How Do We Know if God Has a Sense of Humor?

Have you ever wondered if God has a sense of humor? When I consider this, I recall times I have comically blundered and I think, “I sure hope so!” Since the Lord is aware of everything that happens in my day, He no doubt sees the times I am doubled over in a good laugh—and I like to think He is smiling and laughing, too.
Evidence of God’s Sense of Humor
How can we assess whether God has a sense of humor? First, let’s consider this: we are formed by God. We are designed in His image. Genesis 1:7 shares, “God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” I believe this reveals that not only our physical selves are like God’s, but our natures are, too—although we will never obtain perfection, of course, and we are dogged by sin. But the Bible points us towards an essential commonality with God, being created “in His image.”
Then there is anecdotal evidence of God’s sense of humor. Have you ever experienced laughter that emanates from deep inside and feels not just funny, but joyous? If God is the author of everything good, and that type of laughter truly is good—as long as it’s not at anyone’s expense—then we can connect the dots and say that God does like laughter. Romans 8:28 affirms God’s sustaining goodness, stating, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
Additionally, Psalm 126:1-2 reveals, “When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’”
What Type of Laughter Is Good?
An important consideration is this: what, exactly, are we laughing at? Context is everything in this conversation. If we are laughing at crude, racist, or mean jokes, we must rationally assume that God is not laughing with us. After all, He is goodness, love, and mercy. Why would He find anything that hurts or belittles even one of His children amusing?
The type of laughter I believe God shares with us is honest laughter, simple in origin. Here is a good example: several months ago, I was at my parents’ home in Maryland for a visit. We had moved heavy furniture around all day as we prepared the home for new flooring, and we encountered many obstacles throughout the day—bureaus not fitting through doorways, carpets too heavy to lift, multiple pets running around—that made the job exhausting and frustrating.
By early evening we were pooped. We collapsed into chairs in front of the television to watch a movie, and my sister popped an old John Cleese movie named “Clockwise” into the DVD player. The film was about a high-minded, self-important school headmaster on his way to receive an award, and all the things that stopped him from arriving at his destination. As tired as we were, we found ourselves belly-laughing over this movie, tears rolling down our cheeks. Employing physical comedy, exaggerated facial expressions, and an improbably hysterical plot, the movie offered uproarious situations served up by gifted comedians and actors.
That night I thanked God for that movie, brought to us at just the right time. It relaxed us and cheered us, drawing us close to one another as we wiped tears away, sighing in delight. God used this funny movie to bolster us for another challenging day to follow, and I was grateful. Had the movie had crude language, sexual situations, or dark, edgy overtones, I could not have thanked Him for it. If God brought it to us, as I believe He did, then He must approve of humor.
Taking God Out of Church
I think we sometimes “trap” God in church, focusing on His rules for our good while often forgetting that God is with us outside of church, too, in everything we encounter. This includes things that make us laugh!
In my book The Pretend Christian: Traveling Beyond Denomination to the True Jesus I put it this way, in a chapter entitled, Why Have I Not Heard of This God?:
“…I often forgot that God created nature so that we could enjoy it; He is a lively, interested God, deeply involved in all aspects of our lives and our deepest longings. Indeed, He created some of us to be adventurous—to explore and discover, to climb mountains and plumb the depths of the ocean. Remember I mentioned that nature is a good indicator of the Spirit of God? Well, our natures are also a good indicator of God’s spirit.”
What I was trying to say is that we, at our best and our purest, reflect God. And if we are laughing happily at something innocent and fun, I think we can assume that God laughs with us. God wants us to be happy and joyous, as His beloved children, and laughter is an expression of our joy.
God Is the Ultimate Parent Who Finds Joy in His Children
God is referred to as “Our Father” because He is the ultimate parent, loving us, guiding us, and enjoying us. If you are a parent, think of the joy and laughter your children have brough you—why is it any different for God? Malachi 2:10 refers to Him this way, stating, “Do we not all have one Father? Did not one God create us? Why do we profane the covenant of our ancestors by being unfaithful to one another?”
Social platforms are chock full of parents laughing as their children do funny, charming things. Children also say things that are hysterical as they navigate the world around them. Along with the laughter comes a sense of pride; your child is learning and growing every day—even if they sometimes take the long way to get there! I believe God feels the same way about us.
I am a natural bumbler; I can be sort of klutzy, often dropping things and running into things. I have often pictured God looking down and laughing gently at me, as His child. This brings me great peace and a sense of being cherished despite my flaws, and really known, too.
As a parent, can you picture not laughing with your children? Such an essential part of that precious relationship would be lost! I believe it is the same with God. True communion with God includes light, happy, funny times when our joy in simply being alive reflects His joy in us.
Our happiness is very important to God; He created us to give and receive joy. Psalm 47:1 shares, “Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.” If expressions like clapping and shouting are welcomed in His kingdom, I believe laughter is too. “He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy,” Job 8:21 reveals.
Some day we will see—perhaps laughter rings out in heaven. If it does, it will be the sweet laughter derived from the pure bliss to be found in finally being fully home with the Lord.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/fizkes
Originally published February 07, 2022.