Can a Christian Be a Politician?

Over the last several months, a question has been rolling around in my mind. Recent events in the political arena have not quelled the question but have stoked the flame of it even higher. Is it truly possible for a Christian to be a politician? Regardless of which side of the political aisle you fall on, I wonder if these two identities coexist. I don’t ask this with a political agenda, but in all sincerity, especially as our politics have gotten more divisive (and it seems more nasty).
What Is a Christian?
Before I can answer this question, I believe defining what a Christian is is necessary. Some people believe that if you go to church once a week, pray occasionally, and try to be a good person, that makes you a Christian. If that was the standard, then I guess you could be a Christian and a politician. However, that is not the standard.
To carry the name Christian means you represent Christ. You have been born again, and your sins have been washed in the blood of Jesus. To be a Christian means you love Jesus first and foremost, representing him in everything you do and everywhere you go. You seek to obey him in every area of your life, and, most importantly, your allegiance is to Jesus before anyone or anything else. To be his disciple means you will take on the mantle to deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow him, no matter the cost.
Using this as the definition of a Christian, that’s why I wonder if it is possible to live like this and be a politician.
The Problem of Compromise
Being a politician in our country, regardless of which party you belong to, means you will have to deal with compromise. I am not referring to the compromise both parties use when they attempt to reach a deal. I am referring to a compromise of values – and even your integrity – just to keep your job and continue to receive support from your party.
What do you do when the party line conflicts with what Jesus requires of you? Will you toe the party line or follow what Jesus wants? These two things don’t always align, and this is where you run into problems.
Let’s look at recent events to highlight this point. As you know, Donald Trump was recently found guilty by a jury on 34s felony counts. This conviction has created strong emotions and feelings on both sides. For a moment, lay those feelings aside because that is not the focus of this article.
I watched an interview with a senator, and the interviewer asked a question along these lines. “Regardless of how you feel about this trial, is it wrong for the former president to have an affair and then pay someone off to cover it up?” As followers of Christ, we know the obvious answer to this question is yes. Pay attention to how this senator responded.
This senator has frequently espoused and promoted his faith in Jesus. He has positioned himself as a Christian, as we defined it earlier. However, when answering this particular question, he could not give a straight answer. He immediately diverted into the political talking points surrounding this issue and avoided answering. I am confident that he would have provided an honest answer if this had not been a political scenario and had nothing to do with his job and his desire to keep it.
I am not picking on him, but simply observing because he is not the only politician I have seen do this. It has happened to those on both sides of the aisle who have professed to be followers of Jesus. That’s why I am asking this question.
Politicians who declare themselves Christians will likely find themselves torn between following Christ and staying loyal to their party. Thoughts such as this led me to think about the words of Jesus.
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money” (Matthew 6:24).
Granted, in this context, Jesus was talking about money, but the principle applies across the board. You cannot serve two masters. You will choose one over the other. When politicians jump back to the party line over aligning with Jesus, they are displaying which master they’re serving.
What Should Matter More?
Another reason I pose this question is because we must ask: what role does integrity and your reputation play in the matter? Shouldn’t your witness for Jesus matter more than staying loyal to a political party? While we would say yes to that, it does not seem so simple for those who are politicians. While I don’t know the underlying pressures associated with being in office, shouldn’t representing Jesus well be your highest priority?
I think back to some of my earlier days when I didn’t represent Christ well, and oh, how I wish I could go back and change them. I wonder if politicians who profess to follow Jesus will look back and feel the same way.
The Job Is to Speak the Truth, No Matter What
We have examples in the Bible of people who stood up for their faith, even in light of political pressure. I think of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They did not bow to the pressure placed on them by their political leaders but maintained their faith. Yes, in these instances, their lives were at stake; however, God intervened and protected them, making their witness even stronger. I wonder if we have politicians who would have that same level of courage today.
If you are a politician, which is an office you choose to run for, then recognize the responsibility to speak truth to power and uphold your morality and integrity at the same time. If you are a Christian, you don’t just represent the people of your district who voted for you. You also represent Christ.
However, going against the party line in today’s political climate lends itself to a short political career. Perhaps that is where the most significant conflict arises. What do you value more? If your political career is your top priority, you will have to stick with the party line, or your career is over. I don’t know how you stay true to Christ and true to the party line at the same time. Something usually gives, and unfortunately, the commitment to Christ seems to be laid aside when it puts their political careers at risk.
Maybe the truth is that politicians who are Christians need to think more about standing before the Lord one day and not worry so much about standing before their party. For those who have professed their faith in Jesus while still trying to stay relevant in the party, it goes back to the two masters. Which one will you serve?
The job of a politician is complicated enough on its own. When you add your faith to the mix, it adds another layer of complexity. Claiming to be a follower of Christ raises expectations because your behavior should be distinct from that of people who are not disciples of Jesus. I would never say this is easy, but it is part of taking up your cross.
So, Can a Christian Be a Politician?
I guess I have discovered my answer to this question in writing this. It may not be possible to be a Christian and be a politician. It could be that our political world is so divided that this option might not exist anymore. If it does, then I am still waiting for those today who will stand up for Jesus in the face of backlash, even if it comes from within their party. I don’t know if that will ever happen. As I close this article, I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic, so please feel free to write to me. Whatever your opinion, let’s keep it biblical and leave the politics out of it.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Denisfilm
Originally published June 06, 2024.