12 Ways to See God Wink At You

When life gets confusing, stressful, or even tragic, you may wonder if God sees or cares about you. Then a coincidence or answered prayer enters your life and changes it for the better. These personal touches don’t happen just by chance. They’re messages sent directly from God to you – winks from a loving Father who wants you to know He’s watching over you.
Here’s 12 ways you can recognize God winking at you:
Try a test. Even if you’re not sure that God exists, decide to act as if He does, telling Him that you’d like Him to reveal Himself to you. Try placing your trust in His existence, then look for communication from Him. Know that He will be faithful to respond if you’re sincere in your desire to know Him.
Listen to messengers, and be one yourself. Expect that God will use other people as unwitting messengers of His encouragement to you in many situations – and that He will use you as a messenger for others, as well. Whenever people are kind to you, consider how God might be reaching out to you through those acts of kindness. As often as you can, treat others with kindness to encourage them.
Look for the extraordinary in the ordinary. Pay close attention to how God may choose to validate His presence through any situation in your life. Understand that God reveals Himself not just in momentous, watershed events, but also in small, mundane moments.
Dig into your memories. Take some time to recall moments in the past when you experienced coincidences or answered prayers. Consider how those events were timed just right to assure you that you’re not alone in this world, and thank God for communicating with you when you needed to hear from Him.
Embrace hope. No matter what your current circumstances or feelings, choose to hope in God and His promises to you. Know that your hope will help you see God’s winks more clearly, and inspire others to decide to hope, as well. After God give you renewed hope, spread the hope around. Use kind words – spoken in conversation, or written in notes – to reinforce other people’s hope.
Consider the big picture. Remember that God’s perspective is much bigger than yours. During times of loss, let your grief spur you on to look for winks that show you you’ll be okay. Know that, in the big picture, everything does make sense. Trust that God will take even the worst situation in your life and bring something good out of it if you invite Him to do so.
Embrace comfort. During times of uncertainty and transition, be alert and open to God’s winks of comfort. Let them remind you that He is constantly with you on your journey through life.
Confirm that prayer works. Recognize that God’s winks are evidence that prayer has real and strong power to change your life. Let the winks you experience motivate you to continue to pray.
See the blessing hidden inside unanswered prayers. Recall the times when you’ve prayed for something, yet didn’t receive it, despite your strong desire for it. Consider from your current vantage point how God’s decision not to answer those prayers was actually the wisest choice. For example, if a job you wanted fell through, committing to that job may have prevented you from getting a better one. Or, if a romance didn’t work out, you may be able to tell now that the person you’d thought was right for you is actually wrong for you. Recognize that unanswered prayers are often God’s way of moving you from one direction to another so you can walk on the best path.
Consider the timing. Understand that God will often wink at you just in the nick of time – either to deliver you from misfortune or disaster, or to give you good news when you need it most. Remember that God is never late.
Look for winks in your relationships with family. Know that God is pleased when you’re kind to your family members. Expect Him to respond with winks that encourage you as you strive to love your family well.
Take steps toward your dreams. Let God’s winks inspire you to continue moving toward fulfilling your dreams. Understand that your destiny won’t just come to you as you wait passively; instead, God will use winks to guide you as you take active steps of faith along the way to making your dreams come true. So put yourself in motion with the knowledge and wisdom you currently have, and stay alert for God’s winks to act as a divine navigational system. Trust God to correct your course wherever necessary, and lead you down new roads toward fresh opportunities. Let the winks He gives you fill you with peace and joy on your way.
Adapted from When God Winks at You: How God Speaks Directly to You Through the Power of Coincidence, copyright 2006 by Squire Rushnell. Published by Nelson Books, a division of Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, Tn., www.thomasnelson.com.
Squire Rushnell, a former television president and CEO, was for 20 years an executive with the ABC Television Network. He is the creator of such programs for young people as Schoolhouse Rock and the ABC Afterschool Specials, which together won 75 Emmys. He also led Good Morning America to the number-one spot and is the author of the word-of-mouth phenomenon When God Winks.
Originally published April 29, 2021.