Spiritual Life

How Can We Better See Jesus’ Faithfulness in Our Lives?

God is a Person we relate with in prayer. We speak and He moves in us and in our lives. We extend our hearts to Him, and He extends His. What a...
Updated Jun 27, 2023
How Can We Better See Jesus’ Faithfulness in Our Lives?

When I think about times when I have felt lonely or downtrodden, I have turned to Jesus. And He has been faithful to me. He has been faithful to hear the cries of my heart even when I am struggling with sin. Oftentimes, struggles with sin and difficult circumstances go hand-in-hand. And if we would only pour out hearts out to Jesus in prayer, He would help, guide, direct, and heal us — leading us into righteous living instead of sin. I think of three ways Jesus is faithful:

1. Jesus is faithful to listen.

2. Jesus is faithful to lead.

3. Jesus is faithful to honor us.

Jesus Is Faithful to Listen

I think that the truth of Jesus being faithful to listen is one of the primary theological lessons of the psalter. We do well to take the time and effort to pour out our hears and emotions accurately to Jesus — to see with Him what really dwells within us. What pains are there? What inclinations? Jesus knows, to be sure. But there is something special and important about telling our God and seeing with Him what is there.

He uses these times to shape and form our spirits. He reaches for our hand — to walk us through with togetherness. Think of how many times the psalmists ask for the ear of the Lord. And think of how the psalms end with confirmation of being listened to — of confirmation that God’s ways are righteous, good, and true toward us.

Our future rests not on a path or direction, but upon a Person. God listens to His people. That is why, I think, we have an entire book of the Bible — and a large one at that — devoted to telling us to unveil our hearts before the Lord so that we can journey together through struggles.

I wonder what might have happened if Sarai in Old Testament times had let the Lord have her heart in prayer when she feared if promises of an heir — born from her — would not come truth. I wonder at what prayer can do and think it likely she would have avoided the grievance of her life in arranging her husband to be with another woman, only to subsequently send that other woman into rejection, abandonment, and desolation. If she had only poured her heart out to the Lord, trusted that He listened, and reviewed His promises to her — reaffirming His faithfulness and power. If only I would always do the same!

Jesus Is Faithful to Lead

When we pray to Jesus, He works in not only our hears, but the hearts of others as a result of our prayers.  I think of how Acts worked; the acts of the apostles were sustained through constant prayer, and I think about how many were added to the number of the faithful regularly. I also think about what my grandmother told me: the safest place to be is in the center of God’s will.

When we pour out of hearts before the Lord and leave our requests to Him, it is as though we leave our lives in His hands. God cares for the precious possessions of our hearts. He made us, and He knows how to so tenderly care for us, as only He can do. Surely He provides blessing and leading and guidance for us as we wait upon Him.

Hearts are changed as we rest in Him and wait for the actions of others we need in order for God’s purposes in our lives to be accomplished. I think of the ministry of Jesus. He would often tell those whom He miraculously healed not to tell others of His healing ministry — not to reveal who Jesus was. But those He healed did not always listen! He also had conversations with the Pharisees who were constantly plotting against Him. And yet, it was only at the right time according to the Father’s will that Jesus was delivered up to be crucified. The Father was faithful to Jesus’ prayers; the timing was right, in God’s sovereign plans. And Jesus knew He was in the center of God’s will.

I think about when I have been led overly — to me — by the Lord. Details fall into place where they were once obstructed. Or doors open that were previously closed. Minds are changed that were previously against an idea or direction. Or, I have new wisdom from others that steers me differently than I would have once thought. When looking back, I see the faithful hand of God in my life. He saved me where I was faithless, and He guided me when I was full of faith. And He always leads into righteousness and in good directions for His purposes. Surely, we have a merciful God.

Jesus Is Faithful to Honor Us

When we so honor God as to believe His guidance for our lives and to trust in His faithful leading, He honors us. I think about Simeon, who was told by God that he would see the Messiah before he died. And Simeon believe the Lord; Simeon saw the Messiah. And in this way, the man was highly honored by God.

God is a Person we relate with in prayer. We speak and He moves in us and in our lives. We extend our hearts to Him, and He extends His. What a faithful God! He honors that we need guidance in this world. He honors that we need His help, His love, His reassurance, and more. The lives of faith that we devote to Him, He blesses. Nothing is too hard of our God. Nothing.

So, through the lyrical psalmist, through the Old Testament warning of the example of Sarai, through observations from the life of Jesus, and through the encouragement of Simeon, can we agree that it is good to give a faithful God full access to our hearts, lives, and directions? Can we agree it is good to trust in an all-powerful God who hears the concerns of our hearts? Can we agree that there is no safer place for us than the center of God’s will?

Can we agree that our prayers close with the reassurance of the psalmist? “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry” (Psalm 34:15).

When we listen to Scripture, we listen to God. The psalms that remind us to pour our hearts also remind us to take heart in the powerful work of a faithful God in the lives of His saints.

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Photo credit: ©Getty Images/Anastasiia Stiahailo

Lianna Davis is author of Keeping the Faith: A Study in Jude and Made for a Different Land: Eternal Hope for Baby Loss. She is also a contributor to We Evangelicals and Our Mission with Cascade Books. Lianna is a graduate of Moody Bible Institute and a student at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. She lives in Illinois with her husband and daughter. You can learn more about her writing at her website.

Originally published July 21, 2022.