4 Prayers for God to Move the Mountain of Depression in Your Life
Depression has been something you hear a lot more about in recent years. It has been on the rise because of experiencing a pandemic, people feeling isolated, the overuse of social media, and a more sedentary lifestyle. There are other factors that can cause it, but it seems to be more prevalent than it has been in the past.
I know what it is like to struggle with depression. When I had my first child is when I began to notice that I struggled with it, but I think that it was present even when I was in college. Depression can cripple you in a sense. It is this overwhelming feeling of sadness that won’t go away. There are days that I haven’t wanted to get out of bed because I lacked motivation, and it hurt so much. It is hard to function normally, and on my worst days, it makes me not want to live.
Thankfully I have been able to take steps to help me deal with it, which has been so helpful. Besides taking medication and being physically active, my relationship with Jesus is what has helped me the most. If I didn’t have him, I don’t know what I would do. Reading my Bible and praying are what help me stay connected to Jesus. I try to pray and talk with Jesus throughout the day. Prayer is essential in dealing with depression.
How Can Prayer Help Depression?
Prayer is how we communicate with Jesus. We are able to access him any time we need to by praying and talking with him. It doesn’t have to be pretty and put together, it can be right in the moment because it is a constant conversation with him. You can talk with him about how things are really going, you can ask for help with anything, you can ask for wisdom, and you can thank him for the ways he has taken care of you. The point of it is to help you grow in your relationship with Jesus.
Prayer helps with depression; it gives us access to Jesus when we need him most. We don’t have to go through hard times alone. It helps us rely on him, helps us realize that we have hope in him, and we can ask him for strength when we need it.
It can be helpful to have some direction, though, if we don’t know what to pray.
Here are four prayers that you can pray for God to move the mountain of depression in your life:
1. A Prayer for Strength to Get Through the Day
Jesus, I need you. I feel like I have nothing left. I need your strength so I can live today. Help me rely on you every single moment of today. Help me keep my eyes focused on you, and not on how I am feeling. I don’t have the energy to get things done today, help me have grace with myself if not everything is accomplished. You are my hope for today. Everything that I need is in
you. I want to rely on your love so that I can love others today. My purpose is in you, and help me live that out. Amen.
2. A Prayer That My Hope Would Remain in Jesus
Father, life is hard right now. Remind me of the truth that all my hope is in you. You give me life every single day, you give me purpose. In the times when I feel hopeless, give me the wisdom to know to turn to you. Thank you for the times you have given me what I needed, I don’t know what I would do without you. Everything else does not compare to you. When I try to find my hope in other things, bring me back to the truth again. Let me be a testimony to others of where they should find their hope. Amen.
3. A Prayer for Healing from Depression
Jesus, I’m feeling like my depression will not go away. I want to be free from it. Like you have done so many times before, would you heal me from this? I need you to move in my life in a supernatural way. Help me to trust you with this. I understand that it may not look like what I think that it should look like, help me trust that your way is best. I need relief from this. Lord, if you choose not to completely heal me, help me remember that your power is made strong in my weakness, just like Paul experienced. I need to see the purpose that you have in this, because right now, all I can see is how much it hurts. Let my life be evidence of your power, so others can know you more. Give me confidence in you because I need to know that you will take care of men and that you have a plan for me. I give this all to you. Amen.
4. A Prayer to Remind Me Jesus Never Leaves Me
Lord, I am feeling so alone right now. I feel like no one sees me and no one understands. Help me remember that you never leave me. I need this reminder all day. Help me reach out to others so I really know that I am not alone. I can’t do this by myself, it hurts too much. Even when it feels like you are far away, you are with me. When it seems like I am at the bottom of a dark pit, you are there. Give me the strength to tell someone how I am doing because right now, I don’t want to. I’m afraid of what people might think. I know you are faithful, and you have been there for me every single time I have needed you. You will never leave me. Remind me of some verses that I can use to help me keep my focus on you. You take care of those who are yours. You walk with me through everything. Help me understand this. You are trustworthy. Amen.
I can’t even begin to tell you how important prayer has been in my life. It has been essential in my most desperate times. It doesn’t have to be pretty, and we can talk with Jesus about anything. Don’t hesitate to talk to him whenever you need. Tell others how they can pray for you, so you know that you are not alone in your struggle. Like anything else, try and make it a habit so it becomes a natural part of your life. Feel free to take these prayers and put them on a notecard so you have the words when it seems like there are none. Write down verses that will give you
hope, and put them in places where you frequently are. Do everything that you need to help battle your depression.
Just know this, Jesus is capable, and he will help you. He will not leave you; he is with you through it all. We just need to remind ourselves of the truth, and learn to rely on him. There is hope.
Photo Credit: ©Getty Images/globalmoments
Becky Weber is a wife, and mom to 4 kids. She loves to write and speak. She is a pastor’s wife in Sioux Falls, SD where her husband Adam is the lead pastor of Embrace Church. Her passion is to encourage others (especially women) to learn how to walk with Jesus on a daily basis. You can find more writing over at www.becweber.com and connect with her on Facebook and Instagram.
Originally published July 05, 2023.