Bill Bright Transcript

As the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, along with his wife, Vonette, Dr. Bright established one of the most successful evangelistic movements in the world - resulting in more than 4 billions exposures to the Gospel of Jesus Christ since 1951. Dr. Bright's legacy is not in his many accomplishments, rather it is how God can use any person to help fulfill the Great Commission. We hope you'll enjoy the transcript of the Chat we had with him. Make sure you scroll to the bottom for a special offer. ________________________________________________ Clare_Host says, Hello everyone and welcome to the crosswalk chat auditoriums! Tonight we have a great guest with us Dr Bill Bright! Moderating our event to night we have the jet setting NewsEditor, looking glamorous as always. Also helping onstage we have spikehost, applehost and daisyhost (looking a bit like the Andrews Sisters). In the wings we also have our beloved (?) fritzpw_admin. Lending a hand in the auditorium this evening we have yshuashost, stormyhost and yadah_host o/. |
madchatter asks, Dr. Bright, what is the most memorable moment you have ever had in sharing the Gospel with someone? |
Dr.Bright says, There have been so many thousands... I remember as a young believer I felt impressed to call on a man who was a CEO of one of the great fortune 500 companies. As presumptuous as it sounded he was very responsive and agreed to see me. I asked for 15 minutes of his personal time and when I was ushered into his big beautiful office there was nothing on his desk... He was seated there waiting for me. He asked "What can I do for you?" I said, "Sir, I've come to talk to you about your relationship with Jesus Christ." On the surface one would expect for him to call for a bodyguard and escort me out. He instead began to cry. Then he stopped and told me that at the age of 8 he had become a believer. He had become so ambitious, however, that he did not have time for God. Even though he had become one of the leading businessmen in the world he had not been to church in 30 years. He said, "God sent you. He sent you to help me. I'll be in church Sunday." I find that in many cases I was walking down the street of a distance state. Someone told me to visit their senator in Washington D.C. And to lead him to Christ. Well one day I was walking down the hall of the senate building and found his office. I asked the receptionist if he had a few moments to talk to me. We were able to chat for a few minutes and I asked him if he knew Jesus as His personal savior. I asked him if he would like to know him and he said yes. So we prayed together. Remember he is the member of one the most powerful clubs in the world, yet that day he was like a little child. I often find maids in hotels and people who carry my luggage to my room are ready to receive Christ. For 50 years I've seen a great hunger for God on the College campus. |
yadah_host asks, Dr. Bright, how is Campus Crusade for changed to meet the needs of the GenXers? |
Dr.Bright says, We've always tried to be culturally sensitive. When we began the ministry in UCLA in 1951 there were very few professing Christians on the campus. So we tried to eliminate any Christianese or Religious jargon that would make us sound like foreigners. We wanted to present the Gospel in language they would understand. We've continued to do that over the last 50 years in different countries, cultures, and generations. We are always testing to improve what we are doing so that we are sure we are ministering to people where they live whatever the age group. |
doc_callaway asks, Dr Bright, I haven't heard a report about your health in a while. How are you doing? |
Dr.Bright says, I'm doing very well. I have fibrosis of the lungs (which is fatal), I have diabetes, cancer, and other similar ailments. But I'm rejoicing in the Lord. They expected me to be dead over a year ago but God said a Russian doctor knew of a treatment that is used extensively in Europe called essential oils therapy. He would have a way to heal my lungs. Not healing in a full sense but arresting the fibrosis. I feel very good even though I should have been dead over a year ago. All I can say is that I am thankful for all the people that have been praying for me. The last 2 years of my 80 years have been my most productive yet because I've been involved in writing several books and putting them on blue screen technology or DVD interactive and training millions of people on video internet world wide. |
spikehost asks, Will the Jesus film be issued as a DVD? |
Dr.Bright says, I'm not sure of that but we are beginning as of today a mass marketing plan to promote the children's version of the Jesus film which is very powerful. It will be more effective than the original. |
Clare_Host says, How is the childrens version different? |
Dr.Bright says, It's shorter and it has a half dozen young people in period dress asking questions. They lead those watching the film in an invitation to accept Jesus Christ. This will also help to reach their family members watching the video with them. |
yadah_host asks, Dr Bright, regarding the Jesus film, how many languages has it been translated into. How many countries has it been shown in? |
Dr.Bright says, You'll be interested to know that almost 5 billion people have watched the film in over 700 languages and in over 234 countries and provinces. |
Chatmaster shouts, Order Dr. Bright's latest book, "First Love". Take advantage of this special offer for the month of April." |
Chatmaster shouts, Have you formed an opinion on the new translation of the bible? Join us as we chat with Dr Strauss Author of "Distorting Scripture? The Challenge of Bible Translation &Gender Accuracy." April 9th 9pm EST here at crosswalk chat." |
camille1958 asks, Dr. Bright.. how did you know what God was calling you to do with you life... I keep waiting to find my purpose, but feel so lost |
Dr.Bright says, The most important way to know God's will is totally surrender to the Lordship of Christ. Ask Him to guide your steps. You are in God's will if you are surrendered to him. The God who created everything guides our steps... All He wants is surrender and he'll tell us what he wants us to do. Don't give much thought to what you will do in the future... Surrender to Him now and he'll guide you in the rest. I live by Philippians 2:13, "for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." So as I walk in the Spirit I can know that God will guide my steps. For example, in 1951 my wife and I decided we wanted to be slaves to Jesus. We wrote out a contract and fully surrendered everything we owned or would own. Approximately 24 hours later God gave me the vision we called Campus Crusade for Christ. I'm sure if there had been no contract there would have been no vision. That vision embraces over a half a million staff in most countries of the world. (25 thousand full time and over half a million trained volunteers.) You can know God's will by full surrender to Christ... All sin confessed... And by allowing the Holy Spirit to control you. |
guest3949 asks, What is "First Love" about? |
Dr.Bright says, First Love is about making Jesus Christ priority in everything you think, do, and say. When I speak of Jesus I speak of the trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. In our efforts to serve God we can become so busy that we lose intimate relationship with God. First Love is an intimate relationship with our Savior. You maintain that by reading the Scriptures daily, praying without ceasing, practicing the presence of God in all that you do, don't tolerate sin in your life, walk in the power of the Spirit, and don't allow anything to interfere with your priority. That priority is to love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength. Jesus said we demonstrate that love for Him when we obey Him. There's a concept I like to call spiritual breathing. Don't tolerate any sin for anything more than a moment. Claim 1 John 1:9. Exhale by confession and inhale by appropriating the fullness of the Holy Spirit by Faith. The key to that is the command of Eph. 5:18 which says, "And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit..." All believers are to be filled by the Spirit and the promise of 1 John 5:14,15 which states, "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him." God will answer when we pray according to His will. We'll know it is His will when we don't tolerate sin and are filled with the Holy Spirit. You don't have to live more than a moment outside of the perfect will of God when you sin... Just breath spiritually. |
Chatmaster shouts, She's been compared with Mariah Carey, Celine Dion and Whitney Houston, and now she will join us on April 4 for a LIVE Chat to talk about her latest CD, "Kaleidoscope," the follow-up to her well-received "Live for You." Don't miss this chat with Rachael Lampa on Thursday, Apr. 4 at 9 p.m. ET in the Auditorium. --" |
Chatmaster shouts, Learn more about Dr. Bill Bright, the man, and his many resources by visiting his web site" |
Chatmaster shouts, Join us for a discussion about the new translation of the bible with Dr Strauss, Associate Professor of New Testament -- Bethel San Diego Seminary. April 9th at 9pm EDT here at the crosswalk auditorium." |
fritzpw_admin says, Dr Bright, many claim that to be filled with the Holy Spirit you must exhibit it by speaking in tongues. Is a Spirit Filled Christian always identified by speaking in tongues? |
Dr.Bright says, There are many gifts. God has given many people different gifts whether it be prophecy, serving, teaching, speaking or interpreting. In my experience tongues have never been the major issue because evangelism world wide, the fulfillment of the great commission, and discipleship have always been my priority. Anything that divides the body of Christ we must put aside. We must never compromise Truth but avoid what would cause conflict. I work with all denominations... Tongues and no. We have wonderful fellowship together recognizing that God has different gifts for different people. I have never spoken in tongues but I have many friends who have and they have said it is very helpful to them. But for me, apparently, even though I've been open to God all 56 years, God has not lead me in that way. I love him with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I try to evaluate everything I do every day in reference to the great commission. I believe that is what he wants me to do and our movement to do. We have those who speak in tongues but that is not the big issue. Evangelism and discipleship is the big issue. Jesus came to seek and save the lost. We are to continue what he came to the world to do. I have no conflict with anybody... Tongues or no. |
air_ asks, what sort of opposition have you come against in founding Campus Crusade for Christ, and how did you overcome it? |
Dr.Bright says, I'm 80 years old and I was 25 when I became a believer. I was in business. One of the things that saddened me was the great conflict between denominations and para-church groups. Most would not communicate with each other. When we came along in 1951 we were not well received. I've been trying to build bridges of love and understanding for 50 years. God has graciously given us favor with most denominational leaders as well as para-church leaders. But the key to it all is patience and love. |
rockyrabbit asks, If you could change one thing , what would it be ( like read your bible more ) |
Dr.Bright says, I'm very satisfied and happy with myself, even though I am on an oxygen tube that is 50 feet long. I am having a joyful journey in this life. I look back over my life of 80 years and see there have been many times of disappointment, heartache, and sorrow. In retrospect I've found that God has a way of turning tragedy to triumph, heartache and sorrow to joy and rejoicing. Our responsibility is to love him, trust him, and obey him and He does the rest. |
guest3958 asks, What is your viewpoint on The Jabez Prayer (book, author, etc.)? |
Dr.Bright says, I think many people have benefited greatly from the book. As long as one has the right concept that their prayers are not selfish prayers but those that will glorify God and enhance His kingdom the prayers are wonderful. If they are with selfish motives, like any great truth, they can be abused. |
canmft asks, Dr. Bright what would your advice be to someone who has never really shared their faith and is nervous about it? |
Dr.Bright says, I would suggest that they are sure they are surrendered to the Lordship of Christ. He who created, died, was buried and rose again is now living in them. Invite the Holy Spirit to empower them, confess any sin, and ask Jesus to walk around in their bodies, think with their minds, love in their hearts, speak with their lips, and seek and save the lost through them. Ask Jesus, who loves the lost more than we, to love them through you. Be very specific and very available. Don't be afraid to share your faith because as Paul writes we tell everyone everywhere we go about Jesus Christ. We should all be a witness with our lips and our lives. I would suggest you find a good booklet like 4 spiritual laws and go through the material with an interested person. I was at the hospital today and asked a few people if they knew Jesus. They are not as offended as they used to be. About 85 percent of the American people would identify themselves culturally as Christians. The important thing is to help them to know Jesus personally. I ask them if they were to die today if they would go to heaven and on what basis they would know for sure. If it is by a good life and working hard I explain Eph. 2:8,9, which says, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." Salvation is a gift of God through faith, not works otherwise we may boast. Just because they say they are a Christian does not mean they are one. You do them an injustice if you don't explain how they can have an assurance of salvation. I believe in heaven and hell. I know that heaven is so wonderful and hell is so terrible that I don't even want the worse person in the world to go to hell if I can point them to Jesus. God doesn't want anyone to goto hell either. It was created for Satan. But if we follow him we'll follow him to hell. |
Chatmaster shouts, Can your love for Jesus impact the world? Join us for a live chat with evangelist, author and speaker Dr Bill Bright, right now in the auditorium." |
Chatmaster shouts, Want to find out what Campus Crusade for Christ is all about, check them out at" |
Chatmaster shouts, Her first album debuted at #2 on Billboards "Top Heatseekers Albums, she won a Dove award last year for inspirational recorded song. She has made numerous TV appearances and been featured in Seventeen magazine and USA today. Find out more about Rachael Lampa and her newest album in our live chat with her on Thursday April 4th at 9PM EST." |
fritzpw_admin says, Do you think a Christian can be demonized or demon possessed? |
Dr.Bright says, I believe they can be influenced but not possessed. If Jesus Christ who is the light of the world can live in you then Satan and his demons would not even want to be indwelling a person who is filled with that light. Satan cringes whenever we praise God. (He was once the choir director in heaven.) God inhabits the praise of his people. The big problem is that there are many people who THINK they are Christians but are filled or influenced by demonic power. They may have gone through rituals like baptism but in reality they are just cultural Christians. They have never experienced the new birth where Jesus has come to live within them. In Colossians 1:13,14 the Bible says, "He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, in whom we have redemption through His blood, F3 the forgiveness of sins." God has liberated us out of the darkness and gloom of Satans kingdom and brought us into the kingdom of his son who bought our freedom with his blood and forgave us all our sins. |
dandrew417 asks, Dr. Bright, I was raised and baptized in a Catholic environment, but only recently received Christ as my savior. Should I be baptized again? |
Dr.Bright says, For myself I was baptized when I was 12 in a Methodist church because I didn't understand it. I became a humanist with no reference to God. In my middle 20s I received Christ and was baptized by immersion. So for me baptism was very important. I think it is important for every true believer. It is symbolic that we are dead and buried with Jesus Christ and raised with him to newness of life. |
guest3951 asks, Dr. Bright, God bless you and thank you for your service in the ministry. What is the best advice that you could someone like me that is about to enter into seminary? |
Dr.Bright says, I would suggest that before you begin your ministry that you fast for 40 days following the example of our lord. Not to earn favor with God, but to seek his face and an intimate walk with him. I just finished my 9th 40 day fast a few days ago. Each of the fasts has been a highlight experience. When Jesus gave the great commission he gave these words of instruction... To teach what I taught you. I had fasted for 4 40-day periods before I realized that his 40-day fast was included in that admonition. No one should miss out on the blessing of fasting, it is truly one of the greatest blessings of life. Satan would have us think it is a terrible legalistic drudgery when in fact it is very liberating. |
doc_callaway asks, How might one realistically accomplish a longer fast? |
Dr.Bright says, Anyone who would like to know how to fast can contact me and I will send, with my compliments, a book on how to do it successfully. For me, fasting includes drinking a lot of water and juices. (I use distilled water.) In recent years, because of my age and illness, I have included vitamins, minerals, and protein supplements. I drink what is good for my health. |
guest3951 asks, Dr. Bright, spiritually, where do you see America 50 years from now ? |
Dr.Bright says, I think America is going to go through a great deal of difficulty. Terrorism is something we will live with for generations but it is good for us. Many people are afraid but there is only one person who can help us in our fear. The Prince of Peace. All these things can cause people to be more open to the gospel. Believers should view these tragedies and trials with a positive spirit and as an opportunity to be more effective in our witness for Christ. As a result of these tragedies I anticipate a great revival of love among believers and a great awakening among unbelievers unparallel in history. In a sense that is already happening. Just in our ministry alone, we've had the privilege of sharing the gospel with 2.5 billion people in the last few years. Hundreds of millions have indicated they've received the Lord. But only God knows how many truly experienced new births. |
carda asks, Are you ready to face the Lord when He gives the final call? And what insights has He given you concerning then? |
Dr.Bright says, I think the most important breath any of us will breathe will be our last one. For a believer it will be wonderful, for we will be breathing it with the Lord in celestial air. When I was told I had an incurable disease and probably would not live long my wife and I began to praise the Lord according to James 1 and Romans 5 and 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Death has no terror for the person who truly understands God's love and wonderful plan. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. I don't know how much longer I have to live but I am enjoying every moment at this point. I anticipate I shall continue to do so until my last breath because of his grace on my behalf. That should be true of every believer. As a matter of fact theres a beautiful spiritual truth here. Jesus said in John 14:21, "He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him." In other words, to develop an intimate relationship with him we must obey Him. We are to praise him and rejoice and give thanks even when everything is going wrong and your world is falling apart as well as when you are experiencing the blessing of heaven. The just shall live by faith. When you say to God, I thank you that I am dieing, or going through financial difficulties or whatever, you are saying Lord I surrender this need to you, I know I can trust you to work out the details. It has been a glorious adventure for my wife and myself. God showed her in John 14:28 where Jesus said to his disciples, "You have heard Me say to you, 'I am going away and coming back to you.' If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, F84 'I am going to the Father,' for My Father is greater than I." When we lose believing loved ones we can rejoice that they are going to be with the Lord for all eternity. |
Clare_Host says, Dr you have anything to share in closing |
Dr.Bright says, To every believer... Obey Jesus, love God, obey God, and trust God. There are no happy disobedient Christians and there are no unhappy obedient Christians, no matter what the circumstance. Never be satisfied with cultural or liturgical Christianity. Never be satisfied with anything less than an intimate personal relationship with the risen living Christ. |
Clare_Host says, Thank you everyone for joining us for tonight, and a grateful thanks to you Dr Bright. Godspeed! Remember, you can check out all of Dr. Bright's books and resources at his web site |
Chatmaster shouts, Order Dr. Bright's latest book, "First Love". Take advantage of this special offer for the month of April." |
Relaunch your love relationship with Christ. Reawaken your heart. Restore your passion.
Dr. Bill Bright shares his 50 years of insights into keeping Jesus Christ as your passion. His latest book, "First Love" will spark your Christian experience like never before.
Order now and you'll get a special low price.
Originally published April 01, 2002.