Street-Smart Christians
Evils position is always uncomfortable. Guilt is Gods methodology for keeping you from becoming more guilty. That is the nature of evil--It becomes an instrument in the hands of God for His people. Guilt drives the Christian to obedience. The fact is, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life and there is no way to get to the Father except through Him. Dont be surprised or mad at the worlds anger. You dont get mad at a fish because he swims. Its simply his nature.
Evils hatred is unified. The world is hardly unified about anything, except in its hatred of us. A street-smart Christian knows that the forces of evil may hate one another (evil makes strange bedfellows), but they hate us and what we stand for even more.
Evils nature is underhanded. Im not big on conspiracy theories (you can find a conspiracy around every corner and facts can be twisted to fit any conspiracy), but I do believe that evil is planned. Satan, with a lot of help from his friends, is a master planner. Evil is organized and it is dangerous.
Evils motive is ulterior. As an example, flattery is the most dangerous arrow in the enemys quiver. A street-smart Christian will always watch for the kicker.
Evils patience is undying. The nature of evil in the world and in your heart is that it, like the possum, plays dead until you turn your back. A street-smart Christian will remember that--and watch for it.
Evils defeat is unconditional. Evil has no existence on its own. It only defines itself in terms of goodness, light and love. The very existence of evil in the world and in your heart is dependent upon the existence of good and God.
Someday God will discard evil. Just make sure you havent chosen the wrong side. A street-smart Christian knows the difference.
Originally published January 01, 2002.