7 Reasons to Start Your Day with God

Most of us get out of bed each morning and jump right into the daily routine and responsibilities ahead. Sometimes, we may give little thought to how we should start our day. But as Christians, it can be life-changing to create the habit of starting your day with God. We actually find this concept in Scripture.
“In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; in the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch” (Psalm 5:3).
Starting your day with God simply means spending time with Him. You can do this in various ways, like morning prayers and reading Bible verses. However you do it, the most important thing is to start cultivating this rhythm in your life. There is truly no better way to start your day than to start it with God.
7 Reasons to Start Your Day with God
Before the day takes off and you begin to tackle your to-do list and tasks, as a believer, it is spiritually edifying and beneficial to start your day with God. This will make a powerful impact on how you go about your day. There is an account in the Gospel where Jesus even got away in the early hours to spend time with God (see Mark 1:35). Jesus has set a wonderful example for Christians to follow.
Here are seven reasons to begin your day in fellowship with God.
1. God Desires Relationship with You
God loves humanity. God loves you. He wants a relationship with you where you spend time with Him in prayer, Scripture, and worship. God delights in His children, and He notices when we wake and go about our day. God has always been intimately involved in each person’s life. We find in Scripture stories of God drawing people into a relationship with Him. Start your day with God because He longs to hear from you and be in a relationship with you.
2. You Were Made for Fellowship with God
God is our Creator. He knit each person together in their mother’s womb. We were made to be in a relationship with God. Just as God desires a relationship with you, He made you to be in fellowship with Him. We were not made to do life alone or apart from God. We are innately drawn to God and want to know Him. Starting your day with God satisfies the deepest thirst you have for connection and belonging.
3. You Can Ask God to Guide Your Day
When you start your day with God, you can ask the Lord to help you through struggles you will encounter, through challenges you know are ahead, for help in a specific situation, and for overall help to guide you through the day. God can be a source of strength for hard times, wisdom for decisions that need to be made, and protection as you come and go. Start your day with God because you can commit your day to Him and ask for His help.
4. You Will Feel at Peace
Jesus gives His followers peace over all things (Philippians 4:7). If we start our day with worries and concerns, feelings of fear and anxiety will plague the day ahead. However, when you start your day with God, you will take hold of and enter into the peace that God has for you. Peace is a precious gift from God that we can have the moment we wake up by spending time with Him.
5. You Can Give Thanks
When we approach God, we can come to Him with grateful hearts no matter what is going on in our lives because the goodness and faithfulness of Jesus endures through life’s ups and downs. There is always something for which we can give thanks (see 1 Thessalonians 5:18). By starting your day with God, you give yourself the chance to give thanks to the Lord and reflect on His grace and love for you.
6. It Can Help You Have a Right Perspective
We are prone to put ourselves first, or worry, or think that we’re in control. However, when you start your day with God, it will give you a right perspective and mindset (see Colossians 3:2). This practice will serve as a recognition that Jesus is in control and has good plans for you. We need to remember that God is God and we are not. This will help you to surrender your day to the Lord and approach each person, task, or circumstance with more grace and understanding. Having the right perspective can make big differences in all the right ways.
7. It Will Transform Your Heart
The habits we practice shape who we become. Implementing this type of routine to start your day with God will absolutely transform your heart for the Lord. You will seek God, you will grow in love for the Lord, and you will recognize your need for Jesus. When we intentionally spend time with God each day, our hearts become more like His. When you start your day with God, you are allowing the Spirit to work in you and through you.
Tips to Start Your Day with God
If you are feeling excited and inspired to start your day with God, here are some tips to make that happen. Starting this spiritual practice may feel intimidating or challenging, but the best thing you can do is to ask for the Holy Spirit to enable you and utilize some of these tips to begin starting each day with God.
1. Pray about It
Any new practice takes time and is more likely to take root in your life if you don’t overwhelm yourself. So pray about it and see how God is leading you to start your day with Him. Maybe it’ll be small changes at first, and that’s OK. Just starting is the first and most important step to beginning your day in such a blessed way.
2. Make a Plan
When you plan something, it is more likely that it will happen. Plan ahead the night before how you will start your day with God. Perhaps you will wake up a bit earlier to spend time with God, or plan to have worship music playing while you make breakfast. Whatever it will be for each day, planning ahead is a great tip to make it more likely to start your day with God.
3. Set Your Mind on Jesus
Sometimes, starting a new habit or practice can feel overwhelming. You want to, but perhaps aren’t sure where to start or how to fit it into your already busy life. For some, simply beginning with setting your first thought on God can be a good way to start your day with God. Wake up and simply say hello to the Lord and thank Him for a new day. Let your mind go to Jesus first as you open your eyes, and this will start impacting and training your heart to start with God.
4. Spend Time in Prayer
As you get ready in the morning, brush your teeth, or make breakfast, you can use this time to talk to Jesus. This is an easy way to start your day with God by being in prayer as you complete these daily tasks. God is already there with you, so start praying and talking to Him as you go about your routine.
5. Read Scripture
In the morning, before you check out what’s happening in the world of social media, you can head over to a Bible app or website to read a chapter instead. Perhaps read one psalm every morning, or a chapter in one of the Gospels. By reading Scripture, you are starting your day with God and letting His word give you peace and perspective.
6. Listen to the Audio Bible
If you prefer listening to the Bible instead, turn on the audio Bible while you get dressed, exercise, or eat breakfast. You can even listen to the audio Bible on your way to work or school, or while you take your morning walk. Listening to Scripture is an easy way to help you start your day with God, and you will be filled with truth and hope.
7. Meditate on a Verse
Oftentimes, a quick way to start your day with God is to sign up for an email list for a verse of the day email. As you start your day, you can check your email and have a verse to think about or memorize for the day. This is a great way to start your day with the Lord and set your mind on Him.
8. Worship
Putting on worship music can be an easy way to start your day with God. Instead of turning on the TV, a podcast, or talk radio, begin with some worship songs on in the background as you begin your day. This will give you moments to praise the Lord and spend time with Him through worship.
We are never alone when it comes to drawing closer to God. God has His arms open to us as the Holy Spirit empowers us to be more like Christ. As you prayerfully discern how to start your day with God, consider these reasons and tips to make this happen in your life. It will be a critical way that you can get closer to God and deepen your faith.
Photo credit: ©Unsplash/KellySikkema
Originally published September 27, 2024.