Is Integrity Becoming a Lost Quality and How Can we Promote It?

With such a selfish and sinful society, it is hard to imagine that integrity is within the world. There is so much deception, evil, and pride that speak loudly at us. It can be a challenge to trust people, do business, and believe the best. This causes us to ask, Is integrity becoming a lost quality and how can we promote it?
What Is Integrity?
The definition of integrity according to Webster’s Dictionary is, “Firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values: incorruptibility." It is synonymous to character, honesty, morality, goodness, or virtuous. As we look at the meaning it is clear why people struggle to have integrity. Romans 3:10 says, “As it is written: ‘There is no one righteous, not even one.’”
Only Jesus has true integrity when we really think about it. However, this is a quality that all believers have ability to live out through the power of the Holy Spirit. So the question, “Is it becoming lost in today’s culture” probably could be answered in that we in our sinful states never had it, but it can be promoted by sharing the gospel, modeling integrity, and teaching it to the next generation.
Sharing the Gospel
Telling others about Jesus is the key to enabling more people to have the integrity that can only come from Christ. Sure anyone can make a nice decision, but integrity is more than that. Integrity is a character trait that comes from the Holy Spirit. It is not out of selfish gain or motive, but out of purity and sincerity of heart. When people accept Jesus as their Savior, the Holy Spirit enters their hearts. This means that even though they only had filthy rags to offer (Isaiah 64:6), that He has made them whiter than snow (Psalm 51:7). When sinful people go from death to life in Christ, they are made new. They have His Spirit within them to live their lives modeled after the perfect example of Jesus.
1 Peter 2:12 says, “Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation.”
The purpose of integrity in a person’s life is to honor God. It is a witness when we make life choices that are not necessarily easy, but faithful to the Lord. Others are watching and we can witness the gospel through our own integrity from the Spirit.
Modeling Integrity
When we model integrity to others, they see Jesus’ impact on our lives. They see changed individuals, they see people who live in a way that is impossible for the world. Think about the testimony of purity and boundaries before marriage, or honesty about money in the work place, or doing the right thing even when it is hard. These are examples of living lives that model Christ.
Proverbs 20:7 says, “The righteous who walks in his integrity—blessed are his children after him!” This is not a promise, but the idea that the integrity of a parent is a blessing to his children after him. The truth in this is that we are able to model God’s love in our homes. As young people watch and learn from their parents, they begin to see the blessing of following Jesus. They see that it is by no means easy, but it is a fulfilling life to live.
When integrity is modeled to us we can easily begin to admire the person, however may we always remember to give glory to God. Even if we are the ones being looked up to, we are called to give credit where it is due.
Teaching it to the Next Generation
If the next generation is never taught how to live, they will miss out on the learning experience. It is vital that the older generations are choosing to live Spirit-filled lives for the sake of the gospel and the next generation. We can promote integrity by beginning to teach it at a young age. When children are in preschool, we can begin to instill truths of honesty and uprightness. We can show children the humility that we have when we make mistakes. Remember, there is none without sin. It is good for young people to see adults admit when they have been wrong. A person of integrity is not above an apology.
Titus 2:7-8 says, “In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.”
Practical Examples of Integrity
This sometimes means that we go the extra mile to be upright in life. For example, my husband and I have a guideline that we do not text then opposite sex without adding each other to the text. This keeps us accountable and shows great respect for the other. Some people might hear this and think that we are extreme, but we want to live lives of integrity to honor God in the marriage covenant which we have made together. This is wisdom to not even put ourselves in a compromising or questioning situation. When we encounter this with college students in our ministry, they are able to see this practical step towards integrity and consider how God might want them to set up boundaries within their own lives.
Cheating is a very common struggle within school. A practical way that a student could apply integrity in the classroom is by staying focused on their own test and not allowing drifting eyes to other desks. Or when there is so much online, not putting yourself in a situation to share answers with friends because no one can see you taking the online test. This might mean taking your test in your dorm room or alone at your house with your phone on silent so that there is not a hint of an opportunity to cheat.
Whatever the steps to integrity look like in your life, listen to the Holy Spirit’s leading. Integrity was lost at the fall, but we definitely see the multiplying results today and new ways for the enemy to cause havoc. We can promote integrity by sharing the gospel, modeling it with our lives, and teaching it to the next generation.
Photo Credit: ©iStock/Getty Images Plus/Trifonov_Evgeniy
Originally published July 05, 2022.