Spiritual Life

Make God's goals your goals

Discerning God's will is not always easy. Here are some questions to determine what His plans are for you.
Published Nov 14, 2001
Make God's goals your goals
Through prayer and Bible study you can discern God's will for your life and set your goals in accordance with His plan. God will reveal His will to you if you ask Him. The prophet Amos writes, He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals His thoughts to Man (Amos 4:13). Daniel echoes Amos' thoughts, He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him (Dan. 2:22). The better you know God's Word the easier it is to recognize whether your goals model His intentions.

Circumstances and opportunities often lead the way for God to bring about His plan. In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps (Prov. 16:9). Through trial and error, prayer and Bible study, you can realize your natural God-given talents and abilities, strengthen your weaknesses, and learn to recognize God-given opportunities. Your ultimate goal is to have a strong and trusting relationship with God so that His will becomes yours and His goals become yours.

Ask yourself these questions as you work to recognize God's will:

  • Is it biblical? God will never ask you to do something contrary to His Word. Don't allow Satan to fool you. If you have any questions in your mind, there are probably good reasons for them. Look up the subject in a concordance. Read the Bible verses relating to your question. Consult your pastor or a trusted Christian friend, and pray continually for guidance.

  • Is it my gifted area? God uses the gifts He has given you. Determine what your spiritual gifts are, then look for areas where you can develop and share them with others. The key is to use your gifted areas as guidelines for your ministry - but never as limitations.

  • Is God giving you an opportunity? God has a way of placing you where He wants you. When you have to force your way to be where you want to do what you want, chances are good that it may not be God's will.

  • Is it the right time? It may not be the right time - in your career or family life - to accomplish your goals. But God's goals will include the circumstances that make the timing perfect. For instance, if you have a full-time job and three children under the age of 6, it may not be the best time to write a novel.

  • Am I afraid of God's will? Do you fear that His will for your life may be some type of full-time ministry (such as being a missionary in some far-off place) that you would hate? Or that you may have to give up things that you like or love? In some cases, they might be sins you've become attached to. In other cases they may be relationships with nonbelievers. In all cases, once you concede that you're better off following God's will, He doesn't take away anything that you won't be happier without. God knows you better than you know yourself.

From Time to Enjoy Your Blessings by Dianne Haynes Miley. Copyright (c) 1999 by Concordia Publishing House. Used by permission of CPH, St. Louis, Mo., 1-800-325-0191.

Originally published November 14, 2001.