Spiritual Life

4 Beautiful Truths the Coronavirus Reveals about Your Heart

Updated Jun 23, 2020
4 Beautiful Truths the Coronavirus Reveals about Your Heart

As a Christian, you believe in a resurrected Savior who suffered for a very good reason. A powerful, life-giving, life-renewing reason. And for that reason alone, you are empowered to look this life square in the eyes with love and courage.

As a Christian, you know that courage isn’t the absence of fear, but rather, the faith to step forward in wisdom. Scripture promises pain and trouble as definitively as it offers hope and healing.

So while the world grips onto the truth that viruses may call some shots that are outside your control, you are also invited through quarantine and social distancing to spend time with your own heart.

As you open wide in prayer and wonder—over whether coronavirus will leave us or break us—let me remind you of four beautiful truths this worldwide trial is revealing about your Christian heart.

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1. Your Heart Is Both Human and Supernatural

1. Your Heart Is Both Human and Supernatural

One of the most loving human heart-positions you’re well aware of as a Christian is the opportunity to look for the good in what appears to be bad. And if you’ve given your heart to follow Christ, you know that ‘people were lost’ and ‘the world was a mess’ and ‘terrible, horrible things were happening’ even during Jesus’ earthly ministry.

In human form, like you and me, Jesus allowed this world to end his life. It will end all of our lives. None of us escapes that. And Jesus died not only because it was ordained, but because, like you and me, he had a human heart.

However, the heart of Jesus’ scary, amazing mission was to wash the mud from our eyes and allow us to see the power of love to not only create this earthly life, but resurrect it where there was none.

Where a human heart stops, the supernatural power of love delivers and transcends and continues giving, without end. That is the spirit of love given you as well, in your heart, by a Creator who sees beyond this life.

Spend time reading 1 Corinthians 15 (especially around Easter) and be reassured that even if you or someone you love is currently afflicted with coronavirus, there is something more wonderful coming.

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2. The Truth Is Your Strength

2. The Truth Is Your Strength

Even when the world tilts and turns, markets crash, and lives sweep away in disaster, you know the truth. It lives within the Word of God.

What’s true is that this life is not the end (John 3:16). You were made with a divine purpose (Ephesians 2:10). Every hair on your head matters to God (Luke 12:7). And, the Word of God is a lamp (Psalm 119:105) that we’re not to hide under a bushel (Matthew 5:15).

The light that God keeps glowing from inside your heart holds the power to lead humanity through every storm. You know that He is your deliverer (Psalm 18:2), and that ultimately, He knows what’s best...better than any of us.

Just like when Jesus went head-to-head with the enemy in the desert using truth as His defense—you can, too. Even if you’re stuck at home for 40 days. Respond to any quarantine as an invitation to revisit the truth of the Bible, and you will find peace.

Proclaim what it says to you about hope (1 Timothy 6:17) and compassion (Galatians 6:2) and rest (Matthew 11:28). You know that if you ask, seek, and knock—God will spur you to do what’s wise.

You know these truths in your soul, and this is indeed your strength in times like these.

Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Iyan Kurnia

3. The Faith in Your Heart Can Also Carry Others

3. The Faith in Your Heart Can Also Carry Others

Always be prepared to share why you have hope (1 Peter 3:15), even when facing the deadly coronavirus. We are but a vapor in time (James 4:14), and eternity is (at least right now) beyond our understanding.

And yet that kind of ‘nonsensical’ perspective is available to you right now, when you reject the threats that Satan uses to silence your joy. You have access, through Christ, to a peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7) if you activate your will and choose it.

Even if holding on to your faith is preceded by crying out your panic to release it to God, you can then count on a peace that’s powerful enough to carry you—and others—through another day. Or another hour.

Remember the loaves and fish while coronavirus wreaks its havoc, and trust that God supplies your needs in abundance. And while you protect others by keeping your physical distance, you can still uphold others with the love of Christ within you.

You have a heart that asks God’s will to direct your choices...to guide you to donate, to rein in your spending, to learn new ways of budgeting or planning to protect your loved ones, to look for the needs of others, to care for the person next door.

Or if your situation seems dire and all you can do is sit near someone who coronavirus is having their way with, you can let the peace of Christ rule in your heart.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/eric1513

4. You Really Do Believe

4. You Really Do Believe

Are you going to let coronavirus have the last word in whether you believe? Of course not.

Do you believe that God is stronger than any of your trials? That Jesus suffered just like you? That this life is a gift to be enjoyed with gratitude? No matter what you’re handed, you know in your heart that Christ is holding your hand. And he uses your belief to tend to a world consumed with worry.

So share what you really believe. That life is messy, hard, mortal...and truly miraculous. And even though coronavirus may be the way some of us leave this world, your heart rests in knowing that something far greater has already overcome it. (John 16:33)

A Heartfelt Prayer of Gratitude

Thank you, God, for coronavirus. For yet another mystery that shakes us to the core. For offering another opportunity to renew our hearts. To believe that we are not the Maker or the Master, and that we need the One who is. This virus is frightening, Lord, even though we know you saw it before we ever did, and you see where it will go. Thank you for reminding us, in ways that sometimes feel ‘unwelcome’ that only you are omniscient and working all things for good. We’re blessed that this pandemic is deflating our pride, challenging our selfishness, and humbling us away from false idols. Thank you that in your divine power, you can turn what appears bad into good, and redeem this fearful time by reconnecting our hearts to one another—and to you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Photo Credit: ©GettyImage/ipopba

Lia Girard is a seasoned writer and voice artist who formerly served as the Faith Editor for Crosswalk.com. She is the author of Wisdom at Wit’s End: Abandoning Supermom Myths in Search of Supernatural Peace, and enjoys spending time with her husband and grown children or walking in the woods with God.

Originally published April 23, 2020.


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