Spiritual Life

How Can We Learn to Trust God's Timing?

Do not let the time that has passed, the doubts of others, or the whispers of the enemy lead you to believe that God has forgotten you or that He...
Updated Feb 26, 2025
How Can We Learn to Trust God's Timing?

Certainty is an anchor of life we desire to have, from certitude that the sun will rise to certainty that milestones or opportunities we desire will come at precisely the time we want them to come. We get frustrated when those things do not come with the swiftness we wanted or when they require something or someone outside of us to see them brought forward. This is where faith comes into play, and what we will find is an aspect of true faith is trusting God. This includes most especially trusting in His divine timing. Learning to trust God and His character with timing may not always come easily, but it will prove to be one of the greatest things we can experience in this life—the certainty that He knows what He is doing.

He Knows the End From the Beginning

Isaiah 46:10 gives us a vivid and powerful revelation concerning the timing and will of the Lord: "I declare the end from the beginning, and from long ago what is not yet done, saying: my plan will take place, and I will do all my will." (CSB)

He knows what will be before the start even takes place, and He is not unreliable in bringing the good plans He has for your story to pass. Consider it like a movie that you have seen dozens of times before. When scenes come where all hope seems lost, or the protagonists are forlorn, you don't fear yourself because you know how the story ends. In the same way, we can know our Creator knows how the story ends, so trust Him in the process. Don't lean on circumstances that can readily shift; rest in the assurance that He knows the way.

Not Leaning on Our Own Wisdom or Understanding

Self-reliance will convince you to lean on your own understanding and wisdom when it comes to circumstances you are waiting to change. You can be swept away with emotions because you see no end in sight or no hope to be found, but that is because you are relying on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."

What this verse implores us to do is not to navigate life or situations with our own wisdom, but rather to seek His face, His Word, and His insights every step of the way. He is wiser than we are, and when we ask Him to help us know what to do next, if we should continue to wait or make a move, or His command, it is there that trust is built, and it is there that we allow Him to be God, we allow Him to lead our lives.

Character Development Is Needed for Preparation

Much of what you desire or expect to come in time requires preparation. You may think you are ready, skilled, and all set to step into a season or role, when in fact you are not ready. This is where trusting His timing also requires trusting His refinement of you to prepare you for what awaits you in the future. Consider the story of David in the Bible. He was promised as a teen that he would become the next king of Israel, but he had to wait on God's timing to bring that promise to pass. In the meantime, he did not sit idle; God prepared, pruned, and refined him, making him ready for what awaited him as king. In the process, he also learned how to depend on God to make things happen. This character development appeared to us as tedious and long enduring, but in truth God used it to help him take on the role of king prepared, not naive. Do not discount where He is preparing you now, for it could hold vital importance for you in the future. He wastes nothing and can redeem all things (Romans 8:28). If you are in a place of training and character development, it holds a deeper significance that you can even fully realize in this present moment. It is worth the time it is taking now.

We Don't Slip Through the Cracks with God

The enemy will attempt to convince you that you are forgotten by God, that He has allowed you to slip through the cracks in your wait. Remember, he plays the same games now that he has for thousands of generations, asking, "Did God really say that?" just as he did to Eve in the Garden of Eden. Know this—you are not forgotten by God. Isaiah 49:15b-16 reminds us, "Yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are continually before me." (ESV)

You are remembered by your Father in Heaven, and He is working even if you do not sense or comprehend it. El Roi is the name of God we speak when we are tempted to believe we are unseen. El Roi means "The God Who sees," and He sees you. Do not let the time that has passed, the doubts of others, or the whispers of the enemy lead you to believe that God has forgotten you or that He is mistaken in the timing of your life. He is worthy of our trust, even when we cannot see.

His Character Reveals He Is Worthy

We can trust God and His timing because we can trust and rely upon His character. Time and time again the Bible has testified of His faithfulness, His goodness, and His trustworthy character. Consider in your own life examples of times where you saw that He had precise and perfect timing, so much so it left you in awe at His attention to detail. If He has proven before that He is worthy of trust, then make the choice to trust Him again and again. If you knew everything He does, you would not be afraid. In the same line of thinking, if you knew everything He does, where would you need faith? Know He is with youand He is worthy of your trust, even without explanation of every detail of what is to come. He may give you a blueprint, promise, or a next step, but very rarely does He offer the play-by-play of what awaits you in the future. Regardless of what you know in the details, praise Him in the waiting. Patience is more about trust than timing, and He is worthy of your trust, your patience, and your "yes" to what He guides you to do next. Hold firm as well to the reminder that you can call upon the Lord for His help when you feel weak, and His peace when you are filled with anxiety. He is with you every step of the way.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/PeopleImages

Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive," “Jesus Calling Blog,” and “Coffee and Bible Time,” among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging women to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomedis available everywhere nowConnect with Cally: @CallyLogan Instagram CallyLogan.com 

Originally published February 26, 2025.