How Does Jesus Meet Us in Our Everyday Lives?
![How Does Jesus Meet Us in Our Everyday Lives?](
One of my favorite Bible stories is about Elijah hearing God. 1 Kings 19:11-13 says, “The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.” Then, a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind, there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper. When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave. Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
It’s a descriptive account of how Elijah expected to hear God and then how God actually showed up. He looks for God in the powerful winds, earthquakes, and fire. God was not there. Unexpectedly, he heard God speak when he quietly waited at the mouth of a cave, and God whispered to Elijah.
How often do I look for God to show up as a mighty storm in my life or for him to get my attention by literally rocking my world, such as we see with earthquakes? At times, God does speak in those moments, and he surely is with us when our lives take unexpected turns, but what about the innumerable ordinary moments that make up the majority of our lives? Does God care about our daily routines? Is it possible to hear him as we walk to get the mail or make lunches? What about while cleaning the dishes or driving to work? Does he only check in with us on Sundays when we attend church services, or does Monday through Saturday matter to him, too?
The Quiet Moments Can Be God Moments
Elijah’s story reminds us that the quiet moments can be God moments, too. We can see God in the simplistic moments of unexpected beauty we are given. How many times have I given thanks to God just at the sight of my children running around in our simple backyard on a sunny day? I am in awe of the wonder they are able to enjoy. How many prayers have I lifted up while changing a diaper? My heart cries out, God please help me be the mom you have called me to be! My life and all that I have invested in goes mostly unseen.
I can attest to the fact that every word God has given me has come right in the midst of my ordinary life. God nudged me towards a house we would one day buy and use for his glory while making a weekly commute to my daughter's dance class. During my workout routine, he reminded me that all I need to do is pray, God I need you, and he will be there for me. During a talk with a friend, he assured my heart that the medication I needed to calm my mind and body was a part of his healing plan for me. Everyday life is interrupted by God’s gentle, guiding whisper voice. He is in the ordinary with us, showing us his ways and teaching us his path.
We Have Moments We Are Called to Give Without Being Seen
Can I trust that God cares about my days, even if no one is promoting me or praising me for the toys I put away? The lessons I taught? The tantrums I endured? We all are called to serve unto the Lord and not man. We all have moments when God leads us to give without being seen.
Jesus rebuked the religious elite for parading around when they fasted and prayed. He wanted more than a spectacle from his followers, he wanted our hearts. That’s why no matter if you are a CEO or a stay-at-home mom, there are going to be moments when God calls you to give, serve, pray, love, and fast without being seen. This is when our true character shines.
I’ll tell you from personal experience that it’s not easy to serve unconditionally. When given the chance to do it for days, weeks, and even years on end, what you find is that your heart is not as pretty as you once hoped. Pride and a drive for affirmation run deep, at least it does in me. But the lesson I’ve been learning and relearning in my home, as I live stuck in all kinds of ordinary, is that my life is about obedience and not success. Not to me, but to him be the glory. In my weakness, his strength is made perfect. I can do all things only because Christ is in me, not because I’m a capable and responsible Christ follower.
The ordinary stuff is the place, as my mom often says, where our character is built. It's how we do the dishes - as a cheerful giver or a grumpy, resentful servant - that God cares about. Thankfully, he is gentle with us, and on the grumpy days, there is grace, but the lesson comes again the next morning. How will you do these dishes today, he asks?
Our Days Are for His Glory
The thing with God is that in his economy, nothing is wasted. When Abraham waited years and years to realize the promise of a son, God was using his everyday life to prepare him for what was to come. Moses spent decades working in the desert before God appeared to him in a bush, giving him a life-changing mission. That time in the desert was readying him to lead the Israelites through this harsh terrain in the years to come.
We think of life as a series of high notes and low notes on a timeline, but God sees it all. Each day we are given is a chance to learn and grow closer to our Maker. Don’t miss his whisper. Let making the bed remind you of his faithfulness. Eating your breakfast tells of his provision. Thank him that his mercies are new every morning and each day has a purpose in God’s Kingdom. They all matter to him. Don't curse the simple moments; lean in, and you’ll hear that whisper of his gracious love for you.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/AVI stock
Originally published September 06, 2023.