In what seems like the blink of an eye, the COVID-19 crisis has made our day-to-day lives practically unrecognizable. As we shelter-in-place at home, we look out onto eerily deserted streets and wonder “what’s next?” as schools, businesses, and parks close down, one executive order after another.
We hold our breath for a breakthrough on a much-needed vaccine and hang our heads in prayer over the staggering number of people hospitalized or deceased because of the virus.
Many are anxious over what our “new” normal will look like when the nationwide pause button is released and everyone goes back to work or school. Many are also struggling with their physical health, their finances, their relationships, their emotional wellbeing, or all of the above.
Yet, amid the pandemic, there are glimmers of light that are helping to counterbalance some of the hardship and worry.
God is always taking care of us. He uses everything from important leaders to anonymous factory workers, from physical things to opportunities, to show us that he loves us and is in control. Like God sending manna down from heaven for the Israelites in the desert, God is providing for us in this desert scenario.
Even in these truly scary and uncertain times, remember that “And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2 Cor. 9:8).
Let’s take a moment to focus on 7 things to thank God for during the COVID-19 quarantine.
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/AaronAmat
1. The Health Care Workers on the Front Lines of the COVID-19 Battle

1. The Health Care Workers on the Front Lines of the COVID-19 Battle
As the front line soldiers in the fight against COVID-19, doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals are in our hearts and prayers like never before.
The courage of the medical community shows the best of humanity, as health care workers volunteer to travel from less-affected parts of the country to harder-hit areas to relieve overworked hospital staff.
Equally brave are the thousands of medical professionals who have come out of retirement to resume their practices in overwhelmed hospitals.
The medical community’s commitment to patient care is nothing short of heroic as these professionals place themselves in the thick of the pandemic despite personal risk, potential exposure to their families at home, and physical and mental exhaustion.
Also deserving of our gratitude are the many other hospital workers who expose themselves to the same risks by keeping the hospital running so that the medical staff can do their jobs: the technicians, the cleaning staff, the maintenance workers, the food service workers, and all other hospital employees.
With the entire medical community in mind, we pray: Almighty Father, we ask that You place Your protective hand over those in the medical community to keep them healthy and encouraged. We also pray that you shine Your light of guidance on the medical researchers working tirelessly to find a vaccine for this disease. Amen.
2. The First Responders Who Have Always Been and Continue to Be on the Front Lines
Our first responders also deserve a big round of applause for their heroic effort in maintaining order and caring for all of us during this crisis and unprecedented quarantine. Police officers, firefighters, paramedics, and EMT’s work around the clock to keep our communities safe and healthy, despite the risk of infection and the rise in panicked residents they’re encountering.
One alarming issue that these first responders have been faced with during the pandemic is the lack of available personal protective equipment when coming into contact with COVID-19 positive members of the public.
Like the medical community, first responders need access to certain protective gear such as N95 masks and disposable gloves.
With first responders in mind, we pray: God Most High, we ask that you send down your angels to guard all the first responders as these brave men and women guard us
Photo Credit: ©GettyImages/Halfpoint
3. The Transit Workers and Ride-Hailing Employees Who Get Essential Personnel to Their Destinations

3. The Transit Workers and Ride-Hailing Employees Who Get Essential Personnel to Their Destinations
You may not need to take the train or ride the bus any time soon, but public transportation is still running for everyone else who does. Conductors, drivers, engineers, and maintenance workers continue to maintain and operate transit lines to get healthcare workers, first responders, and other essential personnel to the places they need to go.
Public transportation also gets people who are ill (and those accompanying them) to doctor’s offices and other medical locations. Likewise, ride-hailing companies such as Uber are providing free transportation to healthcare workers who need to get to and from patients’ homes and healthcare facilities.
With these transportation workers in mind, we pray: Lord, we’re grateful for the many people who help get others to medical facilities and to other essential businesses. Please bless all those who provide this most necessary transportation. Amen.
4. Everyone on the Supply Chain Who Provides Us with Food and Other Necessary Products
As we mentally shake our fists at whoever is hoarding all that toilet paper during this quarantine, it’s easy to overlook the many people along the supply chain who get us the products we need in the first place.
Let’s be thankful for the people who are working hard to keep our refrigerators and pantries stocked: the farmers and farm workers, the truckers and warehouse workers, the grocery store employees, and everyone else who helps to grow, make, package, transport, and/or stock the food, water, medicine, soap, and other products that the rest of us need to maintain a sense of normalcy during an otherwise chaotic time.
Also, rather than getting angry at the empty shelves you may be encountering at your local store, politely ask a customer service employee when the store gets its deliveries of whatever goods you’re looking for.
Knowing the best time of day or the best day of the week to get to the store may increase your chances of finding the product you need.
With those along this crucial supply chain in mind, we pray: Father, we ask that You protect all those whose job it is to supply the public with food and other goods, and grant those who transport those products safe travels. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Ant Rozetsky
5. Postal Workers and Other Parcel Delivery Personnel Who Continue to Deliver Mail and Packages

5. Postal Workers and Other Parcel Delivery Personnel Who Continue to Deliver Mail and Packages
Walking to the mailbox to get the mail is among the few daily activities that hasn’t been disrupted since the arrival of the coronavirus. For that, we can thank the postal workers who continue to deliver the mail no matter the weather and—much to their credit!—no matter the pandemic.
In addition, as we sit at home and buy items online, let’s also thank the UPS, FedEx, and other parcel delivery personnel who continue to deliver our packages daily.
One way you can use the mail to stay connected to loved ones you aren’t able to see is to rediscover the art of the handwritten letter or greeting card. This simple act can go a long way in bringing joy to friends and relatives during their own daily walks to get the mail.
With postal and parcel delivery employees in mind, we pray: Heavenly Father, we pray that you keep those who continue to keep us connected by delivering our mail and goods healthy and safe during these difficult times. Amen.
6. The Blessing of a Home and Plentiful Food Amid Widespread Suffering
If you’re reading this right now, you’re likely in the comfort of your own home and maybe munching on a snack as you browse the web. Many others, however, aren’t as lucky.
Communities nationwide are struggling to keep the homeless population safe as the coronavirus spreads. Also, with school programs suspended and employment disrupted, food banks are overwhelmed with a surge in demand for food and a drop in volunteers to help distribute that food.
During this time of suffering and devastating disease, let’s show our gratitude to all those who labor to help those who don’t have a home or enough food to eat. You can contact a local homeless shelter or a local food bank to donate money, supplies, and/or ask how else you can help ease the need and hunger of your fellow brothers and sisters.
With the homeless and hungry in mind as well as those who minister to them, we pray: Lord Jesus, we ask that You gather close to You the most vulnerable in our society. Keep me conscious of the fact that whatever I do for the least of my brothers and sisters, I do for You. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Mick Haupt
7. Companies That Are Hiring During the COVID-19 Crisis

7. Companies That Are Hiring During the COVID-19 Crisis
The unexpected reach of the coronavirus has forced many government officials to enforce stay-at-home orders by temporarily shutting down businesses deemed as “nonessential.” Many Americans don’t have the type of job that lends itself to working from home and, as a result, claims for unemployment benefits have skyrocketed.
Despite these rampant closures, the pandemic has created job openings in certain sectors. Due to an increased demand for things such as food, household goods, video conferencing, and medical supplies, companies that are hiring during the coronavirus crisis include:
-Online retailers such as Amazon and Jet.com
-Video conferencing providers such as Zoom and Skype
-Retail stores such as Walmart and Target
-Health care companies such as General Electric Healthcare and Anthem
-Parcel delivery companies such as UPS and FedEx
-Grocery stores and food delivery services such as Aldi and Instacart
-Hardware stores such as The Home Depot and Lowe’s
-Pharmacies (including essential retail) such as CVS and Walgreen’s
-Pizzerias such as Domino’s and Pizza Hut
-Variety stores such as Dollar General and Dollar Tree
With the dire need for employment at this time in mind, we pray: God most just, You see the suffering of Your faithful children. Grant us the opportunity to continue to provide for our families through the blessing of new employment. Please lead us to the opportunities that are best for us, and help to be surrendered to your will no matter what. Amen.
Photo Credit: ©Unsplash/Mick Haupt
Dolores Smyth is a nationally published faith and parenting writer. She draws inspiration for her writing from everyday life. Connect with her over Twitter @byDoloresSmyth.
Originally published April 21, 2020.