Psalm 1:1-2 - “Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.”
The rest of Psalm 1 goes on to say that the person who meditates on God’s law (His Word) is like a fruitful tree planted near a stream. Meditating on the Bible is a wonderful invitation from the Lord that not only encourages our hearts each day, but transforms us from the inside out. Often, we can focus so much on “Bible reading time” or “quiet time” which is a specific time set apart for reading the Bible. However, we are not just supposed to retain Scripture, but apply it.
Maybe you, like myself, are needing a reminder of some specific ways to live out God’s Word each day. Today, we will talk about five ways to apply the Bible to our every day.
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1. Put Scripture in Places Where You Will See It
Hebrews 4:12 - “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
The Word of God is described in two ways in Hebrews 4:12: alive and active. Current books often are speaking to this generation in a language that they understand and on topics that are relevant. One beautiful quality about Scripture is that it is timeless truth. It is 100% relevant and understandable by the power of the Holy Spirit to every generation. Psalm 119:90 says, “Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures.”
God’s Word is lasting and impactful to all who encounter it. It provides the message of salvation, heals our hearts, convicts us, directs our steps, empowers us, and reveals His Will. His Word is the only book, the only message, the only voice that ever lasts eternally.
When we place Scripture in prominent places around our homes, workplaces, school desks, or cars, we are provided with reminders in the midst of our mundane lives to reflect on the life-changing messages from God Almighty Himself.
This is no small deal. We have the Bible in our language. This is something to be celebrated. We can be doing dishes and looking at a Scripture note card. I know a college student who has a Bible verse she wants to reflect on as the lock screen to her cell phone. Or maybe some beautifully hung art would brighten our days?
How can we get creative in placing the Word of God in front of our eyes on a daily basis? This is how we remind ourselves to meditate on His Words day and night.
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2. Pray God’s Word
Have you ever thought about praying a Scripture verse or a passage over your day? For example, if you woke up one day and began to pray Psalm 23:1-2 you might pray: “Lord, thank you that You are my Shepherd, I lack nothing. Please help me to lie down in green pastures and lead me beside quiet waters today. Amen.”
Since God’s Word is living and active, you are praying the Words of God back to Him. You are proclaiming His truth over your life and inviting Him into your day and your situation.
Wycliffe Bible Translators has some amazing ideas on how to pray through Scripture. Check them out for more inspiration.
3. Scripture Memory Card/Verse of the Week
Psalm 37:31 - “The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do not slip.”
Memorizing what God has said will help us to know Him more and to live by His ways. This leads to a lot of blessing and benefit in our lives, and most importantly, connection to our Savior.
How often do we push aside Bible memorization because it is “too difficult” or time consuming? The truth is the amount of time we spend on social media, watching TV, gardening, or doing that hobby we love could be given to Bible memory. A simple way to incorporate this is just to begin by using a notecard, writing a memory verse of the week, and placing it somewhere you will see if daily. Read the verse, think about it, and repeat parts of it until you learn it.
Do this alone, with a spouse or your roommate, practice with your children or grandchildren. Consider including whoever is around you in your regular routine for accountability.
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4. Listen to Bible Apps
Do you have a long commute? Are you wanting to listen to something around the house while you clean? Listening to the Bible or a devotion with Biblical content can bring in God’s Word throughout the day when you would not otherwise be reading it.
You can listen to different versions of the Bible on Audio Bible by Bible Study Tools. This is a way to bring Scripture into the most mundane moments, such as while brushing your teeth, doing your hair, driving your car, or cooking dinner. We have a plethora of opportunity to think on the Bible in our day and age, we just have to be intentional to seek Him out in every moment.
5. Remember the Gospel
If someone were to ask, “What does the gospel mean?” There would be a variety of answers. The gospel is the good news that is found in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” We all have sinned, and our sin separates us from God who is perfect. So because we could not be with Him anymore (Genesis 3), Jesus - who is God - came to us as the Savior for all who believe in His life, death and resurrection. He gives the free gift of His Holy Spirit to all who place their faith in Him. His Holy Spirit is with us always (Romans 8:11).
This is the central message of the entire Bible. Because of this forever unchanging truth, we can apply the gospel in our every day lives by preaching that message to ourselves, praying it over others, and inviting others to receive Jesus. We can be missional in all that we do. That trip to the library is no longer just about a book, but who we will meet and interact with once there. That lunch out is not only about fueling our bodies, but reaching out to our waitress. Our mindsets completely change because Jesus has changed us. His Word is the means of delivering this message to us.
Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Photodjo
Originally published June 13, 2023.