Is Cursing Really That Big of a Sin?
![Is Cursing Really That Big of a Sin?](
We all will justify our words when it comes to cursing, cussing, speaking profanity, letting zingers go, whatever it is you call the use of words when we are angry, sad, trying to be funny, or just speaking in regular conversation.“It’s only when I’m in the moment;” “Some situations you just have to say it;” “My parents cursed in front of me all the time and they were okay with it.”
However, what seems like inconsequential words are actually sins, creating gateways for further, more dangerous sins to be committed. From Jesus to the apostles to Moses, cursing is conveyed in the Scriptures as a big deal to God and an indicator of a carnal-minded person. But, is cursing really a sin?
First, let's take a look at what cursing is, what the Bible says about it, and why it's a sin to swear or use profanity.
What Does the Bible Say About Cursing, Swearing, Cussing, and Profanity?
In today's world, the words we use can have a big impact on how we communicate and relate to others. For Christians, it's especially important to understand what the Bible says about the way we speak. The Bible gives us some pretty clear guidelines when it comes to things like cursing, swearing, and blasphemy, each with its own meaning and implications.
Cursing and swearing in the Bible aren't just about using offensive language. Cursing involves calling down harm or evil, while swearing often refers to making solemn promises or oaths. Blasphemy is a whole different level, as it shows disrespect or irreverence towards God, making it a very serious offense. On the other hand, modern cuss words might not carry the same spiritual weight, but they still matter because they reflect on our character and how we treat others.
Understanding these differences can help us choose our words more wisely and live in a way that honors God and encourages those around us. So, let's dive into what the Bible says about these different forms of speech and why it matters in our daily lives.
Cursing and Swearing in the Bible
Cursing:In the Bible, cursing often refers to invoking harm or evil upon someone or something. It involves using language that calls for misfortune or expresses intense malice.
Example: James 3:9-10 highlights the inconsistency of using the same tongue to praise God and curse others, emphasizing the importance of wholesome speech: "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God's likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be."
Swearing: Swearing in the biblical sense often refers to taking an oath or making a solemn promise, sometimes invoking God's name to guarantee the truthfulness of a statement or the fulfillment of a vow.
Jesus advises against swearing oaths frivolously or deceitfully in Matthew 5:33-37, urging honesty and integrity without the need for oaths: "But I tell you, do not swear an oath at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool... All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one."
Blasphemy vs. Modern Cuss Words
Blasphemy: Blasphemy involves showing disrespect or irreverence towards God or sacred things. It can include speaking against God, using God's name in vain, or treating holy things with contempt.
Example: In Mark 3:29, Jesus warns about the seriousness of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit: "But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; they are guilty of an eternal sin."
Blasphemy is a grave sin because it directly dishonors God's holiness and majesty.
Modern Cuss Words: Modern cuss words, or profanity, generally refer to vulgar, offensive, or obscene language. While they may not always invoke harm (as cursing does) or involve false oaths (as swearing does), they often reflect a lack of respect, decency, and consideration for others.
The Bible encourages believers to avoid unwholesome talk and to use language that builds others up. Ephesians 4:29 states: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
Using vulgar language can be seen as incompatible with the call to live a holy and uplifting life.
Key Differences
Focus on God vs. General Speech: Blasphemy specifically targets God and sacred things, showing disrespect or irreverence towards the divine. Modern cuss words typically involve general offensive or vulgar language not necessarily directed at God but still considered inappropriate.
Severity and Consequences: Blasphemy is considered a severe sin with significant spiritual consequences, as it directly offends God. The Bible explicitly condemns blasphemy and provides strong warnings against it.
Cussing is viewed as inappropriate and unbecoming for believers. While the Bible discourages unwholesome speech and encourages edifying language, the focus is more on the quality and impact of words rather than labeling specific words as sinful.
Understanding these distinctions helps believers navigate their speech in a way that honors God and reflects their faith.
Now let's take a look at the reasons why the words we say can be a sin and what you can do to control the words that you use.
1. Cursing Ruins Your Witness of Jesus and Dishonors God
In James 3:10 (NKJV), it is expressed that having the same mouth to bless and curse is dishonorable to the Lord. When you are a follower of Christ, you are representing the Lord, not only in what you do but in what you say, think, and feel. If you are praising God one moment but cursing up a storm in the next moment, your witness as being one in mind with God is exposed as weak.
This also comes into the mindset of honoring God through your words. Using God or Jesus Christ in a derogatory way can also be the equivalent of the worst curse words you can think of. It is even stated in the Ten Commandments that God gives to Moses, as shared in the book of Exodus, that God will not tolerate the use of His name in vain: “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain” (Exod. 20:7).
God wants only what is pure and noble to come out of our mouths. When our mouths are spewing out expletives, it dishonors God and who He is to us. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, it should change how we view ourselves and how we present those changes into the world: “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is good and acceptable and the perfect will of God” (Rom. 12:2). So, when we are using inappropriate words, even occasionally, it shows God and those around you that maybe you truly aren’t transformed inside and out; thus, your witness of how Christ has changed you might not be accurate and you probably are still more of the world than you realize.
1 Peter 3:10 tells us that "whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech." God commands us to keep our tongue from all obscene words, filthy and corrupt communication, lying, swearing, cursing, and any evil speech. The Christian life and the words we speak should be free from the deceit and dishonor!
2. Cursing Doesn’t Lift You or Others Up
How many find that after spending time with someone who is constantly cursing, they are encouraged or uplifted after the conversation? Even if the person may be funny with their language choice or are telling a humorous story that requires commentary with profanity, those listening often think there is a time and a place for that type of language.
That’s typically why some people will whisper their use of profanity in certain settings or not even use language around certain people or places, such as at church or home around children. Those that use this language openly in those scenarios are seen as uncouth and shameful, dispensing language that is more appropriate in private. This is because it sometimes is not seen as language that motivates people toward positivity.
The apostle Paul encourages the church of Ephesus to withhold corrupt talk from their mouths in favor of, “what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearer” (Eph. 4:29). Using foul language might relieve tension or difficulties in your life for the moment, but it could be the last thing someone else wants to hear or have to explain to their child. And we all know that children love to repeat what they hear from adults!
3. Cursing Creates an Open Gateway Into More Sinning
You might think it is harmless to have a “potty mouth,” but in God’s eyes, excusing your language choices could mean that you might be in line to excuse other behaviors far worse than cursing down the road. Cursing could be seen as similar to a smoking habit that leads you into more dangerous drugs, as cursing could have you believe it is okay to lie, gossip, or judge people regularly because they are all “minor” offenses.
King Solomon spoke of this succinctly in the book of Proverbs, telling those reading that “death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit” (Prov. 18:21). He means that those who find that cursing every day is like breathing will soon eat the fruits of their choice, and those fruits will probably be bitter and cause them lots of spiritual damage.
Paul even impresses it upon his loyal apprentice Timothy in his letter to him in 2 Timothy 2, prompting him to tell those he is serving of the negative effects of cursing: “But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness” (2 Tim. 2:16). He could see, and wanted Timothy to be aware, that what could be seen as innocent profanity would only lead to demise for the person who dabbles in it.
How to Stop Cursing
Now, this take on cursing isn’t to condemn you or push you to think even uttering one curse word could lead to eternal damnation; we are all sinful people who need our Savior, who died for our sins (even cursing) and allowed us to be freed from that bondage.
What it does mean is that with this knowledge of what Jesus did for us, we need to be cognizant of how we present this knowledge to ourselves, our fellow Christians, and those who need to know about Jesus. A word may slip here and there, which is okay but you need to remember that although Jesus doesn’t require your good works to save you, you do need to honor Him by watching and praying over the evilness of your tongue. “But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison” (James 3:8).
Just like with quitting smoking or some bad habit, learn new ways to catch yourself before you unleash a curse word in your day-to-day life. Maybe you could position the infamous swear jar in the place you find you curse the most (home, office, out with friends) so you feel the pinch in your heart and your wallet when you swear. Or you could have a list of reasons in your wallet/purse of why it is better not to curse, complete with some of these Scripture references listed here, to remind yourself that cursing doesn’t have a hold of you; and that you would rather speak words of spiritual encouragement and praise to God instead of profanity.
Whatever you do, just make the effort to lessen your use of profanity each day. Before you know it, you have replaced your cursing with words that not only lift others up but also lift up the God who loves you, potty mouth and all.
Photo credit: Thinkstock/Ralph Renz
Originally published June 02, 2023.