conclusion for yourself. The truth about thinking Biblically about these matters is it forces us to look at them from an eternal perspective. When you do that, then it becomes a lot easier to let some of these things go.
I want to reiterate this is not easy and I have not gotten this right all the time. Yet, I want to. Not because I am ever going to agree with or like every president that gets elected. More so because I want my life to reflect Christ. If that means humbling myself, or obeying what God asks, then so be it. There is more at stake the who is in the White House. There is an eternity at stake for everyone.
Somehow, I think God is more interested in that outcome than who is in the White House. Maybe it’s time that we take that same mindset too.
Related Resource: Examining Christian Nationalism: God, American Politics, and the Church
In this episode of Thinking Christian: Clear Theology for a Confusing World, we kick off a series of talks on Christian Nationalism. Using the Neighborly Faith survey on Christian Nationalism as a jumping-off point, host Dr. James Spencer will discuss the statements that those designated "adherents" of Christian Nationalism strongly agree with and disagree with. The goal is to situate the Church and state within an appropriate theological and biblical perspective. Join us for this thought-provoking episode!
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/tupungato
Originally published May 28, 2024.