Spiritual Life

Making God's Priority Your Priority

When you come across the phrase "take heed" in your Bible reading, do just that. You've come upon something God considers vitally important.
Updated Apr 02, 2007
Making God's Priority Your Priority
It has been said that it is a wise man or woman who lives life by “majoring on the majors” instead of “majoring on the minors.” But to do that, you and I must be able to figure out what things in life are major, what things are truly important, and what things are trivial or nonessential. 

One way to discover what is “major” is to find out what is important to God, to determine what it is that He attaches special significance to. And in Scripture, He does give us a clue.

There is a phrase that comes up over and over again in the Bible, in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, that lets us know when God is saying, “Hey, what’s coming up is especially important.”

It is the phrase take heed.

Whenever we find this phrase, we’ve come upon something that God considers especially vital. For example, in Hebrews 2:1 it says:

“Therefore we must give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.”

The word heed in the verse above is the same Greek word translated “take heed” elsewhere in the Bible. What the writer of Hebrews is telling us is that you and I need to give our undivided attention to the things that we have heard “lest we drift away.”

And what are the “things we have heard”? God’s Word!  God wants you and I to realize how incredibly important it is for us to stay focused on what we have learned from the Scriptures!

But the verse above is actually stronger than that. The word earnest literally means “superabundant, excessive, and frequent.” You and I need to give superabundant, excessive, and frequent heed to the Word of God which we have heard. Why? Lest we drift away!

There are many good men and women who have run their lives aground on the rocks of sin by not giving attention to God’s Word. And it wasn’t because they overtly turned away from God, but because they began to drift.

That’s why the writer of Hebrews emphasizes how vital it is for you and me to pay attention to what God says in His Word. He says to give superabundant, excessive, and frequent heed “to the things we have heard.”

The obvious question you need to ask yourself is this: Am I taking God’s Word for granted, or am I taking it seriously and giving heed to it?

Many of God’s people don’t realize the treasure they have in God’s powerful Word.  They get washed in the blood of the Lamb, they know they’re going to heaven, but they begin to allow dust to collect on the cover of their Bible.

And then they wonder why their life isn’t what it should be and why their Christian walk is empty. My friend, the Bible tells you who you are in Christ, it tells you what you have in Christ, it tells you what you can do, and it tells you what God has done for you.

The Word of God is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among those who are sanctified. It is bread for your spirit and water for your soul! So it’s my prayer that you will make God’s Word the priority God desires for it to be in your life—starting today!

Answers with Bayless Conley broadcasts practical teachings of the Bible to its viewers in a non-religious way. For years, Bayless Conley struggled with drugs and alcohol while searching for answers. It was not until he was more than 20 years of age that a 12-year-old boy showed him the powerful reality of a relationship with Christ. Since 1979, the Lord has opened the television airwaves to the Answers program, which currently airs each week in more than 100 nations around the world.

Originally published March 28, 2007.