How Christians Can Use AI without Sacrificing Spiritual Connection

With the development and advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) in our world, Christians need to be aware of its inevitable reality in society and how we should think about it.
The presence of AI enhances an already established digital age. From digital assistants to self-driving cars, AI is gradually permeating the fabric of our society. Churches, too, have been affected by AI, whether it is the installment of an AI Jesus in a confessional booth at a church in Switzerland or an AI version of a megachurch pastor on his newly developed prayer app. Additionally, chatbots like ChatGPT can compose an entire sermon if you ask it to. As time goes on, AI usage in the body of Christ will only increase. That being said, here are several points to consider when it comes to Christians and the rise of AI.
Use AI to Glorify God
In the apostle Paul’s epistle to the church in Corinth, he acknowledges that Christians have the freedom to decide what they should eat or drink as well as in other areas of life in general. Ultimately, whatever they eat or drink or whatever they do, they are to do it “for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31). The glory of God is what every Christian should strive toward as we live this life in devotion to Him. Therefore, whatever we do should bring glory to God. This includes using AI. Are we using it for the glory of God? Just the fact that human beings have created AI glorifies God, who enables us with ideas and the capacity to create. Like any means, we can either use AI for good or for evil.
AI as a Tool, Not an Idol
The problem is when we turn AI into an idol where, we depend on it more than the Lord. A clear-cut example is the Way of the Future Church (WOTF), which literally calls for the worship of artificial intelligence, including embracing what is known as technological singularity, which visualizes a world where technology has become so advanced that it surpasses human intelligence. What’s terrifying is the fact that people actually buy into this as a type of deity. But it is nothing more than a golden calf, made in place of God. Moreover, it is reflective of the state of our hearts, which John Calvin describes as “a perpetual factory of idols.”
Apart from knowing God, there is an idol in place of Him. However, even Christians can fall into this trap if they are not careful. Therefore, we must cling to the Lord and solely pledge our devotion to Him. At the end of the day, AI is merely a tool— no matter how technologically advanced it is. Rather than view it as an idol, consider it as part of “every good and perfect gift” that comes from God, who is the perfect Giver. AI can also be viewed as a form of common grace, just as the Lord makes the sun rise “on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust” (Matthew 5:45). Remember, artificial intelligence is just that, artificial intelligence. It may acquire and possess information, but it is not God. It cannot save, it cannot love, and it can never take the place of the Lord God Almighty. Therefore, the glory goes to Him, as does our devotion.
Don’t Let AI Make You Lazy
Although AI has provided a great deal of assistance, it should not make us lazy. With digital assistants, such as Chat GPT, you can tell it to provide you with an answer to a question you may have about a topic of interest. You can also have it compose an essay or even a sermon for you, with an introduction and points included. Yes, I have tried it on my own just to see how it would come out and lo and behold, Chat GPT provided a full sermon for me! While one can come away feeling impressed, don’t let it be a replacement for writing out a message.
Pastors are to devote themselves to the study of Scripture as they prepare their messages throughout the week. To incorporate AI in the matter would only make the preacher lazy as he wouldn’t have to dig into the Word, which would only diminish the hard work and personal accountability he has in preaching the text as it was comprised by AI. Moreover, time away from the Scripture is also time away with God in praying and seeking His guidance in preaching the Word.
A False Connection
Concurrently, AI should not be a replacement for personal interactions for both God and people because it is not authentic, no matter how humanlike the AI may portray itself to be. It is a false provision of connection that can only be cultivated in true relationships. But sadly, people are turning to these things, that are mere illusions at best.
Eternal Not Temporal
Ultimately, Christians should remember to stay the course and continue to shine the light of Christ into the world. The world, including AI, will fade away, but God will remain, and His people who do His will live forever (1 John 2:15).
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Laurence Dutton
Originally published January 02, 2025.