Top 25 Crosswalk Articles of 2008

By Mary Hunt
It does not make sense to waste your money buying new when there is such a huge market of gently used items that are just as good as new--for a fraction of the price. Here are the top 9 things you will be better off buying used.
By Frank Pastore
I have a few questions—but they are not about whether Oprah Winfrey, Eckhart Tolle or Marianne Williamson are good, smart and nice people. I’m sure they are. My concern is about the ideas they hold—since good, smart, nice people can hold false beliefs and be wrong about all kinds of things. Sometimes, even the most important things.
By Ray Pritchard
If a Christian man in his 40s meets a Christian woman who seems to be an answer to prayer, and they become intimate, and then feel guilty that they don't feel guilty, what do we say to that?
By Christian Hamaker
Driven by Heath Ledger's solid performance, The Dark Knight strengthens the franchise’s reputation under director Chris Nolan, who lays a stable foundation for future films in the series.
By Mary Hunt
Want to be a better steward of your time, talent, and treasure? Here are numerous gift ideas that not only cost very little, but have that personal touch that makes gifts extra special to those on the receiving end.
By Tawra Kellam
The average American often feels overwhelmed by debt and doesn't know where to start. Tawra Kellam, author of Not Just Beans: 50 Years of Frugal Family Favorites offers surprisingly painless tips that add up to some serious savings!
By Jack Graham
The flesh is our main enemy when it comes to prayer. But praise God. He knows we are weak and that we need His power to pray, so He sent someone to help us.
By Staff
To pick our favorite movies of the year, we examine the message of the film and how it supports (even accidentally) the Christian worldview. We consider how a film handles the underlying moral issues involved. And we certainly don’t forsake the art of filmmaking. With that in mind, we present to you our favorite movies of 2007.
By John Piper
If the Bible addresses an issue with unrelenting frequency, and that issue is one of the strongest forces in the world, then ministers of the Word are obligated to declare God's will on that issue.
By Jay Ryan
Easter falls on March 23rd this year. This will be the earliest Easter anyone alive today will ever see! So, how exactly do Christians determine when Easter will fall from year to year?
11. The Differences Between Men's and Women's Brains -- Whitney Hopler
12. Get Smart a Truly Hilarious Spy-Spoof Update -- Stephen McGarvey
13. Ford Still Has the Indy Flair in Crystal Skull -- Christa Banister
14. What is 'New Age' Religion, and Why Can't Christians Get on Board? -- Barbara Curtis
15. Why do Catholics Have a Pope? -- Sarah Jennings
16. How to Hear God's Voice -- Whitney Hopler
17. Kick The Bucket List to the Curb -- Christian Hamaker
18. Passing on the Plate: Why Your Congregation May not be Tithing -- Janet Chismar
19. The Discipline of Spiritual Discernment -- Tim Challies
20. The Secret to Knowing God -- Bayless Conley
21. 8 Characteristics of Mr. or Ms. Right -- Julie Ferwerda
22. The 10 Commandments of Marriage -- Bayless Conley
23. Beware of Becoming This Type of Man -- Dr. John Barnett
24. The Warning Signs of Infidelity -- Nancy C. Anderson
25. Is There More to Sex Than Pleasure? -- Mindy Meier
Originally published January 01, 2009.