Spiritual Life

November Youth Activity: 30 Hour Famine

Prepare your group to be truly thankful this Thanksgiving by leading them through a 30 Hour Famine.
Published Oct 29, 2001
November Youth Activity: 30 Hour Famine

Under Construction: Service Projects

Topic: 30 Hour Famine

Monthly Theme: Give It Up

Date for this Activity: 18-24 November 2001

Run Time: 30 Hours

Some Points To Consider When Doing an Under Construction

  • "Serving Others While Serving Jesus!” This ministry is based upon this little saying. This saying is the touchstone of this organization both locally and abroad. We are convinced that as important each program is to the health of your local ministry, no activity may pack a greater punch than the monthly Under Construction projects that you plan.
  • In Matthew 20:28, Jesus says that he did not come to be served, but to serve and to give. His example and words provide a dynamic ministry model to follow. Of all the “stuff” you do in youth ministry, very little (if anything) will impact your students’ lives more than serving other people.
  • There is no reason for us to belabor this point. But, in order to fully understand it, you have to try it. Plan one service project each month with your kids. When you begin to really look, you will find many things to do with your ministry. Over time, the spiritual health and growth of your group will become exceedingly evident. No, we cannot guarantee that, but we can come close to it. The outcome depends upon your commitment to the activities and willingness to try it over a period of time.
  • Under Construction projects provide opportunities to include virtually every ministry audience and essential ministry element into your programming. When combined with the other segments of CYM model, these activities have the potential to change the complete face of your ministry -- if not the world.
  • The activities your group attempts do not have to be extravagant as was stated earlier. With a little creativity, your ministry can easily find projects to do throughout the year that are both easy to plan and cost effective.

Weekly Activity View


To challenge students to fast for 30 hours in order to raise money for world hunger.

PROJECT #1 30-Hour Famine

We are encouraging each ATLAS participant to order and lead out in this youth group-changing event this month for the Under Construction. Your students will be challenged and changed as they do without food for 30 hours while raising awareness and money for world hunger through this internationally known group.

The event is laid out in detail on the 30 Hour Famine Website and will give you everything you need to make your event successful. Packed with games, Bible studies and promotional materials, the kit will lay out for you, step-by-step, what the two-day event is all about, from planning to follow-up.

If you haven’t budgeted for ordering the materials, use these simple suggestions for getting the money needed for the kit and supplies. The kit itself does not cost very much, nor do the supplies you’ll need. However, we provide these helps for you in order that you might see the options you have available to you.

  • Go to your pastor and have him endorse the event and try raising the money from your congregation.
  • Enlist a church member to serve as sponsor for the event, giving you the money up front to purchase supplies.
  • Ask for an “investor”; someone who will pay for all upfront expenses, who will then “recoup” his money after the event is over. We do not encourage this as a serious option, because we are confident that you will be able to raise the money you’ll need. However, if you find yourself in a dire situation, this might be an option for you.

We’d love to hear your 30 Hour Famine stories! Be sure and email us and tell us how this material impacted your students, your church and your community.

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CROSSROADS Youth Ministries, Inc. is a not-for-profit international ministry organization whose unique calling is provide emotional support, spiritual mentoring, and strategic assistance to youth leaders so they may achieve greater success in their local ministry of reaching students with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The materials, logos and ministry model contained in this edition of the ATLAS™ are copyrighted by CROSSROADS Youth Ministries, Inc. Permission to copy this publication is granted for local church use only. Additional permissions can be obtained by contacting the CROSSROADS Youth Ministries.

Originally published October 30, 2001.