4 Reasons Why “Following Our Dreams” Never Fulfills
In life, we are told time and time again to “follow our dreams.” Even dating back to our childhood, we are asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” We would respond with different career choices, such as firefighter, police officer, chef, astronaut… you get the picture. Overall, a future career path is considered a dream because it is something we aspire to but have not yet obtained.
The same applies to additional dreams such as wanting to get married, starting a family, buying a nice house, and retiring later in life. We also seek out hobbies and passions that we want to engage and grow in. Despite seeking these things, oftentimes, we are never satisfied even after achieving them. Not that pursuing dreams is inherently bad, but they are not meant to bring a sense of complete fulfillment in a Christian’s life. With that introduction, I will provide four points as to why following our dreams never fulfills us.
1. Unrealistic Expectations
How easy is it to daydream about our goals rather than endure the process? How many times have we said we want to do this and that but never get around to them? And when we do get around to them, why don't we complete them? One reason is that we set unrealistic expectations of our aspirations, which only results in discouragement and abandonment of our dreams. We tend to focus on the outcome rather than the process. We are more concerned about the end goals instead of the means to achieve those goals.
In addition to our unrealistic expectations, society also expects us to achieve our dreams. For instance, not achieving our dreams means that we are failures. Thus, societal expectations place additional pressure on us alongside our own pressures. This can also prompt someone to pursue passions as a means of validation from others instead of pursuing their own dreams, creating disillusionment with going after them.
2. Ignores Enjoying the Present Moment
Another reason why following our dreams never satisfies is that it ignores enjoying the present moment, as there is a greater focus on the outcome rather than the process. As a result, the pursuit of goals can be unfulfilling because it is so future-oriented. In other words, you won’t be happy until you reach these goals. Happiness becomes conditional as if it can only be attained if you reach the goals. Like materialism, if you have this and that, then you will be happy. However, you end up not having joy at all because you can truly never get enough. Moreover, you end up thinking that you just need to keep chasing other things, but the cycle repeats itself. This chase can be likened to a hamster running on a wheel, spinning with no end in sight.
Overall, there is a neglect of the present moment. The small things in life are rendered mundane and meaningless. There is no time to develop or nurture relations because of being caught up in chasing one’s dreams. But all that does is isolate you from the loved ones in your life. While working hard is good, being able to cultivate relationships is better because it makes life that much more meaningful. After all, life is short, so we must appreciate the here and now because tomorrow is never promised.
3. Dreams Change
Another thing to consider is that sometimes we can end up not pursuing the dreams we initially had in favor of new ones. As stated in my introduction, kids would be asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” There are some who followed and ended up bringing that dream into fruition upon adulthood. However, that is not the case with everyone else who changes their mind in the pursuit of something else.
Whether you follow up on your dreams or change things up, the answer is still the same: it does not fulfill because it is not meant to fulfill.
4. Never Satisfied
When it comes to never being satisfied, I automatically think about the book of Ecclesiastes in the Old Testament. The author of the book, known as the Preacher (some say it’s King Solomon), attempts to find meaning in life through several things such as wisdom (1:13-18), pleasure (2:1), alcohol (2:3), architecture (2:4), property (2:7-8), and luxury (2:8). However, he described all of them as “vanity, like striving after the wind.” He also tried seeking significance through the toil of labor (2:19-20), which also resulted in vanity.
Overall, we see that no matter what pursuits we undertake in this world, it would only end up in vanity. You may find temporal satisfaction, but that’s all. Outside of God, you will always have a void in your life. In fact, that’s why some end up coming to God because, not only were they lost in their sins, but they also came to the realization that life is meaningless apart from Him. God is the one who has planted eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11), making us realize there’s more to life than what this world has offered or will ever offer.
Life Without God Is Meaningless
Although self-development is good, it cannot save your soul. You are still lost without Christ, and nothing outside of Him can bring ultimate meaning to your life. In Mark 8, Jesus tells of the importance of denying ourselves, taking up our cross, and following Him (v. 34). He continues, “for whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it (v35). In the next verse, the Lord asks a sobering question, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?” (v. 36). It Doesn’t matter how many dreams you chase or how much success you achieve; you’re at risk of losing your soul apart from Christ.
Reorienting Our Dreams
As Christians, we recognize that we are to do all things to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). That should include our dreams because we realize that this life is ultimately not about us. A life lived for God is truly a life on purpose, as we desire to glorify Him in all that we do. He is the one who gives us creativity and talents that we discover about ourselves in life. He provides us with wisdom when we are struggling with how we can reach our goals in life and carry them out. He works through the setbacks we face in life, including moments in which we feel like a failure because we did not reach our goals. And so, He is glorified through it all. Therefore, let the entirety of our lives be lived to the glory of God.
Photo Credit: Unsplash Saulo Mohana
Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer and content creator. He is a contributing writer for CrosswalkHeadlines and the host of the For Your Soul Podcast, a podcast devoted to sound doctrine and biblical truth. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Alliance Theological Seminary.
Originally published January 28, 2025.