Spiritual Life

How to Overcome Feelings of Worthlessness

Give yourself a motivational/pep talk each morning - As strange as this may sound, starting off your day with a positive image of yourself is a...
Updated May 19, 2017
How to Overcome Feelings of Worthlessness

Everybody goes through times when they feel down or depressed, it’s part of the flow of life. Sometimes things just don’t go the way you expect. Your car breaks down, you get fired from  work, or sometimes it’s something as simple as burning dinner one night. However, what do you do when you feel absolutely worthless? When the storms keep coming and there is nothing you can do about it. When that toxic relationship you have with that one person in your life just grates on you and wears you down again and again. When you are trying to turn your life around and there is an obstacle with every step that seems to be knocking you back down. How can you overcome these feelings of worthlessness?

“Others were given in exchange of you. I traded their lives for yours because
you are precious to me. You are honored, and I love you.” Isaiah 43:4 (NLT)

Remember who made you - The Lord doesn’t see you as worthless and neither should you. He delights in you and loves you. Remember who made you and how precious, special, and unique you are in His eyes. Even though you may feel worthless, it’s not true. He is refining you into something amazing.

Consider the other person’s background - If you are involved in a toxic relationship of some sort, as hard as it is, take a step back and look at the other person’s background. How have they been treated all their life? Are they repeating what has been done to them? Maybe they don’t know how to treat people any other way. Does this make it right? Absolutely not. You must remember that they tear others down to make themselves feel better. Their personal issues with whatever or whomever tore them down has nothing to do with you.

Surround yourself with positive people - It really is true that you become like the people you spend time with. When you have been knocked down so many times, it is easy to believe that misery loves company and it can be hard to be around positive people. Still, this is the best thing to do even if you don’t feel like it at the time. Positive people are more likely to listen to you, try and help the best they can, speak life into you and pray for you.

“And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more 
valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” Luke 12:7 (NLT)

Feed your heart and soul with positive things - As the Bible says, what goes in is what comes out. When you are feeling worthless, it is especially important to feed your heart and soul. Spend some time in the word studying about how the Lord sees your worth. Put on some of your favorite Christian/Praise & Worship music. Pick up a self help book from your favorite Christian author. Curl up on the couch and watch your favorite faith based movie.

Get help if you feel you need it - If you feel you need a little more help, by all means seek it out. There is nothing wrong with going to a therapist or counseling. It is a sign of strength. Look for a good group of Christian counselors in your area.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love
and self-discipline.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

Give yourself a motivational/pep talk each morning - As strange as this may sound, starting off your day with a positive image of yourself is a great way to set the tone of your day. I recently added a daily declaration from a book I recently read to my inspiration board in my office. Basically this is a bulletin board filled with Bible verses, positive quotes, and my accomplishments. However, you can make it anything you want. You can talk about the talents you have been blessed with, how you have the power to impact someone’s life, how you can accomplish your goals, etc. God doesn’t make worthless things, he makes priceless things. Your impact on the world is definitely that-priceless.

Do you feel that you will always struggle with your feelings of worthlessness? Let’s pray.

Dear Lord,
Please help me with these feelings of worthlessness. Open my eyes to see me as You see me. Remind me that I am precious in your sight and that You are refining me into something amazing to advance your kingdom. Let me know that You are with me in every trial and that I am not as helpless and worthless as I may feel right now. Help me to see Your plan and purpose in this season. In Your name I pray. Amen.

Carrie Lowrance is a freelance writer and author. She has been featured on Huffington Post, She Is Fierce, Parachute, The Frugal Farmer, etc. She is also the author of two books of poetry, one children's book, and she writes her own personal finance blog at carrielowrance.com.

Image courtesy: ©Thinkstock/tommaso79

Publication date: May 19, 2017

Originally published May 19, 2017.