Spiritual Growth and Christian Living Resources

4 Blessings When We Have a “Because You Say So” Mentality

4 Blessings When We Have a “Because You Say So” Mentality

When [Jesus] had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.”

Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.”

When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink.

When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!” For he and all his companions were astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, and so were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon’s partners.

Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything, and followed him. Luke 5:4-11

Jesus was so pressed by the throng of people around Him, He borrowed Simon’s boat to give Him some space. I’m sure Simon sat in the boat with Him, listening intently. He was captivated by Jesus’s words, by the authority with which He taught.

Then came the direct word to Simon. “Go out a little deeper and let down your nets.” You can see Simon’s hesitation. They had been fishing all night with no success. Jesus’s command to go out deeper didn’t make any sense to a seasoned fisherman.

Because you say so,” Simon responded.

Simon didn’t know who he was listening to. He simply sensed there was something different about Him. He taught with authority (Luke 4:32). He was filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:14). He wasn’t like the other teachers of the law, and Simon simply chose to obey the simple command Jesus gave Him. He had the mentality of obeying even though it didn’t make sense.

And He was so glad He did! He and his fishing mates caught so many fish they couldn’t contain them all in the boat! Never before had they seen such a haul of fish! The blessings of God rested upon them, all because Simon chose obedience. All because Simon had a because you say so mentality.

Do we have a because you say so mentality?

I’ve sensed God telling me to do something for over a year now. I’ve wrestled with Him in prayer and talked non-stop with my husband about the decision. It just doesn’t make sense in the world in which we live, but I am completely convinced it is what God is telling me to do. I’ve not delayed obedience because God has also told me to be strategic. I’ve spent the last year getting my affairs in order so I can take this huge step in my life. I’ve simply been waiting for the now from God, the instruction that now is the time to take this step.

The time is now.

As I read of Simon’s because you say so mentality, I see four things God does in the midst of our obedience.

1. He reveals the true condition of our hearts.

In Luke 5:8, Simon falls to his knees before Jesus as he recognizes that he is a sinner in need of a Savior. When we encounter the living Savior, we become aware of just how sinful we are. We suddenly become aware of the deep recesses of our hearts where we are harboring anger and bitterness and pride and insecurities. We see where we have created idols in our lives. When we encounter the living Savior, we are laid bare before Him.

In the last year of wrestling with God over this step of obedience, I have come to realize that I still don’t trust God to be my provider and that I am getting my security from the things around me. I believe it is on me to provide for my family and to put food on the table. Money has become an idol in my life, and I cannot serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24).

But it doesn’t stop there! You see when we encounter Jesus and are determined to walk in obedience, He reveals the sinfulness in our hearts. But, He also washes it all away, makes us brand new (2 Corinthians 5:17), and gives us a new heart that desires to be like Him!

2. He pours out His blessings on us.

I love Luke 5:9, where Simon and the others with him were awestruck by the number of fish they caught! Obedience is the step that ushers in blessings greater than anything we could ever ask, hope, or imagine (Ephesians 3:20)!

I will never forget the moment God revealed He was calling me to a step of obedience. As I was out walking and praying one morning, I heard Him speak so clearly. “I am getting ready to ask you to do something that is going to be really hard for you, but if you will be obedient, I promise it will be a gateway to greater blessings than you could ever imagine.” Those words have stuck in my mind for a year. When my faith falters, I go back to God’s promise of greater blessings.

The blessings may not always be material, but there are always blessings in obedience.

3. Other people will recognize God’s presence in your life.

In Luke 5:10, Simon’s partners, James and John, were also amazed. They didn’t expect to see the change in Simon’s life because of a simple step of obedience.

When God calls us to obedience, others take notice. Our lives bear witness to God’s goodness and grace. When we experience the changes obedience ushers in, those around us are drawn to God in us. We get to experience the added blessing of pointing the world back to Jesus simply because we have a because you say so obedience.

4. God calls us to a deeper purpose.

At the very end of this passage, Simon, James, and John left, “everything and followed Jesus” (Luke 5:11). When we have a very real encounter with God, we begin to understand there’s more to this life. We want every aspect of our lives to be a reflection of what God has done for us. We begin to understand that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).

I’ve experienced some bad things in this life. I’ve been through seasons of devastation and destruction. What I’ve found is that even with God, we experience difficulties in this life. But God takes those experiences and uses them to change us into His image, to draw us near to Him in the midst of the darkness and pain. Through life’s experiences, we often find God moving us to a new purpose. He often takes the mess in our lives and gives us a message for the world.

Not everyone is called to leave their career, but everyone is called to take up their cross daily and follow Him (Matthew 16:24).

Having a because you say so mentality is tough sometimes. Following God is not an easy path. It requires us to step out in faith even when we can’t see the path forward (2 Corinthians 5:7). That’s a tough job for those of us with extremely risk averse personalities! But, when we look at scripture, we see that those steps of obedience will change our lives in so many positive ways!

Will you join me in having a because you say so kind of faith?

Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/AaronAmat 

Dena Johnson Martin is a former single mom of three who learned the power of walking intimately with God when her marriage fell apart. Her greatest desire is to use her darkest days to encourage others to find the joy of a life restored by Jesus Christ. She earned her Master's in Life Coaching and is available to assist others with rebuilding their lives after the storms of adultery and divorce. In her spare time, Dena works as a Registered Nurse and is a regular contributor at Crosswalk.com. If you would like to contact Dena, please feel free to interact with her on her blog, Dena Johnson Ministries or email her at Dena@denajohnson.com.