Spiritual Life

4 Biblical Truths about Why Jesus Is Our 'Prince of Peace'

Updated May 25, 2021
4 Biblical Truths about Why Jesus Is Our 'Prince of Peace'

During this time of division, upheaval, and unrest, we may crave peace—more than ever before. We may have even heard the name Prince of Peace attributed to Jesus. Even churches have used this title of God in the name of their campus.

But what does this name mean? And how does the name Prince of Peace apply to not only Jesus but to how Jesus intervenes in our life’s circumstances?

For those craving peace now, this article explores the meaning behind the name, where we can find the title “Prince of Peace” in the Bible, how Jesus is our Prince of Peace, and more.

Let’s jump in.

The Name: Who hasn't longed for peace, living in a world that is so often full of strife? The Hebrew word for peace, however, means much more than the absence of conflict or the end of turmoil. Shalom conveys not only a sense of tranquility but also of wholeness and completion. To enjoy shalom is to enjoy health, satisfaction, success, safety, well-being, and prosperity. Though the New Testament does not directly call Jesus the Prince of Peace, this title from Isaiah has traditionally been associated with him as the One who brings peace to the world. Furthermore, Paul assured the Ephesian Christians saying of Jesus, "He himself is our peace" (Ephesians 2:14). When you pray to Sar Shalom, you are praying to the One who is the source of all peace. To live in peace is to live in his presence. (excerpt provided by Ann Spangler, Praying the Names of Jesus)

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pointing to Bible at sunset Prince of Peace

What Does the Name 'Prince of Peace' Mean?

Before we show how the name applies to Jesus, we have to establish what the name means in the first place. The names of God often have a different meaning and reveal a different character trait to listeners or readers. Take a look at examples such as Yahweh or El Roi.  

We know God also goes by other titles such as The Good Shepherd (John 10) or The Great High Priest (Hebrews 4:14-16). He illuminates his different roles through titles such as these. These names, for instance, show us he shepherds his flock (the church) and he serves an intermediary role for us (such as what the high priest did back in the Old Testament).

So what about the name “Prince of Peace?” What does this mean?

As stated in this article, a Prince of Peace seeks to restore relationships, assure us of our destination in heaven, and provide us with a peaceful rhythm and balance in life. 

Peace, in the verses mentioned (more on this below) refers to a concept known as Shalom. It goes beyond our understanding of peace signs and even the idea of peace in general. It’s this concept that essentially means life as the way it was intended. Sin disrupted Shalom, and that is why the world is not the way it’s supposed to be

Our Prince of Peace restores Shalom. He guides everything back to the way they were meant to be. This means revived relationships, balanced living, and assurances of our eternal destination.

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The book of Isaiah - Prince of Peace

Where Do We Find 'Prince of Peace' in the Bible? 

It may surprise readers that we find “Prince of Peace” in the Old Testament, in prophecy about Jesus’ coming to earth for the first time.

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. – Isaiah 9:6

A certain Handel’s Messiah chorus may be running through your head right now.

That’s it. We do have several other verses that talk about God and how he brings peace, but as far as the title goes, we only have one verse.

Interestingly enough, this Isaiah verse that refers to the birth of Jesus, contains a host of names for God. This article focuses on the name the writer chose to include as the final one: Prince of Peace.

Most importantly, as pointed out by Benson’s commentary, Jesus seeks to restore peace between God and man. Although we do want to see restored relationships with fellow friends and family, we need to restore our relationship with God first.

That’s where Jesus steps in.

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glowing silhouette of Jesus Prince of Peace

What Does it Mean That Jesus is the Prince of Peace?

As far as the title of prince, God has received the title of prince, especially when prophets prophesied about his coming to earth (Ezekiel 34:24, Ezekiel 37:25, Daniel 9:25). 

We do see, throughout the New Testament, verses that talk about Jesus and peace. 

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. – John 14:27

Jesus came to this earth to give peace. His followers would later experience fear and persecution. But because of Jesus, they could experience Shalom.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. – Matthew 5:9

Jesus bestows a blessing on the peacemakers. This shows that Christians should follow Jesus’ example of peace.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased! – Luke 2:14

This famous passage of Jesus’ birth, and the angels’ proclamation, shows that those who have a relationship with God experience peace and Shalom.

In other words, Jesus brought peace to his followers, and he brings peace to us now. Let’s dive into some examples of how he does so.

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collection of rocks with the Prince of Peace, Jesus, at the center

4 Biblical Truths about Why Jesus Is Our Prince of Peace

Jesus shows us peace through his example and through the peace he grants us now. Let’s explore some reasons why he is our Prince of Peace. 

1. A Peaceful Ministry and Example 

When we observe Jesus’ ministry, we realize he did the opposite of what most disciples and followers expected. They wanted a zealot who could topple the Roman government. Instead, Jesus preached on turning the other cheek (Matthew 5) and didn’t even open his mouth to protest when Pilate questioned him. Jesus led a life of humility and peace.

We notice during his ministry he seeks to restore things to Shalom. He heals, even on Sabbaths, and he mends broken relationships. 

2. A Peaceful Relationship with God

As stated in this article, Jesus restores shalom between us and God. What had been previously thrown into chaos and disarray due to sin, Jesus restores. Through his death and resurrection, we can experience the peace of God and a rehabilitated relationship with God.

3. Restoration of Relationships

Sin destroys relationships.

Husbands and wives divorce. Families split apart. Friends desert us. Sin has utterly and completely decimated friendships and families. 

But because Jesus allows us to come into relationship with him, the love, joy, and peace that comes from that union spreads to all areas of our lives. This means that we can re-commune with estranged ones, forgotten ones, and betrayed ones because God allowed for us to do the same with him. 

4. Peace of Mind during Difficult Tribulations 

Whether we’ve entered a season of our life where we question our own salvation or whether it seems we can’t catch a break from all the trials we’ve faced in the past few months (after all … “when it rains”) God often grants believers peace of mind during difficult moments.

This does not mean that we won’t wrestle with our circumstances or not have bad days. Take a look at the Psalms and see how often David cries out to God in distress.

Nevertheless, it does mean that God does and will give us peace in our darkest moments. 


We need peace now more than ever. We yearn for shalom. 

God grants us to have it in both our relationship with him and in our families and friendships. Through Jesus’ example of a peaceful life, he not only showed his followers an example of how to usher in shalom into a broken world, but he offers us hope for an eternity of peace and shalom with him and with other believers. 

Scripture Statement and Response

For to us a child is born. . . .And he will be called. . .Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

From the Father's Heart: My child, how the world longs for peace! Just as I wept over My beloved Jerusalem and My people's rejection of Me, I mourn when men and women today look for peace—in everything but Me. As Prince of Peace, I was born not to rule government, but to rule and bring peace to hearts everywhere. I love when you look to Me for peace, My child. I give you My peace—peace with God and the peace of God, both found in Me.

Our Response: Your arrival brought great promise: peace to all the world. Some came seeking an end to oppression; others expected a prince to rule. As Prince of Peace, You brought the only lasting peace—not with the world, but with God. And You came to rule in the heart, not on an earthly throne. Thank You for Your peace, Lord.

(Excerpt provided by Rebecca Barlow Jordan, Daily in His Presence)

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Hope Bolinger is an acquisitions editor at End Game Press, book editor for hire, and the author of almost 30 books. More than 1500 of her works have been featured in various publications. Check out her books at hopebolinger.com for clean books in most genres, great for adults and kids. Check out her editing profile at Reedsy.com to find out about hiring her for your next book project.

Originally published September 21, 2020.


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