If you're really honest with yourself, it’s easy to trust God in the beginning. It’s even easy to trust God at the end. The challenge is trusting God in the middle, when you are waiting.
When you know that nothing is impossible with God, but you're unsure why God isn’t helping, sometimes the only answer left is to trust him. You simply have to trust what God is doing in your life.
Here is the difference between faith and trust. Faith is believing that he can and he will. Trust is understanding that he will but that he will do it at the moment when it’s best for you. This is the hard part of trusting God. I know we talk a lot about faith in prayer, but I don’t hear people talking a lot about trust in prayer. Consider the words of Isaiah:
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. – Isaiah 55:8-9
The fact is, God is operating at a level higher than what you know and can see. Our vision, when it comes to knowing the best thing for us, is often limited. His vision is not limited. He sees the whole game plan, mapped out from beginning to end. All we see is the next play.
Since we don’t always know what God is doing because his thoughts are different, we must simply be willing to trust him. This is not always easy but it’s part of our walking with Jesus. I ask you today...will you trust him?
Conclusion on Scriptures Addressing "Nothing is Impossible with God"
How did you do on the checklist?
I hope you can see by these thoughts that the answer to why God isn’t helping when nothing is impossible is not always simple, easy, cut, and dry. Sometimes there are many answers, and they're all a bit challenging. They require not just faith but a deep, sincere trust in the plan God has for your life.
If you should ever feel nervous, afraid, anxious, or downright frustrated (I’ve felt all of those emotions) just know and trust that there is a God in heaven who is working for your good. He is doing the impossible even when it seems like he is not doing anything at all.
It may not feel like it now but God is working on your situation. The best part is he is going to take your situation and work it for your good because that is his promise to you.
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28
Only a God who can do impossible things can do this in your life.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Shane Rounce