How to Know When God Is Telling You to Move onto the Next Chapter

It is a scent that cannot be bottled or captured in a candle, but we all know it well. The fresh hints of florals mixed with the dewy aroma of the snow melting hints that the seasons are shifting.
Visibly we can see small buds emerge and bright colors begin to peek up from the ground to say hello. Spring emerges slowly, and then all at once, and suddenly our once winter wonderland is transformed into a peaceful scene of all things new. Nature often is a metaphor to our own lives, so how do we know when the seasons in our own lives are about to shift?
How do we know when God is suggesting the next chapter is about to begin? Here are 5 things to look out for.
1. New Interests or Passions
Often a note that you are about to enter a new chapter or season is your passions or interests begin to shift or change. Gradually the hobbies or activities you once enjoyed are not as enjoyable anymore. Instead, new interests begin to unfold and your vision along with them.
Perhaps a new career is forming before your eyes, or a creative venture that will lead to an unexpected journey. Many times, there will be an inner nudge within your heart to follow the bread crumbs along the path of these new passions.
There is something captivating about the unknown that exists ahead in pursuing those leadings. God often will take even the smallest of details to direct someone to an adventure they never imagined.
2. God Is Speaking in a New Way
In Isaiah 43:19 we are given vivid imagery of what God says of the beginnings of a new season, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
Just as winter blooms into spring, so God cascades His Spirit upon a new season in our lives, but often what accompanies this season is also new ways He shares His heart with us.
Just as the verse suggests, we may not always perceive it at first, but in time we learn more of how He is seeking to communicate with us. Romans 8:26 explains how He can translate even tears or sighs from us, so in the same way He can communicate with us in new and exciting ways. Perhaps a particular Bible study or book of the Bible will become more relevant in your walk, or that still small voice will become louder or more frequent.
For many even dreams or vivid imagery in our thoughts will relay a message from Him. Be eager to test every spirit (1 John 4) but also consider that in a new season He is communicating in new ways to your heart.
3. Friends or Relationships are Shifting
Just as certain plants are for a specific time of year and others endure no matter the season, relationships we have with others are similar. If you are entering into a new season or have the sense of a new chapter emerging often you will see the company you keep shift and change.
Sometimes God weeds people out of our lives that in the long run are not beneficial to us. At other times some connections become stronger, and some drift for a period of time. Do not resist the change unless you feel God is saying differently.
As you level up into new phases of your life some people will not continue with you. Trust in knowing God has His specific reasons, and one day it will be evident. Not every relationship is meant for every stage of your life, but when we entrust God with every stage of our lives we can trust the Gardener’s hand.
4. Open or Closed Doors
A clear and indicative sign that it is time to enter your new season is the opening or closing of certain doors. This is to mean that a job, a relationship, or something that was once where you were placed is closed shut, but up ahead a new opportunity opens.
So often we will see segments of time where a door has shut, but we are left waiting in the hallway for a new door to present itself. Trust that if God is making you wait, there is so much to be learned and gleaned from that time. When it is time, God will make it happen (Isaiah 60:22).
Be active in taking these events before the Lord as well for His leadership of the path to follow. He will make it clear in His timing what the best route for you is, and when the correct doors do open you can feel secure that it is His time for your new chapter.
5. Confirmation from God
The clearest indication that it is time to step forward into a new chapter is confirmations and peace that come from the Lord. 1 Corinthians 14:33 reminds us that, “God is not a God of disorder but of peace.”
Ask God to make it strikingly clear that moving forward into this chapter is of His Will. God graciously loves to answer the request for wisdom, and He often responds in indisputable ways.
Perhaps the sermon at your church will be exactly pertaining to your situation, or a fellow believer will offer words of encouragement out of the blue giving you a peace. God often uses His Word to grant confirmation to a soul, and in the Bible, you may find the exact answer you are desiring.
Trust that God loves to be active in relationship with His children, and specifically answer what we are hoping to walk boldly and firmly in for His glory ahead.
Go Boldly
As seasons shift and change, it can at times feel uncomfortable, but rest that growth occurs in those uncomfortable times and what is birthed is something beautiful. CS Lewis poetically said once, “When spring comes it leaves no corner of the land untouched” and just like spring expanding through the world so a new chapter expanding in your life.
Stand tall and boldly keeping your eyes on Christ, knowing He knows the way, and the journey will be abundantly richer than you could ask for or imagine.
© Article copyright by Kevin Brennfleck and Kay Marie Brennfleck, ChristianCareerCen Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Takako Watanabe Cally Logan is an author and US History teacher from Richmond, Virginia. Her works have been featured on "The 700 Club Interactive," “Jesus Calling Blog,” and “Coffee and Bible Time,” among several notable outlets. She served as a mentor for young women for several years and enjoys challenging women to develop deeper relationships with God and to live fearlessly and authentically. She received her B.A. Degree from Regent University. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time in nature, having genuine chats over coffee, and woodworking. Her new book, The Wallflower That Bloomed, is available everywhere now. Connect with Cally: @CallyLogan Instagram Originally published March 24, 2021.