How's Your Love Life? - Part 2
As you reflect on these qualities of love from 1 Corinthians 13, ask the Lord to show you how your love measures up to His.
Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up (1 Corinthians 13:4).
Are you patient when people inconvenience or bother you?
Are you kind with your tongue, using well-chosen words to encourage others?
Are you genuinely glad when someone else is promoted, gets a raise, or is recognized-and you are overlooked?
Are you content with the basic necessities of life and a right relationship with God?
Do you boast about your abilities, gifts, accomplishments, or possessions?
Are you content to do good works without recognition or praise?
Do you harbor a spirit of pride-an inflated view of yourself?
Love does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil (v. 5).
Do you have good manners?
Do you use sarcasm or put-downs that show disrespect?
Do you consciously look out for the welfare of others above your own?
Do you fly off the handle or blow up when "crossed?"
Are you often touchy or thin-skinned?
Do you keep track of others' offenses or hold a grudge?
Do you focus on people's quirks and weaknesses instead of their strengths?
LOVE does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in truth (v. 6).
Do you love righteousness? Do you hate evil?
Are you grieved when you or another believer sins?
Do you welcome others sharing the truth with you about your life and needs?
Do you rejoice when truth triumphs? When people turn to God and change?
Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things (v. 7).
Are you willing to endure hardships for the sake of others without complaining?
Have you learned to patiently trust God through the darkest circumstances of life?
Do you assume positively on people, giving them the benefit of the doubt?
Have you given up on God's ability to change certain people?
Does your love remain strong through testing, even when faced with humanly insurmountable obstacles?
Do you keep loving, even when your efforts are rejected or seem unsuccessful?
Let the love of Christ be the measure of your love!
Read Part One by clicking here.
Excerpted from How's Your Love Life? by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. Copyright © 2001. Used by permission of Life Action Ministries, Buchanan, Michigan. Nancy Leigh DeMoss is an author, conference speaker, and host of Revive Our Hearts, a daily radio program for women heard on over 240 stations nationwide. To order copies of this booklet, or for additional information, contact:
Originally published February 14, 2003.