Saying Goodbye to Church Family

This is our last weekend in our home church. The tears already flooded in tonight. It was brinking on "Ugly Cry" status. I'm pre-apologizing to all who will be there tomorrow. I'll try to wear waterproof mascara.
I am going to miss my sweet church, to say the least. I remember being a 20 year old, having just finished my sophomore year in college when I was invited to be a key part of our growing worship team. Little did I know what that would mean for the next 4 years.
The first song I ever led on that stage was Hosanna.
"Heal my heart and make me clean, open up my eyes to the things unseen, show me how to love like You have loved me. Break my heart for what breaks yours, everything I am for Your kingdom come."
I remember those lyrics broke my heart two years prior to that first Sunday and I knew my church needed to be a part of this song. It was a pivotal moment in this journey and if you're reading this, and you've been, in some form or another, a part of this crazy adventure with me, I just wanted to take this moment to say, with all my heart, thank you.
You as my church and my family have been monumental in God creating who I am today.
You allowed this pipsqueak of a girl to lead you in worship, you watched and some of you prayed me into marriage with this guy, and now I feel like you are sending us off with those same prayers and support.
By YOUR worship, you've shown me what being a worshipper really means.
I feel like you, as my family of families, have shown me what it means to be a people of confessed need for a Saviour.
You have shown me what it means to live redeemed and at rest in the Sovereignty of our God.
You have shown me what it means to have my heart broken for the lost, the helpless, and the voiceless.
You have shown me that I can do something about it.
You have been a shining example of a people who is embracing and bending back out, the unconditional love of our Father.
And for that, I am forever grateful. I will miss you, beyond measure.
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This Sunday's Setlist: Our God is Love // You Reign Alone // Hosanna // Micah // Our God
To connect with Julianna more, find her on Twitter, Facebook or her Blog!
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Originally published July 11, 2012.