Spiritual Life

The Doomsday Clock vs. God’s Timing

The recent adjustment of the Doomsday Clock to 89 seconds before midnight highlights growing concerns over global crises, including nuclear...
Updated Feb 14, 2025
The Doomsday Clock vs. God’s Timing

Last month, a group of scientists announced that the famous Doomsday Clock has been moved to 89 seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been to signaling a human-made apocalypse. The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, a science-oriented advocacy group, explained that humanity is on the brink of self-destruction due to human-made advancements. 

"We set the clock closer to midnight because we do not see positive progress on the global challenges we face, including nuclear risk, climate change, biological threats, and advances in disruptive technologies," Daniel Holz, chair of the Bulletin's Science and Security Board, said.

The Doomsday Clock, which was first created in 1947 by artist Martyl Langsdorf to warn of the urgency of a nuclear threat following World War II, is a symbolic representation of the end of humanity with midnight representing Earth's total annihilation.

The Self-Destruction of Sin 

Upon reading about the Doomsday Clock, I find it interesting that these scientists have basically theorized their version of the end times due to humanity's self-destruction. At the same time, however, it is no surprise given that we live in a fallen world, where not only humanity's sinfulness has contributed to their self-destruction, but that we have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). Now that is a tragedy far worse than our own demise in light of our own advancements and failings. If anything, these things are the result of sin. 

God's Doomsday Clock, Not Ours

In the years since its inception, the Doomsday Clock has been reset more than 20 times. In 1991, the Bulletin set the clock back to 17 minutes until midnight following the end of the Cold War. In recent years, however, the clock has been pushed closer to midnight, including being set at 90 seconds to midnight in 2023 due to the nuclear threat posed by the war between Russia and Ukraine. The number remained at 90 seconds in 2024 following Hamas' attack on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, and the subsequent war in Gaza, which was intensified by climate change and artificial intelligence. 

From a biblical perspective, there is no doubt Christians are aware that there are signs that indicate the end times and the return of Jesus Christ. In Matthew 24, Jesus Christ tells his disciples, "And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains" (Matthew 24:6-8). He also warned of false Messiahs who will "lead many astray" (v.5), persecution, falling away from the faith, false prophets, and the increase of lawlessness (v.9-11). Jesus also added that "the gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come" (v.14). At the same time, however, these are merely signs, not the end itself. 

Elsewhere in Scripture, we read "no one knows the day or the hour" concerning Christ's return, "not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only" (Matthew 24:36). That being said, no matter how many predictions humanity makes about the end, including the Doomsday clock, it can never be on point because such timing is left in the hands of God. The true Doomsday clock of the end is reserved for God's knowledge alone. 

No Turning Back 

The Bulletin also states that the time on the Doomsday clock can be pushed back as long as humanity takes the steps needed to reduce the risks of the end of the world. 

"There is hope. We certainly believe that the clock can be moved back, and there are many actions that can be taken," Holz said in response to a reporter's question. "Our concern is that those actions are not being taken."

While it does sound optimistic, we know that it cannot push back against the second coming of Christ and the coming judgment. It is an inevitable reality for all of humanity. Just as God flooded the world in water in the days of Noah, God will judge the world by fire (2 Peter 2:6-7). Overall, Christ will return "like a thief in the night" (Matthew 24:43), so we need to be ready, no matter what. 

Repentance, God's Mercy, & The Gospel

While the return of Christ is inevitable, Scripture says, "The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). Repentance is what God has required for humanity, which has not yet arrived because of His mercy. Therefore, the Church needs to go forth and preach the Gospel throughout all the worldFor the remedy of sin is salvation through Jesus Christ, who, through His death, paid for our sins and through His resurrection, gives us the hope of eternal life and future glory. The Gospel is the hope the world needs far beyond simply trying to do better or trying to reset the Doomsday clock through our positive actions. Christ alone can save and provide us a hope far greater than what this world could ever offer.

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Milton QuintanillaMilton Quintanilla is a freelance writer and content creator. He is a contributing writer for CrosswalkHeadlines and the host of the For Your Soul Podcast, a podcast devoted to sound doctrine and biblical truth. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Alliance Theological Seminary.

Originally published February 14, 2025.