Spiritual Life

How to Live Out the Fruits of the Spirit

So many people struggle to see past different opinions and views. It’s tearing us apart. As Christians, the Bible says we will be known by our...
Updated Sep 01, 2023
How to Live Out the Fruits of the Spirit

We live in a broken society full of division. So many people struggle to see past different opinions and views. It’s tearing us apart. As Christians, the Bible says we will be known by our fruit. By fruit, I mean the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. These are the traits that we possess and show to people that we live in the ways of God. The way we live and the fruits of the Spirit can speak volumes to those around us.

What Are the Fruits of the Spirit?

Galatians 5:22-23 says, “But the holy spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these.” (NLT)

Living the Fruit of the Spirit: Love

I think people need love more than ever these days. There are so many people going through so many things that feel unseen, unheard, and unloved. This can be anything from a divorce to struggling with finances to being homeless. Look around and see who needs some love in your world. Here are some ways to show it.

Tell Them

Let someone know that you love them. Time is short, and it does not promise tomorrow. If you love someone, tell them and tell them why. This could be a friend, a coworker, or someone you are dating. It doesn’t matter, just tell them.

Give Someone a Hug

Hugs are a great way to show someone you love them and have many health benefits, including improved sleep, improved immunity, better heart health, reducing pain symptoms, and much, much more. Aim for a 5-10-second hug to get the ultimate benefit.

Kiss Someone

Okay, well, not just anyone. This should be your spouse or significant other. Kissing also has health benefits like reducing stress and anxiety, lowering blood pressure, soothing headaches, etc.

Hold Someone’s Hand

Sometimes, we don’t need an opinion or advice, just some human touch. Holding hands is a great way to show someone your love and support, and it can be done with a spouse, friend, or child.

Living the Fruit of the Spirit: Joy

Older women planting a garden

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Riska

There are many ways we experience joy and express our joy.

Joy in Our Lives

We can share our joy in the Lord with others. We do this by sharing what he has done for us and exhibiting in our lives and behaviors that we depend on him in every circumstance. We don’t sulk or complain; we persevere with joy in our hearts.

Joy in Helping Others

We can show the joy in our lives by helping others and recognizing their needs. You could help someone move, buy groceries for a single mom, or a meal for a homeless person.

Joy in Praying for Others

We should be glad to pray for others in their time of need. Praying for someone is one of the most loving things we can do for someone.

Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

Peace in Not Quarreling

We can show we live in peace by not arguing with other people. Instead, we should state our side tactfully.

Peace in the Lord

We can show people we live in peace by trusting the Lord in all things and not letting ourselves get riled up over things. Sure, we will have times when we worry or get frustrated. We’re human. As long as we remind ourselves to trust the Lord with the issue and pray about it, our peace will remain steadfast.

Fruit of the Spirit: Patience

Patience in Waiting on the Lord

We live in an instant gratification society where we want everything now. Sometimes, we even do this with the Lord, wanting him to do “it” right now. Instead, we need to have patience and wait on the Lord, for his timing is best.

I know this personally, as I have been waiting for the Lord to do something for a very long time. However, I have felt him say, “Be still and know that I am God.” Therefore, I continue to pray and wait for his timing. I have had people make suggestions on what to do on my end, and I tell them that the timing isn’t right and that the Lord will take care of it in his timing.

Patience with Others

We can live this fruit in our lives by having patience with others. Instead of getting upset, have patience with your child, the new coworker learning the job, or the driver ahead of you.

Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness

cute couple husband bringing wife breakfast in bed sick

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/PeopleImages

I think people need a lot of kindness these days also and there are many ways we can show this fruit in our lives.

Smile at Someone

You never know what a smile can do. It may be the highlight of someone’s day.

Compliment Someone

Give someone a compliment, whether it’s their hairstyle, their outfit, how they do their job, or something else.

Let Someone in Your Lane of Traffic

If traffic is down to one lane and people are trying to get in, let them. They didn’t see the sign to merge until they got right up on it.

Do Something Just Because

Leave water bottles and snacks out for the USPS/FedEx/UPS driver. Bake a treat for your child’s class. Get a gift card from your child for the bus driver. Mow your neighbor’s lawn. Text an old friend or connect with them on Facebook.

Pay it Forward in the Drive-Thru

Start a pay-it-forward chain in the drive-thru. You never know who you will help. It could be the single mom down to her last twenty dollars, the man with a long commute who forgot his wallet, or the soccer mom who is short on cash.

There are millions of ways to be kind to those around us. Think of some great ways and go for it.

Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness

Younger woman humbly helping an elderly woman carry her groceries home.

Photo credit: ©GettyImages/Eva-Katalin

Goodness means a lot of things, like morality and uprightness. In biblical terms, it means holy and righteousness. Goodness also refers to how God guides and protects us.

Showing Goodness to Others

We can show goodness to others. First, we can show them goodness by thanking God for his goodness by guiding and protecting us. There are many other ways we can show goodness to others.

Wave at Someone

Just like a smile, waving at a friend or neighbor may make their day.

Help Someone

Help someone load their groceries into their car. Offer to change someone’s tire. If you have a specific skill, help someone with your gift. Offer to babysit for the single mom next door so she can have some time to herself.

Thank Someone

Express gratitude to your housekeeper for their hard work. Show appreciation to your child's school bus driver and teachers for their hard work. Don't forget to thank the barista who prepares your coffee. Show appreciation to your spouse for all their hard work. Take a moment to thank your coworkers for everything they do. There are lots of people in our everyday lives that we are thankful for. Let them know.

Offer Forgiveness

Forgive someone in your life who has hurt you. Many people struggle with this, both offenders and those who need to forgive. Show them grace and forgive them. It will be good for both of you.

Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness

There are many ways we can show faithfulness to others.

Showing Faithfulness in the Lord

We can show this by having an unwavering faith in the Lord and not allowing our thoughts and practices to follow the world. We can also do this by choosing to do what is right every time and to always obey God’s rules. Another way we can do this is by trusting the Lord. Reading our Bibles and praying daily is another way to show our faithfulness.

Being Faithful to Our Spouses

We can show our faithfulness by being committed to our spouses and families.

Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness

Son comforting a father

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/AsiaVision

The Bible defines gentleness as showing care and respect for others in the way you speak and act. This is something else that people need desperately. Ways we can show gentleness include:

Being Considerate of Other's Feelings and Needs

Take the time to listen to those around you and find out how they feel and what their needs are. Be an active listener and show them you care.

Be Empathetic

Show people you can relate to how they feel and what they are going through.

Remember the Golden Rule

Always treat others how you want to be treated.

Be Respectful

Even if you disagree with someone, always show them the utmost respect and consideration.

Fruit of the Spirit: Self-Control

Self-control is the most important fruit that we must master and show other people. It is also one of the hardest. There are many ways we need to control ourselves so that we can live a godly life and be an example to others.

Living a Godly Life

We must resist temptation and live our lives under God’s will. This is the most significant example we can set.

Controlling Our Words

In the heat of the moment, it is easy for us to let our words loose and say whatever is on our minds. However, we must learn to control our tongues and our words. The tongue is the strongest muscle in the body; it can build up or destroy.

Controlling Our Emotions

It is important for us to keep our emotions in check so as not to hurt someone else or ourselves. It’s natural for our emotions to boil over from time to time. Once again, we are human. We aren’t perfect. However, learning to keep our emotions in check is important.

Controlling Our Actions

We must also be in control of our actions so we don’t do something rash and regret the consequences later. Controlling our actions saves ourselves and others from much hurt later.

Living a life full of the fruits of the Spirit is one of the best examples of Christ we can set. Take some time this week and manifest the fruits of the Holy Spirit for those around you.

Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Kuvona

Originally published September 01, 2023.