I, Too, Have a Dream
Do you ever dream? No, I don't mean while you're asleep. We all do that, and it can include some wish-I-could-forget nightmares!
Sometimes we relegate "dreams" to well-known leaders and professionals. Do you ever ask those proverbial "what if" questions? Have you ever written down your hopes and visions for the future - what you'd really like to see happen in your life, in your family, in your church, in your world?
You may be young, middle-age, or senior adult, but no matter who or at what age you are, as long as you have breath, you can still dream. You may think no one cares about your dreams but you. But I guarantee God does, because to Him, everything matters.
Here's one of my many "dreams:"
I, Too, Have a Dream
I have a dream that one day our nation will truly be one under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all people.
I have a dream that God would rule the hearts of all men, and that His laws--not man-made ones--but God's laws of love, mercy, grace, and justice would be the Supreme Court of our land.
I have a dream that every heart would break over evil and rejoice over good, that every act of kindness would be not random, but a way of life.
I have a dream that every person would make servanthood a goal, and success only a tool with which to help others.
I have a dream that divorce would disappear; that every marriage would resemble Christ' love for the church, simply because God's covenant love would break down every barrier in the home.
I have a dream that children would love, obey and respect their parents and that parents would raise their children with unconditional love, unswerving faith, and undying trust in God.
I have a dream that jails would stand empty, because men and women choose good and not evil; that detention would turn to Godly attention and true intention to live for Him.
I have a dream that churches would be full; that neighbors would be friendly; and that schools would be free and safe--because of the Love that never fails.
I have a dream that children could once again be seen and heard, that every breath would be saved, every life purpose-filled, every person given dignity, not because of age, race, or gender--not because of who they are, but Whose they are.
I have a dream that war and corruption would cease; that it would be God we seek to please; that daily we would fall on our knees, giving thanks to the Only One who truly brings peace.
I have a dream that the only fear we face would be the deep reverence and respect for a Holy God who created us for His pleasure and His glory alone.
I have a dream that we would owe nothing except the debt of love and gratitude; that we would put our trust not in money, man, or machines, but in the mighty name of Almighty God.
I have a dream that all would understand that God's heart is not to hurt or destroy, but to love, forgive, and redeem for His own special purpose.
I have a dream that every heart will cry out, not for more stuff, more fame, or more glory, but for more of Jesus; that all will fall deeply and desperately in love with Him.
I have a dream that one day every knee will bow, and that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. (And that one WILL come true!)
I, too, have a dream.
What's yours?
(c) 2008, Rebecca Barlow Jordan. Used with permission.
Rebecca Barlow Jordan is a best-selling author and inspirational speaker who loves to share reflections from the Father’s heart at conferences, retreats, churches, and special women’s events. Her newest book is 40 Days in God’s Blessing, (FaithWords, 2006), the latest in her 40-day devotional series. Another of Rebecca's devotionals - Daily in Your Presence - is featured daily on Crosswalk. Visit her at www.rebeccabarlowjordan.com.
Originally published September 02, 2008.